New to board with my story and looking for Brachytherapy info
I am a 63 year old male and was diagnosed with PC on July 27, 2011. I am now trying to figure out my therapy options. With a PSA over 5, I had my first biopsy (2 out of 14 cores positive; left base 25% and left base lateral 30% with Gleason score 3+3 = 6, clinical T2) The first biopsy also showed one PIN on the right mid…
Glad and fortunate to report that my latest psa reading was undetectable !! It's been almost 2 years since davinci surgery and adjuvant radiation and things couldn't be better. For a recap, I was diagnosed as clinical T1C but after surgery it was determined to be T3A. My gleason remained the same (3+4) 7, but the prostate…
PSA report
I saw my uro for 6 month checkup before Thanksgiving and got the results in the mail recently. I have been getting PSA of 0.008 since surgery in 2009, but this one was 0.009 which my uro said was good and indicates no cancer, but should I be concerned of the very slight difference? I am not losing sleep over this, but just…
its been 22 days since my surgery of prostate and still sore in that area so need some more time to recover before returning too work, not till dec.27 2011. Just looking for some group in my area.
Consultation on prostate cancer in the SF Bay Area
Hi I'm a new member with prostate ca diagnosis Nov 2011. Member Kaiser . Age 66 PSA 3.8, 1 out of 12 core positive, 0.25mm fous on one core 3+3 Gleason, Normal DRE. No family history. I would like to get a second opinion on the path slides and also with a Urologist in the SF bay area? any suggestions? Also, what would be…
husband is 9 weeks post op
Hi Everyone, I was encouraged to give a brief history about my husband, his staging etc history of Prostate cancer journey. Here goes!! My husband has a strong family history of prostate cancer. His father passed away 15 years ago by prostate cancer, his fathers father also, his fathers brother was diagnose and had his…
I am the spouse of a 3-year survivor of prostate surgery. Unfortunately, the nerve damage as a result of surgery has resulted in impotence. I am fearful of hurting my husbands feelings and his self esteem by talking to him about our lack of intimacy these past 3 years. I miss our closeness and sex life enormously. Can…
T3B G9 psa 1.09 Post RP, NOT a candidate for RT?? Anyone had this issue?
I have been reading that if your post RP psa is over 1.0 then they would not consider adjuvant radiation therapy and that HT is your only option...is this true? bobby
Hormone Therapy Options
Hi guys, just was told last week that the RP robotic surgery went great, unfortunately the biopsys didn't PSA 1.09 G 9, 6 week Stage T3B seminal vesicle invasion and now goin to meet with Oncologist to figure out next step. Any help out there with hormone therapy experiences, I know Lupron has been around but now am…
Bone Scan and CT scan
Had some good news for a change :>) The urologist left a message on our home phone telling me that the bone scan and CT scan were negative and clean, no problems. My question is what does than mean. I know it is good news, but what exactely does it mean? Is it more evidence that the cancer is contained within the prostate,…
To All , Thank you for all the posts and the help , happy thanksgiving
Just had RP
One week out of surgery at Johns Hopkins and they found the cancer had spread to one lymph node an a seminal tissue. Gleason is a 3+4. I'm proobably looking at radiation therapy minimum. Anyone had a similar predicament? Please help!!!
PSA up
In April, 2011 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer (T1C) Gleason 3+3=6 one out of 12 cores positive and urologist said 1mm focus. We decided on watchful waiting and I went back after 6 months from diagnosis and my PSA had gone up to 7.2! I was put on antibotics because the urologist wanted to see if it might be from an…
New patient
Hi. I am a head/neck cancer survivor and lung cancer survivor who has been around for more than five years. Never been here before, because I feel like going into boards that do not relate to you is voyeurism. I am here now because I just discovered my 74 year old dad, strong as an ox and as sharp as a sword, hs been…
43, 4 months post Davinci, no guidance on sexual function CONFUSED
I am 43 years old and was diagnosed with PC. Gleason 3+3, clinical diagnosis T2A. Had Davinci RP surgery at Duke in Durham. I am very disappointed with the lack of post-surgical treatment and counseling. I am 43!! I don't know what to do. My health is great. No complications except sexual dysfunction. I need someone to…
Father's PSA increasing after removal of prostate 15 years earlier.....
