Happy Thanksgiving
Just for today...take a break, enjoy your family and friends, and whatever good food is on your table. Happy Thanksgiving. You're all in my thoughts and prayers. Gail
Brac Analysis
I did have my check up today. My white count (had blood work this morning) is still too low for Hexalen on Monday, but will get blood work again Sunday. My doctor actually told me I am doing very well and could take the Hexalen the Monday after Thanksgiving as it is more preventive, so I asked if I was in remission and she…
anyone know
my mom was dx with stage 3c ovarian cancer. She also ruptured her colon from diverticulitis. had surgery and chemo. now 2 months after last chemo they accidentally saw something on her lower lung and adrenal gland. Sent her for PET. Does this sound like the cancer returned from ovary or new case of lung cancer. nothing in…
Blood Work
I got my blood work Monday and my results came in the mail this morning. After my first cycle of Hexalen, most of my CBC counts are even lower (white, hematocrit, platelet, red, etc) then they were after carbo/taxol and 5 are higher. But my CA125 is 6.5! My hemaglobin is normal. So I guess Hexalen is mighty potent too. I…
Doctor's Report
Ladies, I had my appt. with the oncologist yesterday and my CA-125 was up from 50 to 83. I am going to continue the Femara (anti estrogen pill) for another month and see the gyn/onc. on 12/10 for a consult. Found out that it takes at least 6 weeks for any change caused by the pill. Hurry up and wait, wait, wait. Other…
Hey everyone, my name is Paul Hogan and I am currently a psychology student at the California State University in Fresno. I am currently conducting research on the life outlooks of cancer survivors. If you could spare 10 minutes of your time to take a survey, I would greatly appreciate it. I myself am a past cancer…
Starting Chemo
I just got out of the hospital on Tuesday. The cancer is at stage 1c. I'll be starting chemo on Monday. (Carbo and Taxol?) Anyone have any advice, or just some insight on what to expect?
New member with Sta I C and scared
Would like help.
No Chemo ~ blood dropped to low again
Not sure what is happening in this body of mine. Just worn out I guess. After driving all the way to Masonic(82 miles one way)they did labs again and my anc was at one. My counts had dropped again, so no chemo. They had only Friday available for next week and either 7 or 8am, so next wednesday labs rechecked and if okay…
Chemo is a go!!
♫♪♫ Singing for Joy ♫♪♫ If Medicare doesn't cover the chemo the drug company will. I never knew one could be so happy about getting a drug that makes one so sick. Kind of crazy huh? But it does extend one's life here. Anyway had to share the good news. They do still bill medicare and also do the whole appeal thing, so will…
Newly diagnosed, and scared
After having surgery on 10/17/08 (after 3 weeks of extreme abdominal pain) to remove what the doctor thought was a benign ovarian cyst, they discovered it was instead Ovarian Cancer. I went for my first visit to the gyn. oncologist at the Cancer Institute of NJ. Next week I will be having a complete hysterectomy and…
Surgery What to Expect????
