embarrsing question
I was hesitant to ask for any info because it seems a trivial matter, I had an open rp on jan2 and after 12 days catherer was removed , I did have some swelling on my groin , to be blunt sorry guys my balls , and after wearing pads and mens diapers , for the first two weeks , I think that caused my skin to get raw and red…
One Year PSA
January 21, 2011 was one year post op. PSA test results today, still at Less than .01
testosterone and prostate cancer
I posted the following on another and recieved one reply of which I am confused. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jimmy Posted: Thursday, February 24, 2011 8:30 AM I have read that taking saw palmetto supplements is both good and bad for PCa. It is suppossed to reduce the…
How To Keep Moral Up
I was diagnosed with pc in October 2008, Gleason 7 (3+4), PSA 12 and had the surgery on Nov 11, 2008. The surgeon said the cancer had not spread but unfortunately it had and it showed up on a PSA test the following September. I had 39 radiation treatments starting January 2010 and had one year of Lupron shots starting…
Age 70 -- and it's decision time
Wow, could I use some advice and words of wisdom. I'm 70, diagnosed two weeks ago with prostate cancer. The basic stats are PSA 7.8, Gleason 3+4=7, stage T2a, with (ouch!) perineural invasion. So it looks like the cancer probably has gotten outside the prostate. I'm in good health and very active. Probably good for another…
New diagnosis
I have been having PSA test done each year since 2003 when my father passed away from the disease. I think he had it for many years before and lived until almost 80. My PSA has fluctuated between 2.1 and 5.4 with a recent score of 4.9. I was biopsied in 2003 and it was negative. My urologist did a recent biopsy and found…
Polyphenols in Red Wine and Green Tea Halt Prostate Cancer Growth, Study Suggests
I love my red wine and green tea... http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100609171802.htm "In what could lead to a major advance in the treatment of prostate cancer, scientists now know exactly why polyphenols in red wine and green tea inhibit cancer growth. This new discovery, published online in The FASEB…
PSA spike
Last July I had a robotic radical prostatectomy. My biopsy showed a Gleason 9 but post-surgery pathology showed a Gleason 7. I had extraprostatic extension but negative margins. Lymph nodes and seminal vesicles were also negative. I was very happy. Post surgical PSA was 0.1. 3 month PSA was 0.16. 6 month PSA was 0.87! Wow!…
Detectable PSA 13 months after RK
Short History: PSA jumped to 16.9 from previous test of about 6. Oct. 2009 biopsies showed cancer in one section of 1 of 12 samples. Previous biopsy showed nothing about March 2008. RP Thanksgiving of 2009, Gleason upgraded to 9 from 8 after surgery, was in the margins. Had pulmonary embolismims in both lungs about a week…
Help with my new AMS 800 AUS
Ok, I got this thing 1/11/11 and I was activated a little over a week ago. Great at first but later that day I got a burning pain in the area where the cuff is, sorta feels like putting a catheter in but not that bad. The pain came back the next day in the pm and now i have that same pain on an off all day. The first two…
anyone have cryosurgery?
Hello, I am new here and looking for some info I cant seem to find on the web. My Father was diagnosed 3 years ago and had cryosurgery. Yesterday he found out his PSA is back up to 5.3. Which is where it was when he initally had the surgery. He is going in for a biopsy on March 3rd. I am trying to find out the recurrence…
Results of Biopsy
Hi, I know that my Dad should have been told a gleason score, he may have been but doesn't remember it. All he remembers from his shocking call was that he has "mixed cells". Can anyone shed some light on what this means??? Thank you in advance.
Round two with Ecoli infection from marker placement.
