Prostate D-Day drawing near

hunter49 Member Posts: 251 Member
Well I am scheduled for robotic RP on this Thursday the 10th. I am comfortable with my decision as I have visited with 6 doctors and 3 different pathologists. All say same thing without hesitating, "RP son, you are too young to do radiation". Well I ran 5 miles in 35 minutes yesterday, shoot a nice deer this weekend with my bow and my friends took my wife and I out for a 5 star dinner with some of the best wines available on Saturday night. It was a going away party for my prostate. Even had a cake shaped like a prosate. Yes sick but we laughed hard and that is always the best medicine. My wife gave it a better going away present that night also:). If all is contained then I move on and never look back. If it is not, just call in for some air support and fry it. Either way I will always do my best to help others stay informed about this disease and help fight it until there is a cure or vaccine. In many ways it has helped shape my character and made me a stronger and better person. It also brought my wife and I closer (not that there was a problem) but she was my rock before as well. The reason I am writing this is I hope all of us can learn from anything we face in life and walk away a stronger better person from any experience. Whatever does not kill you makes you stronger. It is up to each person to find something in any experience to take with them and make something good happen. Hope whoever reads this is doing great and can use this to help them through their journey. Thank you.


  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member
    Good Luck

    Best wishes for a safe and successful surgery and speedy recovery without ill effects. Looking forward to hearing from you as a "survivor."

  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm looking forward

    I'm looking forward to reading about the big party on the other side of surgery. The party that celebrates you being a cancer survivor, leak free and back to having great sex with your wife!

    I've celebrated each of those milestones following my Davinci surgery in 2009.

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    Wishing you the best
    You did your homework; you found a very good will go well.....good luck
  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member
    Great perspective

    Congrats on making a tx decision. You've got a great attitude and perspective! Sending best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.

    mrs pjd
  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    Good luck!
    I don't agree w/your choice but it is YOUR choice.

    The only thing I'd like to say is that I think the notion that you're "too young" for radiation is a canard. There's actually the case to be made that you're "too young" for surgery -- but that's neither here nor there.

    I wish you well and hope you are able to recover w/o any significant problems and w/o the need for further radiation treatment which is all that you might have needed anyway.

    Good luck and best wishes!!!
  • PawPaw J
    PawPaw J Member Posts: 34 Member
    Just wanted to let you know
    Just wanted to let you know there are those of us here that agree 100% on your decision. Do not doubt it one bit if that is what is in your heart as your best option. I have felt from your first post that we had a lot in common with both of us enjoying hunting and fishing, and we apparently think a lot alike also.My wife and I had a Bass Pro dinner for my send off. I am 13 weeks post op now.(had open surgery) PSA is less than 0.03, dry from day 1, and sex is good.( I do take 25mg viagra to help but about 75% normal without anything). This disease has also been a blessing to me as I had a terrible diet. Since surgery on Aug. 9th I have lost from 198 lbs to 153 with a goal of 145. Have cut red meats,sodium,dairy products and sugars by 80%. This has gotten BP, cholestrol, blood sugar,and triglycerides all to normal limits. I have been off all meds. Just thought I would mention that because if there is any change in diet you need to do now is a good time to change that. I feel soooo much better than I have in many years. I wish you the best and please keep us posted. I look forward to hearing good news.I havent got to go yet, though its still a little warm in Louisiana but checked camera today and have 8 pt, spike and does eating corn.)I'll take your place till you can go again!!!) Johnny
  • Old-timer
    Old-timer Member Posts: 196
    I commend you and send best wishes to you and your wife
    You have an interesting writing style. I like the way you express your philosophy and your feelings about the journey you will take on the 10th. It will work out well for you and your wife. That is my wish and expectation.

  • robert1
    robert1 Member Posts: 82
    Old-timer said:

    I commend you and send best wishes to you and your wife
    You have an interesting writing style. I like the way you express your philosophy and your feelings about the journey you will take on the 10th. It will work out well for you and your wife. That is my wish and expectation.


    Too Young for Radiation???
    Hello Hunter:

    I heard the same "you are too young for radiation" from virtually every doctor who did not perform radio therapy. I think they learn this at a seminar or something. I challanged each doctor/surgeon that said this. The standard response was the expectation of secondary cancers caused by radiotherapy. After doing plenty of study on the matter, I found this to be such a low percentage possibility that it is hard to distinguish cancers that may have actually been caused by treatment years prior. In short, this is not a credible response. Some also mentioned side effects from radio therapy. Given the statistical morbidity superiority of radiotherpy over surgery, this was laughable.

    There are many stories here about great results from surgery (assuming a world class surgeon), and I wish you the very best. I really appreciate you sharing this, as a big part of the value of this site is the filtering of various treatment option sales & marketing BS.

    Thank you again for sharing.

    God bless you, and best wishes for a great result.
