Diet to bring down PSA

G.L.M_61 Member Posts: 30
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
I had IMRT treatment in 2006 and my PSA went down to it's lowest poit to about 1.2 from 4.2 in about six months. I recently joined this discussion board as my PSA last year was 1.9, and two weeks agao it was 2.2. I exchanged thoughts with several people, "KONGO" is one and a member on this site, and a few others are personal friends, my son also who works at Whole Foods. They all told me that eliminated all dairy products from one's diet can somethimes bring down one's PSA level condierably. I had nothing to loose so I stopped all dairy products as much as I could and also sugar, and startd taking Omega 3 fish oil. The end result after two weeks is that I lost 4 lbs. my colestorol came down, and most important is that my PSA level went down 1.1 points, it's lowest level in almost 6 years just by eliminating dairy products. My doctors were actually amazed at the results. In some countries, i.e. China, Japan, Korea, not exactly sure, for every 3 cases of prostate cancer they have, the United Sates has about 200 cases. Humans are the only species I know of that after weaning stops by the Mother, the offspring never drink milk / dairy again. Just water and what ever else they eat from nature. In conclusion, they are many "deseases" / "conditions" that may be just cured by exorsise and diet.


  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member
    Great News

    Great news on the lowering of your PSA!
  • G.L.M_61
    G.L.M_61 Member Posts: 30
    Kongo said:

    Great News

    Great news on the lowering of your PSA!

    No Dairy :-(~
    If eliminating Dairy may work for men, I wonder if it might do the same for women? BTW: I think that old guy, me, and my beautiful wife is in the reply box now. Let me know Kongo. BTW: I had a file just for you, I looked at it the other day and to my surprise, it was named, TANGO, LOL. I fixed it as I have no idea what was going through my mind. Is that plane made by Northrup? NAH.
  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member
    G.L.M_61 said:

    No Dairy :-(~
    If eliminating Dairy may work for men, I wonder if it might do the same for women? BTW: I think that old guy, me, and my beautiful wife is in the reply box now. Let me know Kongo. BTW: I had a file just for you, I looked at it the other day and to my surprise, it was named, TANGO, LOL. I fixed it as I have no idea what was going through my mind. Is that plane made by Northrup? NAH.

    GLM...GREAT photo. I think the dairy is especially important for women, particularly those at risk for breast cancer and women have breast cancer at a rate comparable to men with prostate cancer. You wife should read the book "Your Life in Your Hands" by Professor Jane Plant which is focused around dairy and its relation to breast cancer. You can find it at
  • HillBillyNana
    HillBillyNana Member Posts: 107
    Kongo said:

    GLM...GREAT photo. I think the dairy is especially important for women, particularly those at risk for breast cancer and women have breast cancer at a rate comparable to men with prostate cancer. You wife should read the book "Your Life in Your Hands" by Professor Jane Plant which is focused around dairy and its relation to breast cancer. You can find it at

    Off the dairy
    we stopped eating dairy products the day we saw your post right after Mr. Nana went to the doctor and had an elevated PSA. I'll let you know how/if it affects his PSA. I joined him in the "no dairy products" just for moral support. We never really ate much dairy anyway. Frozen yogurt at night was hard to give up. But we found frozen fruit bars. Only 1 point on WW. He also had to give up his cottage cheese for breakfast.
  • ob66
    ob66 Member Posts: 227 Member

    Off the dairy
    we stopped eating dairy products the day we saw your post right after Mr. Nana went to the doctor and had an elevated PSA. I'll let you know how/if it affects his PSA. I joined him in the "no dairy products" just for moral support. We never really ate much dairy anyway. Frozen yogurt at night was hard to give up. But we found frozen fruit bars. Only 1 point on WW. He also had to give up his cottage cheese for breakfast.