As I posted previously, I became septic and positive for Ecoli after having my markers placed for my CK treatments. The Cipro and other anibiotics failed to do their job. After seven days, I was discharged from the hospital with a seven day supply of Bactrim to complete the treatment. As it worked out, I should have had a…
Cancer Recurrence After RP
Here is probably the best advice for fellows confronting recurrence after RP. This is a video from Dr. Charles “Snuffy” Myers, one of the best oncologist on PCa, posted last February 9, 2011. You can also find here his opinion on other issues of prostate cancer.…
8 years post Radical Surgery and 39 radition treatments
I am 8 years out from surgery and raditiion. After radition my psa undetectable >.001. Thne in Jan 2011 my annual check up my PSA was .02 and I just had another PSA last week which was .02! Now what do I do wait for the 6 month check up or get a PSA at 3 months. Thanks Jim
What We Talk About In The CSN Prostate Cancer Forum
While sitting through a mind numbing 3-hour conference call this morning with colleagues from the East Coast, I kept myself amused by going back through roughly a year’s worth of postings on the ACS Prostate Cancer Forum to try to determine what it is we specifically talk about. I looked at over 6,000 postings in…
Rising and unstable PSA post RT
I am a 60 year old African American male diagnosed with prostate cancer (PSA 8.5) in October of 2002. Had RT on January 21, 2003. Gleason score was 6 (3+ 3), all margins were clear but there was Perineural invasion (PNI). My RT side effects were brief and minimal. My PSAs were >0.1 for almost 7 years. Then rose to 0.2 in…
PSA Reoccurrence after surgery 2.0
Observations on the first week of my 7-week, 35-session prostate-bed TomoThreapy radiation course. Each patient must be in full-bladder, empty rectum state prior to treatment. This means half hour before (1) empty bladder, (2) drink 160oz of water. The displacement of these two organs is scanned before the start of each…
24 Varieties of Prostate Cancer to be Treated
I believe many here have read about this article in the Wall Street Journal on the 24 types of prostate cancer. But I wish to recall that piece of news so that many can understand the difficulty behind the diagnosis process in our cases. This gives the power to the statistics as an important “tool” in the decision process;…
Another Friend going down
i got the call today from an old friend. His PC was too advanced for surgery- he had radiation at U of MI. the rads checked the PC- that was over 5 yrs ago now. But now he has acute luekema- probably triggered by the radiation his U of MI docs told him. His is a very hard strain to treat- they gave him a 25% chance of…
BOTOX Injection #3 -Notable Success
Well for those of you who been been following my posts regarding continued incontinence and the use of Botox injections for treatment here's my current progress and report: -24 Jan received Botox injection #3 -500 Units -As of today I am noting a 20% improvement -notable leakage reduction After nearly 5 years of…
IMRT side effects related to pre-existing conditions/situations - might they be worse or more intens
Related to imrt/igrt treatments, if one has some pre-existing conditions such as frequent urination (multiple times per night and also some during the day - which Dr. says is overactive bladder) or ibs with sometimes stomach upsets/pains and sometimes diarrhea or close to it ---> would it be probable that with having…
Interstim vs. Botox (or other effective steps to solve severe incontinence)
After robotic radical prostatectomy in Jan. '09, I have had severe incontinence (5-6 Depends a day) ever since. Anticholinergic drugs have been of no help. Now being told that only remaining steps are 1) Implantation of InterStim neurostimulation device; 2) Botox injections; 3) Adult male sling; 4) Augmentation…
how bad is hormonal therapy-Lupron
at some point i will have to decide whether or not to take lupron. i have heard so many bad stories about hormonal therapy that to me the quaility of my life out weighs the quantity. i have talked to many other men who have taken lupron and they have gone thru some terrible side effects. if it is that bad then i choose not…
About HIFU
I promised to let you all know about my friend that went to Canada for HIFU. I don't know a lot of details about his circumstances but I know he first had radiation treatments for PCa about 10 years ago. His PSA went up. Not sure what reading. At any rate, in November he went to Canada for the HIFU. He is having terrible…
Well, it's been one year since my surgery and subsequent radiation and I'm glad to report that my latest PSA test came back undetectable !! So far so good. Thanks to all who have provided valuable information and support during this past year. It makes it much easier to deal with this disease when you know there are people…
Survivors, get engaged !
Myself & a fellow PCa survivor at work have started a small group of cancer support group, call ourselves CSG (how original). We are there for all, and we are also running a relay for life fund raising team, TEAM AVIATION to help ACS make a difference. For those that maybe interested, here is a link, and I urge all of us…
11th Anniversary of World Cancer Day
11th Anniversary of World Cancer Day Let’s celebrate this day with joy. It was in 2000 that at Paris Charter the awareness of Cancer was raised. Since then many individuals and organizations become active in the intent of promoting Prevention, Detection, and Treatment. It was also the year of my diagnoses with prostate…
Need treatment options opinions
I am new and would like some personal opinions regarding treatment options available to my husband. His medical history is as follows: slightly elevated PSA led to a biopsy a few weeks ago in December. Cat Scan and bone scan clear. Gleason 4+3. So we met with doctor at MD Anderson who says it's Stage 1, but still should be…
PSA results after Dec. 15 surgery
Received my first PSA results after my DaVinci Surgery six weeks ago: PSA = .03. Next PSA will be in 3 months. Doctor mentioned option of adj radiation or waiting to see the next PSA result. He supported waiting rather than pursuing radiation now. Any thoughts on this are appreciated. I'm very happy with today's results…