Growing moustaches of MOVEMBER

VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
edited November 2011 in Prostate Cancer #1
When growing a moustache one should be pride of its views to the others. I would suggest sending one similar on this link to the USPSTF's panellists.
Do not forget your growing moustache of “Movember”.

Congrats to all survivors and their families.


  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member
    Movember November

    Thanks for the Movember post. This year PJD and all three of our adult sons are also growing Moustaches to bring attention and awareness to Prostate Cancer. When anyone asks about the moustache, it's an opportunity to start a conversation about the disease. The PCF (Prostate Cancer Foundation) has a link on their website that tells more about the international Movember Movement to raise PCa awareness.

    mrs pjd
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    Thanks for the post
    Actually I was not aware, so I am having a late start, since I am hair challenged, my moustache may not be noticed until sometime in the middle of 2012. Anyway I have Movember marked on my calendar for Oct next year so I can be ready for Movember.
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    I tried growing one back in
    I tried growing one back in 2009 when I first learned about Movember. I skipped last year and am attempting one again this year. My beard grows lots better then a moustache.

  • ProfWagstaff
    ProfWagstaff Member Posts: 106 Member
    Both my company and my
    Both my company and my brothers company are getting behind this and promoting it within our workplaces. My company will be selling construction paper moustaches to raise funds and to support those of us trying to grow real ones. If after a couple weeks I'm still not happy with what's on the lip, I may resort to applying a 'stache with greasepaint like my friend Groucho.
  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    Can't I Just Wear A Blue Ribbon or Wristband?
    I had a moustache when I was in my late teens/early 20's in order to TRY to look older. When I look back at old pics, it really didn't help that much but made me feel better at the time. LOL!!!

    I don't have all that much facial hair. Can't grow a full beard and the moustache (when I had one) is pretty weak too. So, I'm planning on wearing a blue wristband and/or ribbon instead:


    Only problem is that blue is associated w/too many other "causes" and it would be nice to have a specific color JUST for PCa, like breast cancer does, but, until that happens, this'll have to do.