Cystoscope and CT Scan today

bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
After 10 minutes of CT Scans with and without contrast and having a cystoscope my doctor has determined that nothing is wrong with any organ (bladder (and my sphincter is beautiful) kidneys livers lungs spleen etc in my body let alone any cancer…So I am blessed and happy about dodging another bullet today but not happy about all of that radiation I had today….Nice to have a great oncologist that cares about me…. Best to all in your individual fights with this beast


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,726 Member
    It is nice to hear that all
    It is nice to hear that all is OK with you. You really are going to be a rightful and healthy centenary.
    Wishing you the best.
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member

    It is nice to hear that all
    It is nice to hear that all is OK with you. You really are going to be a rightful and healthy centenary.
    Wishing you the best.

    Today I keep hitting the lottery on PCa this could go on until I die healthy or this beast could grip me like so may others… but in the mean time live life...Wishing everyone the best with this fight
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,726 Member
    bdhilton said:

    Today I keep hitting the lottery on PCa this could go on until I die healthy or this beast could grip me like so may others… but in the mean time live life...Wishing everyone the best with this fight

    Be Confident
    I did not like that expression of yours “…this beast could grip me like so many others…” It is not a positive thinking for someone that expects to get to the 100th. Be confident and accept what comes along, if it really comes.

    In my ten years of fight I have only seen once a PSA in the zeros (from more than 40 numbers). There have been occasions that made me cry, but I never gave up. I followed the protocols recommended to all of us once diagnosed. RP then RT then HT then …….
    Recently, when researching for hormonal treatment I looked at the NCCN Guidelines "Prostate Cancer" V.3.2010 to decide in the timing for the start of HT and read as I quote:

    “…Timing of ADT for Advanced Disease (PSA recurrence or metastatic disease)
    1) The timing of ADT for patients whose only evidence of cancer is rising PSA is influenced by PSA velocity, patient anxiety, and the short and long-term side effects of ADT.
    2) A significant proportion of these patients will ultimately die of their disease; their prognosis is best approximated by the absolute level of PSA….”

    Well, I did not cry and did not laugh. I smiled and decided to bit their statistics.

    NCCN is an alliance of 21 of the world’s leading cancer centers (includes JH and MSKCC) furnishing the protocols for care and treatment of cancer whose guidelines are used by physicians and institutions around the world as the Standard Care.
    I call it cynically, “The guide of the path of the death survivors”.

    Cheer up.
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member

    Be Confident
    I did not like that expression of yours “…this beast could grip me like so many others…” It is not a positive thinking for someone that expects to get to the 100th. Be confident and accept what comes along, if it really comes.

    In my ten years of fight I have only seen once a PSA in the zeros (from more than 40 numbers). There have been occasions that made me cry, but I never gave up. I followed the protocols recommended to all of us once diagnosed. RP then RT then HT then …….
    Recently, when researching for hormonal treatment I looked at the NCCN Guidelines "Prostate Cancer" V.3.2010 to decide in the timing for the start of HT and read as I quote:

    “…Timing of ADT for Advanced Disease (PSA recurrence or metastatic disease)
    1) The timing of ADT for patients whose only evidence of cancer is rising PSA is influenced by PSA velocity, patient anxiety, and the short and long-term side effects of ADT.
    2) A significant proportion of these patients will ultimately die of their disease; their prognosis is best approximated by the absolute level of PSA….”

    Well, I did not cry and did not laugh. I smiled and decided to bit their statistics.

    NCCN is an alliance of 21 of the world’s leading cancer centers (includes JH and MSKCC) furnishing the protocols for care and treatment of cancer whose guidelines are used by physicians and institutions around the world as the Standard Care.
    I call it cynically, “The guide of the path of the death survivors”.

    Cheer up.

    You are so right! Thanks
    You are so right! Thanks for the input and yes we all need to enjoy each day and accept things as they manifest themselves instead of thinking about the unknown…Many thanks
  • Trew
    Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
    Those scopes are
    Those scopes are interesting. I think I have had 7 scince July. The next one is in May. I can hardly wait.

    BD, I am glad to hear everything came out clean- I rejoice with you.
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    Trew said:

    Those scopes are
    Those scopes are interesting. I think I have had 7 scince July. The next one is in May. I can hardly wait.

    BD, I am glad to hear everything came out clean- I rejoice with you.

    Trew you always make me
    Trew you always make me laugh....I hope and pray you will get this beast under control...Best to you