dermoid cyst

karalynn918 Member Posts: 3
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in april. they removed the tumor and my left ovary and falopian tube. When i went in for my check up a few weeks ago they said i had a dermoid cyst on the right ovary, that they are usually not cancerous, and that to remove it i will have to sign a paper saying they can take the right ovary if nessisary. I'm only 23 years old, and would really like to have children. I wont know if it's malignant unless i let them remove it, and them saying 'its usually not malignant' is not reassurance to me, since i was told the last tumor i had is 'usually not cancerous' either, but it was. I'm scared. it's not a desicion i want to make right now, but if i wait, and it is cancer it could spread. does anyone have any inspiration/advice to help me get though this?


  • Kgirl
    Kgirl Member Posts: 45
    dermoid cyst

    I see that none of us had answered your post and I didn't want to think that no one cared. I think most of us have not had your experience and had thought it best that someone else answer your post.

    This sounds like a very difficult decision to make and I would have another conversation with your doctor about your strong feelings in regard to your fertility. I would also ask the doctor to remove the ovary ONLY if it is proved to be cancerous -possibly they could do a biopsy first. It might also be helpful to get an 2nd opinion from another gynecological oncologist to see what your alternatives are.

    I will be thinking of you and I hope that all of the right decisions are made in your case.
    I do think that you will have to make a decision soon, since delaying treatment is really making a decision without thinking that you are.

  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Don't know
    I don't have any experience with this type of cyst. I believe I would get a second opinion from a gyn/onc.
    Since I am dealing with Stage IV at age 70, it is hard for me to advise you at to childbearing. Gather all the information you can and make your decision with that information. Saundra