Hormone therapy not working
Hello all, I'm looking for some help in deciding what to do next with my dad. He was diagnosed in march with Gleason 9 and extensive bone mets. His psa was 200 at the time. He started on Lupron for the first month and he psa dropped to 45. Then was switched to firmagon which his urologic oncologist and urologist thought…
Could the Aftermathof side-effects be blamed on the Surgeon?
I guess I never dwelled on it too much, but as I deal with incontinence 6 years later, I don't believe it's all that critical of a question. Is the Doctor to Blame? The answer maybe Yes. When I was 46 and diagnosed with Cancer, I had Great Erections, never had incontinence isssues and was otherwise in great shape. After I…
Question lower PSA
Hello, My father was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer at Stage 4, mets to the spine, Gleason score 9 (4,5)in December 2010. He had been followed by a urologist for several years prior to the cancer diagnosis for what was thought to be BPH and, about a year before his cancer diagnosis, he had a procedure whereby a laser was…
ageless male supplement
Does anyone have info on NEW VITALITY AGELESS MALE SUPPLEMENT , THE CLAIM IS IS RAISES TESPOSTERONE LEVELS AND GIVES A FEEELING OF MORE ENERGY The main ingredient is saw pallmetto . Is it a question for my doctor ?
Proton therapy..if you've had it please share
Husband has a Gleason score of 9...,seriously considering proton therapy in Jacksonville. Please share your experience
Rise in PSA post Radical Prostectomy and 8 weeks of Radiation
Hi all, first time on.. I was diagnosed 12/09 biopsy showed 4 positive of the 12 being 47 at the time we decided on surgery. PSA was 4.5 gleason was 7 or 8. 1/09 when going through the surgery it was proven I had no margins on one side and leakage in the prostate bed. Prostate and 24 lymph nods removed. Prostate was very…
prostate cancer
What is the success rate of radiation treatment of gleason 7 prostate cancer 3.14 psa gleason scale 7 and 6 2 out of 10 samples were cancer what would you do? Answer 0Views: 12Answers: 0 Tags: psa and gleason 12 minutes ago Edit this question
How do we know we are cured?
I am 54 years old now. When I first diagnosed with Prostate cancer was Feb, 2010, I am non smoker and non drinker and avid hiker and say to myself how can this be ... I had gleason score of 8.5 and told me I am in cancer stage 3.5 with PSA of 143. After I was diagnosed, I am on Casodex 50mg and Zoladex 10.8mg starting Feb,…
what is happening noww?????
Ok radiation finished march 2010. My husband has started to randomly urinate blood and clots. Scope showed a bladder cyst they said was from the radiation 2 years ago?? Anybody have this issue ?? Any advice???
Turmeric (the spice in curry), curcumin, bioavailability, tinctures (with sublingual [under tongue]
Hello, I have prostate cancer, surgery is not an option, right now radiation is not an option. I'm on Lupron which is "controlling" the cancer by shutting off the testorone production in my body. In looking for "cancer fighting foods", I came across information about curcumin, the active element in turmeric, the spice that…
IGRT with enlarged prostate ?
Diagnosed with low grade 3+3=6 one sample of 12. PSA 4.2. Prostate size is 48.2 gr. I've researched and met with my urologist who would do the robotic surgery if I choose that and also with the radiologist he recommended. My urologist/surgeon said he thought I may have less side effects with IGRT but also said the problems…
Hello, new member here...(sigh)
My wife and I just had the consultation with the urologist after the positive biopsy diagnosis. I'm 57, Gleason 6, PSA 4.6, 4 out of 12 cores involved with one at 80% - all in the left node. The segmented picture of the prostate in the biopsy report showed some of the involved areas on the perimeter on that side. Does this…
Proton Therapy
"A study of Medicare records found that men treated with proton beams later had one-third more bowel problems, such as bleeding and blockages, than similar men given conventional radiation. This is an observational study so it is not definitive, but it is one of the largest to compare these treatments. Proton therapy is…
PSA rising, 9 years after RP
I've put my full story here as a 'story' under 'Expressions': http://csn.cancer.org/node/233532 Please respond here or privately if there's more info I can add. Curious what the thoughts are about how urgent it is to start IHT, and links to men's experience of side effects from IHT. Links to previous postings are welcome.…
New to this discussion @ 62! Will get diagnosis from 12-samples taken on JAN 25th on FEB 8th! PSA climbing >6. Semper Fi
Study Compares 3 Common Prostate Cancer Treatments
"Experts comparing three leading prostate cancer therapies find external beam radiation therapy to be more toxic and expensive than either surgery or a more localized form of radiation therapy known as brachytherapy. The findings were to be presented Tuesday at a meeting in San Francisco, hosted in part by the American…
Is Prostate Cancer a cause from deteriorating Environment or Diet? The Daily Mail got a logic respon
You may be surprised but a mummy dated 2200 years old was found with prostate cancer. Surely the environment and diet from those times would be different than those at present. “...Genetics, not the environment” may be the cause. Comrades, I would like to read about your comments. Here is the article;…
Six years post radical prostatectomy, Gleason 7or 8, T2A, PSA now detectable at 0.34, 67 y.o. The hi
Disappointing result after all this time. Will probably go on hormone therapy. Please offer any advice from those experiencing therapy. Will have my first meeting with urologist in early February. Many thanks.
