Provenge treatment
I am receiving my final Provenge infusion on Friday. I'm curious to hear from anyone that has completed the treatments about what I can expect or what have they experienced since completing there treatments.
Another View on PSA Testing
Several recent threads have looked at PSA testing, what can cause it to rise, what does it mean, and so forth. Many of us were diagnosed with PCa after our PSA rose above a level our GP was comfortable with and we were referred to a urologist who did a biopsy and whoa --- Hello prostate cancer. A recent Op-ed in the New…
Doc infused Zometa today and will take it every six months. Has anyone had a reaction to this medicine? Good news PSA went down from 22 to 6.9 after 18 Chemos so it is working. Cancer has spread into lympth nodes. Hey there is hope!!!!
Predicting ED from PCa Treatment
Here's a link to a New York Times article that I thought would be of interest to those guys trying to decide on a PCa treatment. The article reports on the study, "Prediction of Erectile Function Following Treatment for Prostate Cancer".…
I am 60 yrs old. PSA 5.8 Gleason 4+3=7 43 Imrt Treatments. Psa is going down slowly to .95. Following my treatments, no side effects for three months. 4 to 6 months ED set in, but Viagra and Cialis to the rescue, and worked great. Now at 8 months, the little pills are not working. My testoterone is very low, but the…
Assignement: Preparing for your First uro visit After Biopsy
I need help putting together a list of questions to ask the doctor when.... this is the setting. You have had a biopsy, you get phone confirmtion that there has been a positive sample taken and the doctor wants to meet with you about the results. This is all new to you so you have no idea what to ask at this first meeting.…
Post CK Update -- Measures of Reoccurence?
Took a PSA test on 9/12 -- it was 3.56. Just slightly lower than in June (3.72), slightly higher than in March (3.03) and only slightly lower than in Jan 2010 (4.5) before my biopsy that led to CK treatment in Sept 2010. Don't know what this means. It has been essentially "flat" for the past 9 months, after going up as…
PSA results at 6 months post CK
Just heard from my Doc. and the news was great. My PSA at 6 months post CK treatment has dropped to 0.6 Here are my previous PSA numbers: Pre-CK treatment 4.4, 1 month post CK it was 1.2 as the Doc stated, I had a good response to the CK treatment. I am over the Prostititis attack that hit me a couple of weeks ago. It…
One year out from radical - PSA test
0.01 whereas the prior 6 mo test was <0.01 or undetectable. Hoping that this is just testing blip. Going to get it re-checked in 6 weeks to see if that test measures differently.
Question on Post IMRT
i finished IMRT in the latter part of June, 2011. now, almost September i am still getting a clear mucous fluid coming out of my rectum. other IMRT patients, is this normal or should i be concerned?
Count down till Surgery
Hi everyone I'm T minus 17 days till surgery and need suggestions on what stuff my wife and I should be getting to make this as easy as possible.I don't know about easy but as the days get closer I get more nervous.I have never had any type of surgery before or even had to stay in a hospital.I've been doing alot of reading…
IMRT radiation long term effects
I had Davinci surgery a year ago & finished 37 IMRT treatments in late Dec. During the treatments & up till the present, I've experienced little in the way of side effects. But I have heard it could take up to 2 years before side effects kick in. Has anyone out there experienced long term IMRT side effects. Thanks for any…
Brachytherapy Consult in Nashville
Hello, Looking for suggestions (Dr. or Center) for a Brachytherapy consult in Nashville, TN. Thanks in advance, JT
PSA level post HT & RT
Hi All, My father, at the age of 66, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in the first week of June 2011 with a psa of 29. After a biopsy, the cancer was graded a 6 (3+3) on the Gleason scale, however the report did not mention how many samples tested positive for cancer. An ultrasound report mentioned the tumor being about…
One Doctor's Opinion... Anyone see this?
