Indirectly related to P/C
listen to this story i want to share. during the course of determining what type of treatment i choose i had a MRI done of my prostate bed. i am going to type the findings. it's short: the prostate gland is absent and has been surgically removed. there is trace metal artifact in the region of the prostate bed most likely…
Bleeding issues
I have been doing the cath thing now since Sept 1. I was nice and clear- no scar tissue- on my Jan 3 appointment at U of MI. I am now cathing every 3rd day for March. ON thursday morning I felt a tiny bit of resistence when cathing and i have been bleeding now for three days. Fearing scar tissue is returning I cathed…
Pads per day
Seems like a simple question but it could be the difference in why some guys use 3 pads per day and some use say 2 or even 1. What determines when you change your pad if you’re one of us still dealing with incontinence? I noticed when at work if I have to I can go 12 hours without a change its not dripping wet or soaking…
Second Biopsy
Received a call from my urologist concerning the second biopsy (6 weeks apart). He said everything is the same, no cancer in any other cores. Still shows low grade cancer in one core. I haven't received the biopsy report, but will know more when I do. Active Surveillance is what he is recommending and return in 6 months.
Interesting Journey
i haven't posted for awhile because i have been getting tests done. just return home from the oncologist. to bring you up to speed i had a r/p in 2003 at54 yrs. since then psa has been rising slowly. post op. psa was .01 and in 7 and a half years risen to 5.1. i got the results back from a bone scan and MRI pelvic scan.…
Second biopsy
I just had the second biopsy after being diagnosed with prostate cancer and am waiting for results. In February I had 12 core biopsy and cancer was found in 1/10th of 1 core. Gleason score was 6 (3+3) Dr. said it was a small area, less thatn 1mm focus. He said this was a very slow growing type and recommended active…
New to This
Was diagnoised last Sept. started out with a Gleason score of 4-3 was given a HT shot and opted for Cryogen Therapy. Can someone tell me how long it takes for the shot to wear off and things start getting back to normal as testostorn comming back up.I had no one to talk with so all decissions were made by me. I just hope…
Newly Diagnoised
I was just recently diagnoised with prostate cancer this past momday. I am 53 years of age. When I found out I was totally numb and not sure what to do. I am looking into surgery. My doctor only does the Radical Perineal Prostatectomy and the other with the incision in the stomach area. I am checking into the da vinci…
Just Finished IMRT
Just finished my 38th and last IMRT treatment. Now comes the agonizing wait for PSA to drop back to undetectable levels. I understand that this can take a year or two so I'll have to live with that. Treatments have mostly kept me away from the board these last two months but I hope to be back to giving you my occasional…
Things are going good
Well it has been almost 2 years since my surgery....and after almost 40 years with Harley Davidson, at age 57, I have retired... Monday was my official date....We figured we had enough to live like we wanted.... so adios...TIME TO TRAVEL MORE OFTEN. I still have some leaking, not much, I will wear a pad on occasion if…
Weight gain after IMRT & HT is over
Finished 38 IMRT treatments in Sept. 2010 & 6 months HT in Jan 2011. Held weight very consistant the whole 6 months of treatment. Now 2-1/2 months later even with a lot of exercise workouts i can't stop gaining weight. Gained 8 pounds in the last month. anyone else experience this after treatment stopped?
Six Months - Post CK Update
Well, just took my 3rd PSA test six months following my last CK treatment at UCSF on 9/22/10. Let me preface by saying that my PSA scores have been very disconcerting because I experienced weird spikes following my biopsy in Jan 2010 and after CK treatment in Sept 2010, but, although the readings are NOT as low as I'd like…
Interstim inplant-- Need feedback/Comments ASAP
All, I need input on anyone who has went the Interstim route for their incontinence/overactive bladder? My Doc wants to fit me an April since the Botox was ineffective. Thanks, Lion1
Prostate Cancer Spreads to Bones by Overtaking the Home of Blood Stem Cells
Great news and article http://www.pcf.org/site/c.leJRIROrEpH/b.6662483/k.3AAA/Prostate_Cancer_Spreads_to_Bones_by_Overtaking_the_Home_of_Blood_Stem_Cells.htm?msource=mar11np&auid=8032243
Radical prostatectomy versus watchful waiting
I was on another forum and a member posted a link to an interesting Scandinavian trial that I thought others may be interested in reading: The link to the charts: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/images?term=18695132[PMID] The article: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2518167
PCa and statins
Since I have PCa and have to be on statins for cholestrol control, I took this article as a positive ... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/03/110323104727.htm
A long walk to Freedom.