Active Surveillence and Avodart
Guys on Active Surveillance, or contemplating AS, may want to go to the following link and read the article. Seems Avodart (dutasteride) can significantly slow disease progression. "Our trial is the first study to show the benefits of use of a 5α-reductase inhibitor to reduce the need for aggressive treatment in men…
Next month will be my 2 year anniversary
Next month will be my 2 year anniversary from surgery and I have lots to be thankful for…I’m still testing <0.1 (undetectable). I have posted this diet information in the past and hope it will be helpful to the new members of our reluctant club… The only advice you will hear from me is make diet changes, exercise and…
Anemia and metastatic pca
Hello all, Well We finally got an answer as to why my dad has been feeling so sick and weak. He has severe anemia and was finally given a blood transfusion yesterday. Now that I've been researching metastatic pca and anemia it is a pretty common occurrence. We have been to so many doctors and told each one of my dads…
PSA Test Not Needed?? CNN posted today
(CNN) -- The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, the group that told women in their 40s that they don't need mammograms, will soon recommend that men not get screened for prostate cancer, according to a source privy to the task force deliberations. The task force is set to recommend a "D" rating for prostate specific…
Pathological features of Prostste Cancer
If pre-surgery Radiation and/or HDT treatment has an effect the pathological features of Prostate cancer cells, how then can an accurate determination be made of pathologic gleason score after surgery? Jeff
Treatment decision made
First of all I would like to thank each and everyone who has posted to my inquiries and, in particular, Vascoda & Kongo. Your suggestions and information have been invaluable. After countless hours of research on line and books, conversations with other prostate victims, four doctors and the University of Jacksonville…
prostate cancer to bone, psa keep going high, chemo treatment not working, seek for help
prostate cancer to bone, haivng chemo treatment ( cabazitaxel ) twice, psa still keep going up from 1300 to 1700 in 2 months, anybody here has any idea about it and seek for your help, would like to know the best place or doctor to treat prostate cancer, thank you for your help. psa goes up so fast even though having chemo…
Beginning Cyberknife Monday 1/23
I have posted a couple of times in the last three months and have received, and am grateful for, kind and informed feedback. I have mild trepidation and second guessing going on, but would imagine those are normal human responses to this kind of decision. Second guessing comes from recent reports questioning overly…
Is vardenafil the same as Viagra?
My doctor prescribed Viagra. My insurance pays 50% for four pills a month. The VA gives me four vardenafil per month free. Does anyone know if they are the same?
Question = Proton radiation vs other forms of radiation for a Gleason 9
My husbands doctor said he is not a candidate for proton radiation due to the high gleason score (5+4). Has anyone with a gleason score of 9 had proton radiation and can you share your outcome. (I will be contacting the facility in Jacksonville in the morning to get their advice also) Any other comments are welcome also,…
This has been so stressful. the research, literature all seem so conflicting. My father in law , 60, was recently diagnosed. PSA 10.9, abnormal DRE with nodule, only 6 biopsies were done. cancer is bilateral. gleason score 3+4=7 .. no mets I am concerned with side effects/quality of life more than anything..more so…
Prostate CA and Vitamin D
Anyone involved with massive doses of Vitamin D (4000 to 5000 IUD) with blood levels monitored, in the prevention and treatment of prostate CA? I have seen articles indicating some success in PSA levels going down with same. Any input?