Post op suggestions
Hi! My dad will be having surgery shortly (a few weeks before Xmas) and I am curious to know if there is anything that you needed after surgery to help you along. I live far away, so I can't be there, and I REALLY want to make sure he is comfortable and feels supported. Did you feel like sleeping? Reading? Appetite…
Home stretch
I just received a 55 Cs-131 seed implant this morning, following 25 IMRT treatments last month. This is the final stage of my treatment - YAHOO! A little sore right now but I am glad I was able to leave the hospital without a catheter. I'm looking forward to full recovery quickly.
Which first IMRT or Brachytherapy?
Unlike some that post here, my radiation oncologist wants to do the "seeds" first, wait 2 months and do 25 fractions of IMRT (5 weeks, 5 days per week). Does that make sense? Anyone else heard of that approach?
RP on 11/10/11
Well had my robotic RP on Thursday and came home yesterday. Lower abdommin is very sore and the cath is a pain but other than that ok. Went for a walk this morning not far but nice on a cool fall morning. Have not taken any pain meds since the one I took Thursday night. The doctor said margins were clean and appears to be…
prostate cancer and constant sleeping
Im back. Its getting harder every day to watch my husband suffer, and omg, all he does is sleep. He gets up to try to pee, and he goes right back to sleep, for hours, all day. not eating very much. PLEASE, will someone who has been through this and has lost a relative from this disease please tell me where he is in this…
ANYONE IS There any significance to the rate of PSA decline? IS it better to have a slow decline or a rapid decline. MY monthly declines are in the slow phase --example> one month-0.66 next month 0.62 I have several declines of this magnitude. THanks to all for answering--appreciate it. Ead Hopeful
AUS Failure
My prostate was removed. I had an AUS installed in October 2010, it never worked properly. In March 2011 the doctor installed a second cuff for the AUS. Urine control improved slightly, but was still unacceptable. In July 2011 the AUS totally failed, the balloon that holds the AUS fluid ruptured. In early October 2011, the…
Detectable Metastasis with Undetectable PSA?
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to have detectable metastasis with an undetectable PSA? My PSA at RP was only 2.2 and my concern is that my undetectable PSA due to Hormone Treatments may mask the detection of bone metastasis because my starting PSA was so low in the first place. My Gleason Score is 9. Cherokee6 60…
Vgama_KONGO & all follwing this journey My latest PSA was down to 0.66 which made me Happy--it was 0.7 last month I had a scare on Sunday--I started passing blood & clots in my urine. CAlled the urologist & he inserted a caheter which I wore until Wednesday when it was taken out. Per the urologist ---this is common with…
Growing moustaches of MOVEMBER
When growing a moustache one should be pride of its views to the others. I would suggest sending one similar on this link to the USPSTF's panellists. Do not forget your growing moustache of “Movember”. http://newstonight.net/content/movember-alert-gets-bigger-and-better Congrats to all survivors and their families. VG
ADVOCACY ALERT All, Here’s your chance to take a stand and let your voice be heard re the recent United States Preventive Services Task Force’s (USPSTF) draft recommendation against PSA based screening for prostate cancer. Please take a few minutes to read the email below from Tom Kirk, President & CEO, Us TOO…
Prostate D-Day drawing near
Well I am scheduled for robotic RP on this Thursday the 10th. I am comfortable with my decision as I have visited with 6 doctors and 3 different pathologists. All say same thing without hesitating, "RP son, you are too young to do radiation". Well I ran 5 miles in 35 minutes yesterday, shoot a nice deer this weekend with…
Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer - Looking forward.
I only found out on October 13th that I have prostate cancer. My PSA tests were 91 & 110. My Gleason score is 7 (4+3). The bone scan came back clean as did the CAT Scan. I am keeping very positive on an successful treatment plan and have a very strong support network. I am going through the "hurry up & wait" phase of…
Hormone therapy, to start or not?
Here's my story: PSA 3.3 on 1/2003 PSA 4.4 on 1/2004 Biopsy on 2/14/2004, Gleason score of 3+3. Clinical stage T1c BNS robotic LRP on 6/22/2004 (age 55) Post-op Gleason Score was 4+5. Tumor was present in both the right and left lobes, estimated to involve 30% of the entire gland. There was extensive invasion of both right…
My father PSA over 3000, lot of pains from bone metastasis
Hi All My father got prostate cancer 7 years ago (2004). He got his testicle & bladder removed. The disease got under control after the surgery. But now it came back dramatically. The PSA now is over 3000 and the bone metastasis getting worse. He feels much in pain and now taking Panadol everyday for pain killer. Though he…
PSA Screening Redux
At the risk of beating a dead horse, I thought it noteworthy that Dr. Otis Brawley, the Chief Medical and Scientific Officer for the American Cancer Society (the organization that sponsors this forum) has come out strongly against PSA screening in light of the USPSTF draft report. I thought it would be of interest to those…
CBS Cares' Prostate Spot
CBS cares (www.cbscares.tv) has a couple of "spots" covering prostate exams. Here's a link to a spot that makes its point with a bit of humor. ("This is a time of considerable confusion for prostates."– Dr. Werner Schloffengut). I liked it. You might want to read the stuff that follows the spot.…
88 Seeds and Feeling Good
After 28 sessions of IMRT/IGRT, I received 88 Iodine 125 seeds Wednesday and I'm feeling good. There was some soreness, but that has almost gone completely now. I was doing phone and computer work the same day. Dr. Sylvester tells me his norm is about 94 seeds, but my prostate had stayed relatively small so 88 seeds is all…
Recommendation for surgeon at Johns Hopkins?
