Another Friend going down

Trew Member Posts: 932 Member
i got the call today from an old friend. His PC was too advanced for surgery- he had radiation at U of MI. the rads checked the PC- that was over 5 yrs ago now. But now he has acute luekema- probably triggered by the radiation his U of MI docs told him. His is a very hard strain to treat- they gave him a 25% chance of survival. He is heading for MD Anderson ASAP. my wife is a bit scared tonite.

I can't believe some of you are now dry and having sex. some of us.....

Don't get me wrong- I certainly am happy for all of you who only needed surgery or proton treatment, but the the other side of this PC thingie is it can sure blow a lot of holes in a man's life.


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Accept it positively
    I am sorry to hear about your friend’s leukemic case. Along the years in our PC path, we come across those happenings, and learn to accept it positively.
    As you say, “PC can blow a lot of holes in a man's life” and that includes family and friends. Please give a hung to your wife too. Tell her to not worry. In the other side of this “PC thingie” there exists many survivors with no complications after radiation treatment.

    I wish your friend good recovery, and the best to you.