Greetings to all of you. A quick recap of how I ended up here: Diagnosed in June 2009 with a radical prostatectomy performed on the 9 Sept 2009 (54 years young at the time). This is now 18 months behind me. Unfortunately my last psa count has risen from 0.2 to 0.44. I had a meeting with my specialist after the first non…
Just found out I've got Prostate Cancer
Hi everyone I just turned 53 3/2/11 on March 11 I was told I have Prostate Cancer. It all started when I went to the Doctor because my right testicle was hurting.Had blood,urine test done along with PSA test.Doctors nurse called and told me I needed to get and 2nd opinion because my PSA was slightly elevated.I talked to my…
advice needed: seeking prostate cancer specialists in NYC area
Hi everyone, My dad's prostate cancer just returned after 10 years of remission following radiation therapy. His PSA is now 6 with one possible involvement in a regional lymph node, no other tumors detected by MRI, bone scan and cat scan. His urologist is optimistic, he feels we "caught it" almost immediately after it…
Refusal of Treatment/Prostate Cancer
My father in law is 88 years old and was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in January. He has just told his children of his diagnosis. He refuses treatment of any kind. He has not been back to the doctor since he was told of his diagnosis. He told his children that if he is going to die he will die on his own terms. He won't…
Three month post davinci PSA
I had davinci procedure on Dec. 15. Post operation pathology report confirmed "extra prostratic extention". Six week follow-up PSA was .030. Three month follow-up PSA is .050. I am scheduled to see my urologist mid April. My feeling is not to be concerned, just keep checking PSA to see if there is any pattern &/or…
First anniversary after surgery
Today March 15 marks the first anniversary since my prostate removal. I thank God for being cancer free, continent since day one and for making erratic progress in the ED department. Having high blood preessure and high cholesterol has slowed my progress in the ED area. I am able to have useable woodies with or without out…
Just completed my 5th and last Cyberknife treatment!!
Finally after many set backs I completed my CK treatments!! The side affects to date are not bad. The worst one is the bladder irritation and have worked through the discomfort with Ibiprofin and Tylanol. Did get a script in case the pain during urination gets worse. Was told that it would take about 2 to 3 weeks for all…
Death of a friend
I received word this morning that a friend of mine in Canada died yesterday from his fight with Colon cancer. I had never met Jamie in person but we have corresponded many times via email discussing cancer, our journeys and treatments. He was diagnosed with Colon cancer about the same time I found out about my prostate…
Robot surgery Dr. recomendations Kaiser Sacramento/ Northern California
Just found out about 4 months ago I have prostate cancer. My PSA is 13 (3+3) and had biopsy with 18 core samples. One showed 5% cancer. I was leaning to the seeds but now am considering removal. Does anyone have a recomendation for a Dr in the Sacramento area or Bay area? Any advise would be appreciated. Dave
Does/did anyone have issues with Kaiser as a provider...
From not being proactive in their treatments or not monitoring them in the years leading up to their diagnosis of PCa … I had Kaiser leading into my “diagnosis” but for reasons went with my other insurance carrier BCBS for my treatment…Just curious
Pomegranate Juice
Costco is now carring Langers-Fresh Pressed All Pomegranate Juice For $6.49 (sure beats Pom)....100% pomegranate juice rom US grown Fresh pomegranates Not From concentrate...Funny what I get excited about
Cancer- the great enabler, a/k/a When bad is good!
As I review this board this afternoon, I once again feel that cancer has been an indirect gift to me (nope, I haven't lost my marbles quite yet). * Cancer has given me the will and ability to look something bad straight in the eye and say to hell with you. You have made an unwelcome visit to my body, and I am going to kick…
PSA 1524, Decision is to Treat Myself the Holistic Way.. I will regularily update my progress for ev
Hello everybody... In early 2004 I went to my doctor for my annual checkup, my Dr. did a blood test for PSA and my first up the butt examination, the blood test revealed I had an elevated PSA of 43 and he felt some irregularity’s on my prostate.. I was 53 years old then, when my doctor gave me the scary news, I was very…
sample letter to congress on this matter
March 16, 2011 [recipient address was inserted here] Dear [recipient name was inserted here], I write to you today to ask for your support to fund the Prostate Cancer Research Program at the Department of Defense and all of the programs of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program. The Prostate Cancer Research…