    No dairy, no red meat, little as possible sugar
    Been a little over two weeks: absolutely no dairy; no red meat; and with sugar every label is read as to it's sugar content, so I am taking as little as possible....Sugarless almond milk, pomegranite juice, green tea, chicken, salmon, anchovies, cocoa 70%+, almonds, walnuts, fruits of every color, turmeric with pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, no processed flours at all...It is tough, not so much to eat these foods, as it is to learn to shop and cook them in good recipes...And it is possible...Can't wait for my next blood test....If I still need lipitor I will be amazed (was borderline)....If I test close to borderline diabetic, I will be amazed---I was....And I just wish I could see my Omega 3 vs. Omega 6 count which I can't.....It is working, and thank you Kongo (and others)...Cheers.
  • awife
    awife Member Posts: 5
    ob66 said:

    No dairy, no red meat, little as possible sugar
    Been a little over two weeks: absolutely no dairy; no red meat; and with sugar every label is read as to it's sugar content, so I am taking as little as possible....Sugarless almond milk, pomegranite juice, green tea, chicken, salmon, anchovies, cocoa 70%+, almonds, walnuts, fruits of every color, turmeric with pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, no processed flours at all...It is tough, not so much to eat these foods, as it is to learn to shop and cook them in good recipes...And it is possible...Can't wait for my next blood test....If I still need lipitor I will be amazed (was borderline)....If I test close to borderline diabetic, I will be amazed---I was....And I just wish I could see my Omega 3 vs. Omega 6 count which I can't.....It is working, and thank you Kongo (and others)...Cheers.

    down 0.8 in two months
    After reading a Kongo post, we have been following the no dairy, no red meat but not as much focus on the sugar limit for the last two months while waiting on the hubby's robotic scheduled for later this month. We got the results back from an employment physical and the PSA was down almost a point.
    After reading Dr. Ornish's spectrum book and watching the Bill Clinton interview we are going to try and move it more to the Vegan no meat diet, maybe try a white meat once a week. We always knew that heart disease will be our next fight.
  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member
    Kongo said:

    GLM...GREAT photo. I think the dairy is especially important for women, particularly those at risk for breast cancer and women have breast cancer at a rate comparable to men with prostate cancer. You wife should read the book "Your Life in Your Hands" by Professor Jane Plant which is focused around dairy and its relation to breast cancer. You can find it at

    breast cancer and prostate cancer both hormone sensitive cancers
    Breast cancer and prostate cancer are both hormone sensitive cancers. A little known fact is that men can be carriers of the brca 1 and 2 genes, common in breast cancer. The only way to know if a man is a carrier of the brca gene is through genetic testing with follow-up genetic counseling. What this means is that if there is a history of prostate cancer in a man's family, not only are his sons at a higher risk of PCa, but if he is a carrier of the brca gene, then his daughters may be at higher risk of breast cancer.
  • G.L.M_61
    G.L.M_61 Member Posts: 30

    Off the dairy
    we stopped eating dairy products the day we saw your post right after Mr. Nana went to the doctor and had an elevated PSA. I'll let you know how/if it affects his PSA. I joined him in the "no dairy products" just for moral support. We never really ate much dairy anyway. Frozen yogurt at night was hard to give up. But we found frozen fruit bars. Only 1 point on WW. He also had to give up his cottage cheese for breakfast.

    Off the dairy
    Yes, my psa went down from 2.2 to 1.2 which was it'lowest point after my IMRT treatment 5 years ago. I also lost 5 lbs. I drink soy milk now, no butter, and one in a while some soy ice cream. It all taste the same to me anyway, LOL. I was wondering if bread and eggs should be eliminated also from my diet. HUMMMMMMMMM. Good for you and let us know how it is working. This reduction in my weight and psa took only two weeks. The doctors were amazed.
  • G.L.M_61
    G.L.M_61 Member Posts: 30
    ob66 said:

    No dairy, no red meat, little as possible sugar
    Been a little over two weeks: absolutely no dairy; no red meat; and with sugar every label is read as to it's sugar content, so I am taking as little as possible....Sugarless almond milk, pomegranite juice, green tea, chicken, salmon, anchovies, cocoa 70%+, almonds, walnuts, fruits of every color, turmeric with pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, no processed flours at all...It is tough, not so much to eat these foods, as it is to learn to shop and cook them in good recipes...And it is possible...Can't wait for my next blood test....If I still need lipitor I will be amazed (was borderline)....If I test close to borderline diabetic, I will be amazed---I was....And I just wish I could see my Omega 3 vs. Omega 6 count which I can't.....It is working, and thank you Kongo (and others)...Cheers.