I recently received my pathology report showing prostate cancer with a Gleason 7 (3+4) score. I would like to get a second opinion from a surgeon at Johns Hopkins. I would prefer not to wait for the next appointment at the multidisciplary clinic which is at least 3 weeks away. Does anyone have experience with any of the…
recurring elevated psa
I was diagnosed in 1998 with prostate cancer, PSA 9.7, gleason 6/10, followed by a right nerve sparing radical prostatectomy 1 month later in Jan of 1999. The pathologist stated all margins where clear. The PSA numbers are as follows: 3/5/99 0.1 remained the same for several years 2/5/05 0.1 1/11/07 0.3 6/8/11 1.45 7/7/11…
Coloplast Virtue sling out / AMS AdVance sling in Now 100% DRY!
My number one wish for myself this Christmas was to have the Coloplast Virtue male sling, implanted last July, surgically removed from my body and replaced with an American Medical System’s AdVance male sling. My wish became reality on the 17th of December at The Cleveland Clinic. My five (5) months of tortuous pain, since…
How Many Men are actually CONTINENT 6 weeks post-op???
From the posts on the board it dosen't sound like the odds are great!. I would really like to know how many of us have had the surgery - lets say giving 6 weeks to heal and are actually continent. AND are the ones continent also not having E/D issues? Gleason 3+3=6 Surgery scheduled Nov. 9th, DiVinci. Thanks, AJ Here is an…
Side effects of HDK + HC and Xgeva?
My husband has been on HDK+HC since 4/1/2011. His PSA has bounced around and this month down to 23 from 48. He started the Xgeva injection 3 months ago. He is having a rough time with nausea and appetite. I'm not sure if the Keto is responsible or the Xgeva, or both. Does anyone have experience with the HDK and if this is…
day after prostatectomy - help!
My husband had his prostatectomy yesterday - robotic - and it went well, but last night his pain increased greatly, he could not get up and walk because of fainting (low blood pressure)and he is in a great deal of pain. He is told that the pain is from the gas, his morphine has been doubled, and he cannot take deep…
Cancer found in Lymph and tissue afer DaVinci surgery
Hi, my name is Jack i am 53yr i am four weeks post operation my pathology report shows some positive tisue and lymph involvement i am waiting for six weeks to pass to get blood PSA to establish a baseline I already know my doctor wants to go with Lupron, this scares the hell out of me i need to talk to guys who have been…
Confused with my sudden advanced Cancer
Friends, I am 52 yrs old, two months ago I found out that I am already in stageIIII of prostate cancer after a boiopsy was operated the results were Gleason 9 and my PSA was at that time 76. After A CT SCan and Bone Scan it was decided by the doctor that the Cancer has reached the Lymph nodes but not the Bones. My doctor…
Diagnosed 1 week ago.
Following rising PSAs topping out at 5.6, I had my 1st biopsy, which revealed 2 ot of 12 cores containing 4+4=8 GS cancers at 20%--30% respectively. The two cancerous cores are side-by-side. I will be 70 yrs old on Thanksgiving day 2011 and in incredibly good health, otherwise. When I had my biopsy, I had hoped the results…
New Treatment Option for Advanced PCa?
A friend of mine sent me these links to stories about a new drug for treatment of advanced PCa. Thought I'd share with the group. Not sure how to insert links into this board so I'll list them below. just copy them and paste into your browser. Sorry for the inconvenience. - Chuck…
I just found out that my father in law has cancer I already told my wife :(
Hi I just found out today from our doctor that my father in law has prostate cancer I already told my wife and the news broke our hearts badly, tomorrow we are going to see the doctor and he will explain to us treatment options. Any suggestions on how you guys handle this my father in law still does not know.I hope…
Update on my father...
My father is 80 years old, prostate cancer with bone metatesis, refused chemotherapy, was hoping to get Provence, while waiting payment from Medicare approval he became ineligible, did not pass eligibility criteria.He is on Lupron every 4 months. On March 31st my dad's Oncologist recommended a newly approved medication to…