I hope someone might be able to help me help my dad with his results today. 15 years ago he was diagnosed at 53 with prostate cancer (PSA was 14 I believe at the time) - he had his prostate removed along with some tissue/nerves around the area. 6 months later his PSA started going up again and he did radiation for 6 weeks…
Porstate Cancer
My husband will be 50 next month and just last year they told him that he has stage 4 Prostate Cancer and I nearly lost my mind.It's now been 2 years and the doctor won't tell me the truth,he tried chemo for awhile and that didn't seem to work,so now he's on a pill called Zytiga.They say it suspose to do better and I'm…
Worried about father with advanced prostate cancer.
Hi Everyone, I am new to this board, but am in desparate need of some hope. My father, whom I am extremely close with, was diagnosed with prostate cancer 5 years ago. He had surgery at that time for the removal of his prostate and we were told it was successful. However, months later we were told that his PSA levels were…
Post op suggestions
Hi! My dad will be having surgery shortly (a few weeks before Xmas) and I am curious to know if there is anything that you needed after surgery to help you along. I live far away, so I can't be there, and I REALLY want to make sure he is comfortable and feels supported. Did you feel like sleeping? Reading? Appetite…
Home stretch
I just received a 55 Cs-131 seed implant this morning, following 25 IMRT treatments last month. This is the final stage of my treatment - YAHOO! A little sore right now but I am glad I was able to leave the hospital without a catheter. I'm looking forward to full recovery quickly.
Which first IMRT or Brachytherapy?
Unlike some that post here, my radiation oncologist wants to do the "seeds" first, wait 2 months and do 25 fractions of IMRT (5 weeks, 5 days per week). Does that make sense? Anyone else heard of that approach?
RP on 11/10/11
Well had my robotic RP on Thursday and came home yesterday. Lower abdommin is very sore and the cath is a pain but other than that ok. Went for a walk this morning not far but nice on a cool fall morning. Have not taken any pain meds since the one I took Thursday night. The doctor said margins were clean and appears to be…
prostate cancer and constant sleeping
Im back. Its getting harder every day to watch my husband suffer, and omg, all he does is sleep. He gets up to try to pee, and he goes right back to sleep, for hours, all day. not eating very much. PLEASE, will someone who has been through this and has lost a relative from this disease please tell me where he is in this…
ANYONE IS There any significance to the rate of PSA decline? IS it better to have a slow decline or a rapid decline. MY monthly declines are in the slow phase --example> one month-0.66 next month 0.62 I have several declines of this magnitude. THanks to all for answering--appreciate it. Ead Hopeful
AUS Failure
My prostate was removed. I had an AUS installed in October 2010, it never worked properly. In March 2011 the doctor installed a second cuff for the AUS. Urine control improved slightly, but was still unacceptable. In July 2011 the AUS totally failed, the balloon that holds the AUS fluid ruptured. In early October 2011, the…
Detectable Metastasis with Undetectable PSA?
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to have detectable metastasis with an undetectable PSA? My PSA at RP was only 2.2 and my concern is that my undetectable PSA due to Hormone Treatments may mask the detection of bone metastasis because my starting PSA was so low in the first place. My Gleason Score is 9. Cherokee6 60…
Vgama_KONGO & all follwing this journey My latest PSA was down to 0.66 which made me Happy--it was 0.7 last month I had a scare on Sunday--I started passing blood & clots in my urine. CAlled the urologist & he inserted a caheter which I wore until Wednesday when it was taken out. Per the urologist ---this is common with…
Growing moustaches of MOVEMBER
When growing a moustache one should be pride of its views to the others. I would suggest sending one similar on this link to the USPSTF's panellists. Do not forget your growing moustache of “Movember”. http://newstonight.net/content/movember-alert-gets-bigger-and-better Congrats to all survivors and their families. VG
ADVOCACY ALERT All, Here’s your chance to take a stand and let your voice be heard re the recent United States Preventive Services Task Force’s (USPSTF) draft recommendation against PSA based screening for prostate cancer. Please take a few minutes to read the email below from Tom Kirk, President & CEO, Us TOO…
Prostate D-Day drawing near
Well I am scheduled for robotic RP on this Thursday the 10th. I am comfortable with my decision as I have visited with 6 doctors and 3 different pathologists. All say same thing without hesitating, "RP son, you are too young to do radiation". Well I ran 5 miles in 35 minutes yesterday, shoot a nice deer this weekend with…