Post Davinci pathology report
Just an update for those who had taken the time to support me. Had surgery Dec. 15. Dr. called last night to review pathology report (a copy is being sent to me): Gleason downgraded from 8 to 7 (4+3) -- PTI 40%. Left base clear, Right based cancerous. Seminal vessels are clear Lymph nodes are clear Apex is clear Right base…
Thanks to all
To all who participte on this website I'd like to say thanks for providing valuable information regarding pc throughout the year. I know many people have been helped by the informative posts, and those that are battling advanced stages of this disease have been comforted by your kind words of encouragement. Keep it up and…
PSA rises sharply in 5 months
My dad has radical prostate surgery in June, 2009 and received radiation theraphy 4 months after that. He has been doing well in terms of PSA (<0.1) till July, 2010. We went back on Dec. 10, 2010 for a routine bloodwork and detected his PSA had a huge jump to 4.1. To verify it, we did another test on Dec. 13, 2010. It…
Doctor didn’t tell me I had a PSA level of 5.32 when he tested it in July, 2010.
I'm 69 years old with a history of colon cancer and I’ve been having trouble passing urine lately and saw my family doctor today about it. He checked my prostate and said it didn’t seem that large. Then he checked my lab history and noted that I had had a PSA level of 5.32 last July and said we should check it again. One…
8 weeks post-Prostatectomy with PSA still detectable
I don't know what the implications are at this stage. My psa was .07 at 6 weeks and today at 8 weeks it only went down to .06 I am a gleason 4+3 and I want to do everything possible to live a full life. I am 50 and very healthy other than this. Any words of wisdom??
Robotic prostatectomy, now radiation? Outcomes?
Age 57, robot protatectomy 2 weeks ago. Still feel very rough - maybe have a uti, going tomorrow for a urine check Pathology report - pT2a - unilateral involving 1/2 of one side perinueural invasion present (this is not good) lymph-vascular invasion not present gleasons 3 & 3 tumor involved less than 2% of total prostatic…
Today I read that dairy products appear to help protect against diabetes. See: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-12049624 "A natural substance found in dairy products appears to protect against diabetes, say researchers. Trans-palmitoleic acid is present in milk, cheese, yoghurt and butter but cannot be made by the body. A…
High 6 wk post-surgery PSA: 3.27
First time to post and VERY concerned. My father had a RRP Nov. 5, 2010 and now his 6 week post-op PSA is 3.27. It is devastating to us all. Just wondered if anyone had this high of a PSA and where in his body could this PSA factory still be? Background: 76 year old, PSA of 5.8 pre-surgery with a Gleason of 9. Biopsies…
Zero for Christmas
Just got the call from the doctors office, my 6 mo. psa was less than 0.1 and thats all I really wanted for Christmas. My best to everyone here and my wish for everyone is less than zero!
I enjoy reading most any post here though some some a little to technical and derived. What I do not enjoy is the constant critique of word usage and negative tones attached. So when posting please try to stay positive and accepting of others posts unless there are blantant errors in the message. Maybe it is time to get…
15 Month Post Surgery PSA
The 15 1/2 month PSA came back as 0. Very pleased. Also the Doctor graduated me to a six month test cycle. I asked if that was OK with my positive margin and he said. Statiscally he told me that where my positive margin was is the best place to have one if you are going to have one. So next checkup in April 2011. Larry age…
I am 58 years old, had a RP in 2001, psa of 0 until October 2007 when it started to rise. I have had IMRT treatment with no positive results (2008), injections of Zolodex are continued, have had 11 chemo treatments of taxotere and levels are going up again. Doctor has recommended me to go on high levels of ketoconazole and…
Rising PSA from RP of 8-14-97
I am a 74 year old man who had a RP in 1997. PSA was 6.94. It was 0.0 after the surgery until 1-2-03 when it tested 1.03. From that point it kept rising slowly over a period of four years to 8.35. The next two years it went up and down until it went to 11.16 on 8-21-09. After a bout with lung cancer surgery in early 2010…
one year today don,t it go quick seasons greetings to all
well it,s been one year today made me feel a bit uneasy thinking about it memories flooding back .But thats all history now I am alive and well had several 0.01 psa test and all is well .Continance issues pretty well not an issue ,still where a pad at work just as a precaution,think I will try to stop using them in the new…
Anyone have surgery of Compressed Spine or taking provenge
Hi Everyone, My brother has stage 4 prostrate Cancer. It's in his bones. He was on hormone therapy and than radiation to his hip are to relieve pain. He is now going to have surgery of his spine due to a mass (compressed). The goal is to prevent him from being in a wheelchair. They are giving him IV steroids to reduce the…
Surgery: Dec. 15
My rendezvous with davinci is finally here. I'm prepping today and tomorrow is the date. Thanks to everyone who either directly or indirectly supported me on this site. Everyone's posts and comments have become part of my arsenal in my war against pc. I'll keep you posted as to my progress. I'm anxious to see the pathology…
5 th day after robotic surgery - Daily Summary
First of thanks to each of you for the support for last 3 months leading to the surgery on June 15. My biggest inspiration and knowledge gathering was from hearing others journey of surgery and recovery. So here is mine for the last 5 days Day 1 - After watching a movie night before and sleeping 5 hours went to the…
HELP!! Diagnosed w/PCa. Now PSA going from 3.7 to 1.99 without treatment. Decision?