    No dairy, red meat, little sugar.
    My son works for Whole Foods and has told me to eat the same as you are which I have been doing. Heck, I was eating a quart of ice cream per day all summer long, YIKES. I now eat little red meat, and I take the 1200 mg. of Omega 3 fish oil 2 X's per day. My wife is Sicilian so we use a lot of olive oil and garlic. I also started drinkin room temeperature water or something warm with a meal, it keeps any fat from getting hard in your stomach. Yes, eat those greasy French fries and wash them down with a Coke and ice. YUCK in your body.
  • G.L.M_61
    G.L.M_61 Member Posts: 30
    Kongo said:

    GLM...GREAT photo. I think the dairy is especially important for women, particularly those at risk for breast cancer and women have breast cancer at a rate comparable to men with prostate cancer. You wife should read the book "Your Life in Your Hands" by Professor Jane Plant which is focused around dairy and its relation to breast cancer. You can find it at

    Sounds good as it has been a while for me on this discussion board. I am going nuts with this non dairy diet however it seems to work GREAT. I was wondering if you ever eat any eggs or bread as that is dairy for sure, correct? Thank you.
  • ob66
    ob66 Member Posts: 227 Member
    G.L.M_61 said:

    Sounds good as it has been a while for me on this discussion board. I am going nuts with this non dairy diet however it seems to work GREAT. I was wondering if you ever eat any eggs or bread as that is dairy for sure, correct? Thank you.

    Good question about eggs. I was wondering the same thing. Are the organic,omega 3 eggs O.K., or is it best to eliminate (for prostate CA, not necessarily heart issues)????? Have not done eggs lately, but wondering????
  • ob66
    ob66 Member Posts: 227 Member
    G.L.M_61 said:

    Sounds good as it has been a while for me on this discussion board. I am going nuts with this non dairy diet however it seems to work GREAT. I was wondering if you ever eat any eggs or bread as that is dairy for sure, correct? Thank you.

    Good question about eggs. I was wondering the same thing. Are the organic,omega 3 eggs O.K., or is it best to eliminate (for prostate CA, not necessarily heart issues)????? Have not done eggs lately, but wondering????
  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member
    G.L.M_61 said:

    Sounds good as it has been a while for me on this discussion board. I am going nuts with this non dairy diet however it seems to work GREAT. I was wondering if you ever eat any eggs or bread as that is dairy for sure, correct? Thank you.

    You've Fowled This Up
    Eggs are not dairy products. I think when a lot of us grew up we often confused eggs with diary because that is what the milkman often brought to our houses (remember those days) when we were kids. Dairy, by definition, are products from the mammary glands of mammals like cows, goats, sheep, and others. Chickens don't have mammary glands and eggs certainly aren't a product of a mammary gland.

    I only eat organic eggs...those without the supplements and chemicals that much of the poultry industry uses today.
  • G.L.M_61
    G.L.M_61 Member Posts: 30
    ob66 said:

    Good question about eggs. I was wondering the same thing. Are the organic,omega 3 eggs O.K., or is it best to eliminate (for prostate CA, not necessarily heart issues)????? Have not done eggs lately, but wondering????

    What is Dairy
    My son works at Whole Foods, and looked this up for me. Eggs are NOT dairy at all and he gave me a link to a dairy FREE diet, and what is and what is not dairy. I will have to write down the link and then attempt to post it for anyone interested. If anyoneis interested, I will eventually get it posted.
  • G.L.M_61
    G.L.M_61 Member Posts: 30
    Kongo said:

    You've Fowled This Up
    Eggs are not dairy products. I think when a lot of us grew up we often confused eggs with diary because that is what the milkman often brought to our houses (remember those days) when we were kids. Dairy, by definition, are products from the mammary glands of mammals like cows, goats, sheep, and others. Chickens don't have mammary glands and eggs certainly aren't a product of a mammary gland.

    I only eat organic eggs...those without the supplements and chemicals that much of the poultry industry uses today.

    I did fowl up
    My son works for Whole foods and looked this up for me. Eggs are NOT dairy. My son sent me a link to a dairy free diet and recipe book that includes brownies, and many, many good meals. You know my personal E-mail so it you would like this like, E-mail me and I will reply with the link. I am a PC geek, LOL. but I can build a house with my eyes closed. :-)
  • G.L.M_61
    G.L.M_61 Member Posts: 30

    Off the dairy
    we stopped eating dairy products the day we saw your post right after Mr. Nana went to the doctor and had an elevated PSA. I'll let you know how/if it affects his PSA. I joined him in the "no dairy products" just for moral support. We never really ate much dairy anyway. Frozen yogurt at night was hard to give up. But we found frozen fruit bars. Only 1 point on WW. He also had to give up his cottage cheese for breakfast.