Thought I was close to making a treatment decision then read this. Comments? CORAL SPRINGS, Fla., Aug. 22, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- In an extensive article reviewing the most popular prostate cancer treatments available to men today, location>South Florida urologist Dr. Bert Vorstman takes a critical view on manufacturers,…
MEMBERS I had my Firmagon shot yesterday & questioned the PA about duration of getting the hormone shots. His ANswer>> Normal is 1 to two years BUT due to my high Gleason score I must be on the drug for THREE years. AS far as the PSA now down to 0.7, he said we should have been there much sooner. What is your opinion????…
Temporary Improvement in Incontinence
It has been a while since I posted. Radical Prostate Surgery in 2003 at age 71, Gleason 7, less than .01 PSA since. Did the usual Kegels during the first nine months following surgery, reducing Depends pad usage to an average of 1.5 per day. Suddenly, doing Kegels caused lower left abdomen pain, and pad usage creped up to…
6 Month Zero
Just went in for my 6 month post RP check and the PSA was undetectable again. It's still very early on the path, but I'll celebrate every zero I can get! I'm now pretty much totally dry and am starting to feel somewhat normal again as the testosterone levels come back from the pre-adjuvant abiraterone and Lupron that I…
slave of PSA
Unfortuatly in my my low agreesive life(like a hermit lving in a cave)not bothering anyone I was fortuate enough to aquire prostate cancer. Don,t ask me all the specifications of it.I did notice I had a psa of 16. Well I had it yanked out courtesy of DR R Austin Urology. So I got on the worry about the PSA group .Oviously…
Chemo-what to expect?
I have advanced CRPC with bone metatasizes. I've been on Lupron for a year and a half, Casodex for 2 months, clinical trial for 12 weeks and now on Ketaconazole (3 months). My doctor has indicated that when my PSA begins rising again she'll most likely be recommending chemotherapy. I'm not sure what to expect. I'm 51yo and…
Suggestions of Diet during CK
My husband has just had treatment #3 of 5, and he is having trouble voiding and some discomfort in the rectum after treatment. Is there any sort of diet that would help ease these side effects? His Dr. prescribed Flomax which we just had filled.
Proton Therapy Veterans - Please weigh in...
Hello all, I am in the middle of my research on the various PC treatment options. I would like to go with a therapy that offers a reasonable chance of a cure and maintain maximum of quality of life. If you have looked into or undergone Proton Therapy treatment please reply: 1. Is Proton Therapy a viable treatment option in…
lymph node involvement advise
I'm halfway through radiation treatments,22 down 22 to go for a total of 79.2 gys. just to the prostate and surrounding vesicles. Originally, I thought I was also getting radiation to the surrounding lymph nodes. The rad. onc. indicated in my case (gleason 9/10) there is only a 7% chance of lymph node involvement and…
FDA Drug Safety Communication: 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) may increase the risk of a more serious form of prostate cancer Safety Announcement Additional Information for Patients Additional Information for Healthcare Professionals Data Summary References Safety Announcement [6-9-2011] The U.S. Food and Drug…
AUS Update
I had an appointment at the U of MI this morning and Dr. Latini is going forward with surgery. I should get a date tomorrow. The recall on the AUS was lifted last week. The time was perfect. Dr. Latini cautioned me that many men even after getting an AUS installed still have to wear a pad or two a day. Finally!!
BCBS of TN and Proton Therapy
Good morning all, Has anyone had any success appealing to BCBS of TN to cover Proton Therapy? If so please share strategy and experience. Thanks, John
Brachytherapy Isotope Study
http://medicalphysicsweb.org/cws/article/newsfeed/46317 I found this article to be of interest. It is the treatment plan outlined for me. Study examines IMRT plus Cs-131 brachytherapy for prostate cancer RICHLAND, WA, 20 June 2011 – IsoRay Inc. (AMEX: ISR), announced today a new dual therapy study using Cesium-131…
A Successful Story
There is always hope. In 2006, at the age of 46, I was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. My PSA was over 26 and the cancer had metastasized to the seminal vesicles. After robotic surgery at the City of Hope, 8 weeks of radiation, and 2 years of aggressive estrogen ablation therapy (Lupron, Casodex, and Finestride),…
3 Weeks After Testing Positive
I received the results about 3 weeks ago. In the process of trying to buy some life insurance, I found that I have PC. PSA is 3.96, Gleason of 3+3(6) and believed to be in the T1c stage. We are waiting for a second look at the pathology from Hopkins but assume it will be correct or very close. The findings indicate 7 of 14…
Husband Newly Diagnosed Gleason 9 - Clinical T3
I am also happy to have found this forum. Hopefully I won't sound too ignorant on the subject of prostate cancer and will be able to find some very useful information. Thanks in advance. My husband is 82 years old, recently diagnosed with Gleason score 9 and clinical T3. Recent bone scan/CT scan were negative (thank…