Which to treat first --stress incontinence vs. over-active bladder?
I've posted on another topic -- Interstim vs. Botox -- but want to inquire now about the order in which treatment should proceed for stress incontinence AND over-active bladder (I've been told that I have both, and that they should be treated separately (because the treatments are different). It hasn't become clear (at…
The Cruisin' for a (PCa) Cure car show in Orange County, Ca, is offering free PSA testing (by the City of Hope) with admission to the car show which is $12 (so guess you could say the testing isn't really free--but $12 is a bargain for a car show AND testing!) and ALL admission proceeds go to PCa research at the City of…
Ice Cream may help to combat Side-effects in Cancer Patients
Today the Euronews on TV commented as I quote “ Normally, eating ice cream is simply a pleasurable pastime. Now, it’s believed it could help combat the side-effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients. Scientists in New Zealand have been working on a special kind of dessert called Recharge, which uses active ingredients…
pre-existing rectal problems and appropriateness of radiation
Am considering external radiation of some kind, with gleason 7, 4+3 in several areas there is an external rectal prolapse - gastroenterologist is concerned about: - that even though radiation not targeted at external prolapse per se, it might make any rectal side effects worse due to it being still part of the rectum,…
Kaiser Insurance- I need help with this
Ex husband was diagnose with prostrate cancer in 2007. He had the seeds. Oct of 2010, He started having to walk with crutches. He went to Kaiser several times they told him it was his sciatic nerve. I decided to take him to the emergency room only to find out that it was prostrate cancer that metastases to the bones with…
I am a case study at U of MI
I never mentioned it before, but at my last visit to the U of MI this month a reseacher was waiting for me at the check in window. I had been selected as a research project. I know bladder neck invasion is not that common and statistically the outcomes aren't that good, either, but there just isn't that many numbers in any…
Peyronie’s disease - plaque on penis / maybe from injections...
Hello all. I am 1 year and 2 months out from having my prostate removed from Cancer. I am doing well. PSA is not detectable - bladder doing really well - little or no dribbling. I have just been diagnosed with Peyronie's Disease! This is plaque that builds up on the penis. PA said it could be caused by the injections for…
IMRT for salvage after RP
Assuming a rising PSA first detected many years after a RP, would IMRT be used if no locatable tumor is found, or is one stuck with the old unfocused external beam treatment? This also assumes that the recurrence is local, and not a distant metastasis.
suprapubic catheter for PC incontinemce
This is my first post but have read disscusion board for quite awhile. I am 5 yr. post radiation (IMRT) and Cryo surgery and intermittent hormone deprivation with rising PSA after radiation and cryo surgery treatments. Initial 12 of 14 biopsies positive and Gleason 8. Incontinence and voiding issues becoming more severe…
REMEEX adjustable Male Sling
Is anyone familar with this product. It has been used in Europe for years. Don't know if it is available in the US. Thamks Ted
Marijuana and Terminal Cancer
I entered hospice back in May of 10. Tumors in spine, hips, arms, legs, etc. Controlling pain is the hardest part of it all. The morphine alone was not enough at first but with a high dose of the steriod dexmetazone I was able to keep the pain down. By August it was taking about 1800 mg. morphine, a morphine patch, the…
Two Recent Studies
During a 6-month post CyberKnife visit yesterday, my radiologist took pains to commend two recent studies to me with strong encouragement to give them serious attention. Although both of these studies have been mentioned in previous posts by various members, I thought it would be worthwhile to mention them again here. The…
PSA comming down
My final CK treatment was last August and had my first check-up with RO yesterday. Great news...PSA is down to 2.1. It was 7.5 at time of diagnosis...They want me to have another PSA test in 3 months and then again in another 6 months if the numbers continue to fall... After that, he said that once a year should be…
My oncologist called me today (yea on A Sunday)
My oncologist called me today (yea on A Sunday) and hearing his voice my stomach dropped to the floor…..Needless to say he scared the $%$@*&$^ out of me just hearing his voice! He told me he was in his office doing some catch up and wanted to tell me I had another ZERO and to keep eating my “Sardines” but to make sure I…
6-Month PSA Results Following CyberKnife Treatment
My six month PSA test result came back today at 0.87 ng/ml. I had CyberKnife treatment for PCa staged at T1c, Gleason 3+3=6, 1 of 12 positive cores at 15% involvement. Dx PSA was 4.3. My 3 month PSA reading was 1.35. Have had zero side effects following this treatment in July.