    Off the dairy
    Please let me know how your "off the dairy" diet works the next time your psa is taken. After I joined this discussion board, I took the bull S. and became my own advocate as a women an here suggested. The doctors have a pill for everything and everyone. I cancelled all my tests they wanted to do on me for 2 weeks while on this diet. My doctor was amazed how my PSA went down, and also how my cholestorol also went way down after the Omega 3 started. BTW: How was I to know that eating a quart of ice cream 24 /7 all summmer long would do this to me. ROFLAO. What a dope I was. The ice cream has been gone for months, and the soy ice cream is expensive, but taste the same. I only eat a little sometimes. I drink coffee and use the soy vanella nut milk. It works fine in coffee and on cereal. NOW, does anyone out there want to buy a new container of cottage cheese my wife just purchased? FREE shiping too. :-)
  • ob66
    ob66 Member Posts: 227 Member
    Kongo said:

    You've Fowled This Up
    Eggs are not dairy products. I think when a lot of us grew up we often confused eggs with diary because that is what the milkman often brought to our houses (remember those days) when we were kids. Dairy, by definition, are products from the mammary glands of mammals like cows, goats, sheep, and others. Chickens don't have mammary glands and eggs certainly aren't a product of a mammary gland.

    I only eat organic eggs...those without the supplements and chemicals that much of the poultry industry uses today.

    Thanks for the
    Thanks for the clarification. I have not been a big egg eater for years (maybe once every two weeks), but will certainly only eat the omega 3 organics when I do..
  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 866 Member
    ob66 said:

    Thanks for the
    Thanks for the clarification. I have not been a big egg eater for years (maybe once every two weeks), but will certainly only eat the omega 3 organics when I do..

    omega 3 organics eggs
    I take one step further and just eat the whites....
  • randy_in_indy
    randy_in_indy Member Posts: 496 Member
    bdhilton said:

    omega 3 organics eggs
    I take one step further and just eat the whites....

    Healthy Eating
    I all are way healthier than I when it comes to your diet....I have never been one to follow all the healthy advice. I believe in moderation as a rule when it comes to I subscribe to it religiously...nope...I drink too much beer, eat too many dairy products....and probably too much great grandmother lived an excellent life...very much without doctors....she finally passed at 98. lived by herself alone in a house until she was about 89 or 90. I truly believe much of our health is inherited and by luck. Look at jim fix....represented the great running start for millions and died of too much cholestoral in arteries....something running should have fixed or at least put off....he died at 52. Eulle Gibbions the Grape Nut Health expert...died at 64 of complications of marfan syndrome, an inherited disorder. Something is going to get all of us at some point! I know I need to start changing my ways and start moving to the healthier choices. I need to read here more maybe that will motivate me.

    To all who fight the beast....may your choice conquer!!

    Randy in Indy
  • G.L.M_61
    G.L.M_61 Member Posts: 30

    Healthy Eating
    I all are way healthier than I when it comes to your diet....I have never been one to follow all the healthy advice. I believe in moderation as a rule when it comes to I subscribe to it religiously...nope...I drink too much beer, eat too many dairy products....and probably too much great grandmother lived an excellent life...very much without doctors....she finally passed at 98. lived by herself alone in a house until she was about 89 or 90. I truly believe much of our health is inherited and by luck. Look at jim fix....represented the great running start for millions and died of too much cholestoral in arteries....something running should have fixed or at least put off....he died at 52. Eulle Gibbions the Grape Nut Health expert...died at 64 of complications of marfan syndrome, an inherited disorder. Something is going to get all of us at some point! I know I need to start changing my ways and start moving to the healthier choices. I need to read here more maybe that will motivate me.

    To all who fight the beast....may your choice conquer!!

    Randy in Indy

    Healthy Eating
    I am 61 now and was treated for prostate cancer about 5 years ago. My back is shot because I owned a furniture moving business and did constuction. My Mother told me when I was 20 that I will ruin my body. AHHHHHHH, what do Mom's know,LOL. It is all a choice for all of us and then we live with our decisions later in life. It is never too early or too late to start a healthy diet as we are what we eat. You look very young so I applaud you for at least making an effort to change your diet. Good luck to you and yours.