Hi I am brand new to this board. I was diagnosed in sept with PC. My psa had gone from 2.6 to 3.72 in six months. I didnt know you werent supposed to have sex before a test. had sex night before. had psa on day of biopsy and it had went down to 3.12. Also, I was on testosterone therapy at the time. I discontinued test…
Checking In
It's been a while since I've checked in, but I am finally pad free (surgery was done back in April). Erections are still a problem, but getting some results with viagra. I tried using a pump with little success. My insurance does not cover any ED treatments, so I'm paying for the pills out of pocket (about $19 per pill).…
Update on 11-22-10 surgery
Just a quick update on my progress from da vinci surgery on 11-22-10. Catheter came out on 11-29-10. So far, no "accidents" and only a rare drop in the underwear. Have not worn any pad or protection from the day catheter was removed. Went back to work two days after catheter came out, or in other words nine days post…
How long can surgery be safely delayed in men with low risk PCa?
Another interesting article in the new Quest magazine published by the Urological Research Foundation..."It should be online soon however, in 2 important areas, the delay did show statistical effect. A surgical delay of six months or more 1. was associated with a significantly greater proportion of Gleason score 7-10…
follow up radiation?
can some one tell me about ,salvage radiation , ive had robtic surgury at loma linda and i might need to have radiation? gleeson score 7 - psa 13 these numbers are from the pathlogy report. after surgury. god wiling i wont need it . thanks.
The Penis Poem- not ment to offend
I hope you take this lightly as I did THE PENIS POEM My nookie days are over, My pilot light is out. What used to be my sex appeal Is now my water spout. Time was when of it's own accord From my trousers it would spring, But now I've got a full-time job To find the flippin' thing. It used to be embarrasing The way it would…
REALLY blunt question. How can sex be satisfying without ejaculation?
It justt seems to me that so much of sex and specifically orgasm is tied to ejaculation. I just wonder what it would be like without that pulsing and contracting. Somebody please answer this question.
Does anyone feel that age is THE determining factor for watchful waiting?
I am 54 diagnosed in sept. Gleason 7 and 6 two cores out of twelve. forty percent in one ten in the other. biopsied because of rise in psa from 2.75 to 3.72. lastest psa 1.99 The treatment center says it doesnt matter and its not unusual even though I havent had any treatment yet. I was on testosterone therapy of 3 years,…
Six Week PSA Test
Hi community I reported that I had RP about a couple months ago and my first six weeks PSA test was reported as .29 on the test. Well my Oncologist wanted to do another test in 30 days and I just got the results yesterday and I am happy to report that it came back as .017 so i think that this is a good sign for things to…
father has advanced prostate cancer
Hello ,I dont normally go on to these websites but my father is quite ill and taken a turn for the worst in the last 4 months. My fathery78 yrs started to fight his cancer in the year 2000. last year they gave him a total hip replacement after being on chemo and radiation for 7 months. That surgery was last january. He is…
Use of IMRT for Financial Incentive Purposes
I am myself an IMRT beneficiary and have been recommending the treatment to friends because of its good results and minor side effects. This article in the Wall Street Journal is shock-ing in regards of its use in USA for the benefit of someone’s pocket, independently of patient need. Is that true? Here in Europe it may be…
Older Patients with Prostate Cancer
Very interesting article about treatment for older patients. There is still a lot of life to live at 75! http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6B670E20101207
PSA , Biopsy & Avodart
Dear follow forum members. I am trying to make sense of my PSA numbers before biopsy, and PSA numbers after. I have been attending the free screening at the UK Markey Medical Center here in Lexington, Kentucky. My numbers were as follows:- May 2007 – 3.53 June 2008 - 2.97 Sept 2009 – 4.68 After I received the numbers in…