PSA continues to increase after treatment
Last Jan I was diagnosed with a PSA of 14. My biopsy had a Gleason of 8-9 on one half of my prostate, the other side was normal. I had multiple scans and MRI's but no cancer outside the prostate was found. I had seeding followed by 44 radiation treatments. My PSA went to 15 and then 2 months later dropped to 14.…
Blood test to spot cancer gets big boost from J&J
May not be recent news for all but still exciting in my book!!!!!! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_med_cancer_blood_test By MARILYNN MARCHIONE, AP Medical Writer Marilynn Marchione, Ap Medical Writer – 1 hr 38 mins ago BOSTON – A blood test so sensitive that it can spot a single cancer cell lurking among a billion healthy…
Avodart vs. time
Hello all, First day here and already my third post. You can count on me to be actively engaged in sharing with you whatever I learn, and I hope you will reciprocate. This post is about Avodart (Dutasteride, 0.5 mg). The Oncologist that my Urologist referred me to is suggesting Brachytherapy (see implant). My fist and only…
l-arginine and PDE-5
I would be interested if anyone is taking a PDE-5 (levitra, viagra, cialis) "and" l-arginine? If you are, would you mind sharing information on the dosage, frequency and results?
Hubby update
Hubby is at 7 months and about 1 week out - one month ago he joined the WOODY club!! YES! Needs Cialis for that but its ok! Fully continent except right now has had a horrible cold and cough - the coughing has occasionally caused a few leaks but nothing bad. We are so happy and thrilled also that his last PSA was zero.…
Radiation Risk Calculator
http://www.xrayrisk.com/ Do not know the “accuracy” of this calculator (consider the source) but it does give me an idea right now but I am looking further into this CT question of mine… Best to all
PSA13/Gleason6/61y.o. ...
has the cancer spread? please advise on what to expect after the open surgery? thanks in advance, good people!
Surgery completed
Am I a club member yet?? Just an update. I had surgery on Dec. 15. Was kept in hospital an extra day due to excessive drainage. Had drainage tube removed yesterday, Dec. 20. Its amazing how having the tube removed makes you feel better. Hopefully I will have the pathology report this Thursday and everything will be OK.…
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all
My glass is half full, and this is my second Christmas after PCa diagnosis and treatment. I, along with most of you, am a survivor. Each day is a blessing, but each holiday season, anniversary, and birthday are milestones to be passed, and to look forward to in the future. I give thanks for many things, but one of them is…
Advance Sling Recipients
To All: Anyone who has had the Advance Sling in the last 18 months---please respond to this post with your experiences, results, and quality of Life. The time is approaching for me soon and this is the direction I am headed. Appreciate all your comments. I know since this is a new procedure unlike the Invance Sling--I MAY…
PCa Diet recommendations and Happy New Year
Lots of good information out there one of my favorite places for updated information are the web sites for UCSF and Prostate Cancer Foundation (give often to these guys…they fund the cutting edge and have done more for PCa than any group) – What I get out of all of this is that we should eat better quality food (less fat,…
Questions about pad (not Manard G. Krebbs' apartment)
Had Davinci surgery Dec. 15. Catheter removed two days ago. Working on "stemming the flow". 1. When getting up from a sitting position, the flow begins. Today I am able to have a slight impact on it, yesterday, none at all. Is this a routine experience? 2. Does it help to double the pads or put a paper towel as a liner to…
This is a short list of men that have died from PCa
This is a short list of men that have died from PCa and I am sure would agree with the importance of taking the PSA test. While the list is imcomplete here’s some for us to remember and think about: o Merv Griffin o Dan Fogelberg o Bill Bixby o Telly Savalas o Frank Zappa o Earl Woods (Tiger Woods Dad) o Bobby Riggs o…
detectable PSA 8.5 years after RP
This is my first post to this site. Last week I learned that my PSA was 0.03ng/ml, the first detectable finding 8.5 years since my surgery. My urologist told me to test again in three months, and see him about the results. My PSA before surgery was 5.4, cancer stage T2c, Gleason score in pathology report 3+3. I gather from…
Recently diag. with PC
Recently diag. with PC. My PSA was a 4.4 and Gleason scores of 3+3=6 and 3+4=7 with a T2c. Am having to decide between Da vinci operation or Cyberknife radiation treatment. Am seeking a second opinion and have an appt. on Jan. 5th. Not sure which way to go? I was told by my first Urologist that the side affects of…