I went to see my ob-onco, I was nervious but after revewing my histor and curret CA125 numbers the only option she could offer was a complete Hestorectomy, with removeral of overies and falopion tubes. Iam very nervous not sure what to expect after surgery, I cant take hormones, I just finished AC-T with a bilateral…
Medicare coverage
I have a question about Medicare for those veteran Medicare users. For the future, if I have to go back to the States, I will need to get some kind of insurance.I paid cash for all of my US treatment this last year, and I won't be able to do that again if I have a recurrence. (I am on Japanese national insurance now, which…
anemia and kidney problems
My sister, who finished 6 rounds of chemo on September 5, keeps showing signs of bad anemia (for which she is taking iron) and kidney problems, according to blood tests. Do any of you know of anything she can do for either issue? By the way, she had her port removed at the end of October and her CA125 numbers have fallen…
Medicare says NO
Hi Everybody, On Thursday when I saw the doc we thought we had a plan. He said he was pretty sure medicare would approve oxaliplatin and scheduled me for chemo this next Thursday. My platelets had come up to 83 and he said that was high enough. Anyway I got a call yesterday saying medicare will not approve it. I asked…
This is the first time I have posted here. I have had ovarian cancer for about a year and a half. It returned shortly after my first chemo. I am currently receiving more chemo. My last scan showed the new tumor had decreased significantly. I was very encouraged. The last week, however, I have been experiencing pain in my…
so this is why i was confused at first
My mom was diagnosed with cancer..i should really find out which..if it's ovarian or cervical..i just know that she had a lot of bleeding beforehand...her period lasted for two months..this is why i was alarmed too and annoyed of the doctors because it seems she even had to call them to get results..it seemed they're not…
Lab Results and a bit of a rant :-)
God's morning to all! Sun is suppose to shine and temps are suppose to warm up today. Yesterday my labs showed my platelets are still very low, crept up to 50's, and so are the rest of my counts. Not sure what it will take to get my system working again. NOW my medicare Rant...so skip this part if you like :-) Yesterday…
just checking in
Hey, gals! I am just checking in to let you know that I have been busy lately with other things. My oldest grandson plays football and I have been going to his games. Also, I have been keeping sick grandchildren when I'm needed. My daughter-in-law has opened a sandwich shop and I go by every day and see if she needs…
worried sick over all that is going on please i need to talk to someone
Hi, I'm 39 years old and for they past month i have had really bad pains in my stomach, blote and gas and lot's of BM. My periods have changed as well and are much more heaver and the blood is so red. I went last week for my yearly. Blood work came back good . Estrogen low and CA125 NEG. She sent me for sono just to check…
recurrent ovarian cancer
Hi I am a 42 year old ovarian cancer patient. I was in remission for 3.5 yrs and my cancer came back. I had debulking surgery surgery and will be out of work for I dont know how long. I am single and am worried about my finacial situation. Is there any help out there?
Question about Ovarin Cancer????
Next month I go to see the Ob-onconligist, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Jan. 08 still doing reconstruction, finished 4 rounds A/C, bilateral masctomy, and 8 rounds taxol was supposted to have 12 but it hit me hard so dose 8 was 9-12 terable side effects, I am BRCA1 pos, HPV pos, and had pre-cancerous leasson…
Post Operative change
Hi Ladies, I got the results of my full body bone scan and NO cancer. But she did say that the kidney/ureter was swollen. (May be why I was having lower back pain). Anyways, I am Praising the Lord that there was no metastasis into the bones. And will make an appointment to see a urinologist. I asked my onc/gyn was it from…
Hello everyone! My doctor wants me to start on Topotecan in two weeks. I know that many of you have already taken this chemo. I would appreciate it so much if I could get your feed-back about your experiences with this drug. Did it work and what were the side effects that you experienced? I guess I am feeling pretty down…
I am new to this board, actually, just a few minutes ago. I did not see anything about Hexelan. Or maybe I am looking in the wrong area. But I have Ovarian Cancer Stage 3C and have completed 7 out of 9 cycles of chemo. Am going to my GYN/ONC this afternoon to see what my next step is. Was unable to complete #8 & 9 because…
dermoid cyst
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in april. they removed the tumor and my left ovary and falopian tube. When i went in for my check up a few weeks ago they said i had a dermoid cyst on the right ovary, that they are usually not cancerous, and that to remove it i will have to sign a paper saying they can take the right…
carboplatin & gemzar
anyone have experience with these together and the side-effects?
L-Glutamine for Neuropathy
Hello again ladies, Can anyone tell me how many milligrams to take of L-Glutamine and B-6 to help neuropathy?? I tried Lyrica, and it didn't help. Thank you; and God Bless all of you!! ~Susan xoxo
Has anyone tried or considered Acupuncture or Hypnotism?
Hello, Ladies, I'm just curious as to whether or not acupuncture or hynotism might be helpful in keeping the cancer away, and helping to control the stress and side effects. Has anyone looked into this, or tried this? Love & Prayers to all~ ~Susan xoxo
CA125 Holding
God's morning to all! I just got off the phone with the clinic and they said my ca125 held. Tomorrow is my Dr appointment, chemo is scheduled for Friday but my wbc, rbc, platelets and hemoglobin are all very low so see if they rebound enough or not. May have to postpone it. In case it is postponed I called for an absentee…