Weaving a Few Threads on a Sleepless Night
Last week, three people I know died. Sarah, a 28-year old newlywed (sarcoma); Max, my family doctor of 50 years; and Kara, a 45-year old neighbor, who accidentally drowned in her backyard pool. Kara was in her workout clothes, early AM, evidently cleaning something on the patio, and fell into the icy-cold water. Her…
I'm new with a port and have a question
Last year I finally gave in and decided to get a port at my local hospital. For years, I didn't want one but my veins couldn't take it anymore. I like my port but have a question. Has anyone had any problems with their ports tilting, as the nurse told me, mine was "tilted". I told her that I thought it happened in January…
1st good news to report in AGES: My CA125 dropped 200 points after 1st round of Avastin/Cytoxin!
Today I had my 3rd Avastin infusion, but don't have the results yet of the CA125 labs I had taken just prior to it. But I did get my labs taken last week just before my 2nd Avastin infusion, and my CA125 is down 200 points after the 1st round of Avastin/Cytoxin. I know that Avastin can cause your CA125 to go up and down…
avastin & insurance bill
I just recv'd a statement from my cancer center. They bill my insurance $10,891 for a single infusion. WOW.
Do something....what's the worst that can happen?
Dr Sabittini thinks I am more pro-active and have better computer skills than a lot of his patients. He says I underestimate my ability to advocate for myself. Maybe. But if I can do it, so can the rest of you. If your computer skiils aren't all that great, recruit someone to help you. The government website for clinical…
Would you all be honest with me please???
Ok, you all know my mother's liver tumor grew over an inch in 2 months, over x-mas. The PARPS sis not work. She's now on 115mg of taxol every 3 weeks,,,,then off a week...she seems to be doing much better...her attitude is good.....her gas is VERY bad....she is fatigued a lot, but we are attributing that to the chemo. Now,…
Sometimes I feel her slipping away
Over the last two weeks my mom has lost 6 lbs. She has now gone from 135 lbs to 88 lbs. The doctors say don't get caught up in the numbers such as CA 125 levels (Mom's lowest is 3,300) but it is so hard not too. The doctors changed her meds two weeks ago and other then the acid reflux medication i don't feel like they are…
I think I am done.
Got my scan back. I guess I failed first line treatment. It is in my liver and brain. I had radiation on my brain today. Next week they decide which second line to do for the liver. Guess, I better get my house in order. I am pretty shocked, being that I thought I was doing well. Then a few days ago, my arm and leg went…
how high is a 15,000 ca-125 result
my fiance was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last week. we are prepared to fight and we will stay positive and do whatever we can to win the battle. i am very please with her doctor and his treatment plan. however i am almost certain he is sugarcoating the the prognosis. here is her situation. she is 41 yrs old and the…
rising ALT&AST
These liver function test continue to rise. One of my doctors think it is chemotherapy induced toxicity. I emailed my Doc in NYC this morning. When I searched online no where did I find it is a complication of liver mets. As of now I have no liver mets. Likely causes are chemotherapy induced or blocked bile duct. I haven't…
Wonderful News
Just wanted to share that I went to oncologist this week and everything looks great and ca125 remains unchanged and since it's been over 5yrs now, he has released me to once a year follow ups! I wanted to share my good news with all you wonderful ladies on here, please keep the faith and stay strong, there is light at the…
Chemo Brain
I used the search engine but didn't get an list for "Chemo Brain", and I started getting confused going through the posts. I say confused because I am *certain* that there is a post about it somewhere, however, I cannot locate it. So ... ... ... Brief Summary: 3/15/2010 - 3 dreams in one night that I had cancer 3/23/2010 -…
Rash from Doxil
I have received 3 doses of Doxil. I was warned of a rash that could appear on my feet, hands or sores in my mouth. So far I have had none of these but I have a terrible (sunburn like) rash under my arms, under my breasts, and now on the trunk of my body and around my waist. I wore loose fitting clothing as I was told for a…
Consultant meeting today.
Well here mum goes again, we are going to try doxil called caelyx in the uk. Let's hope this works, fingers crossed, it has got to work. We asked about mums omentum and he said they removed as much as is safe to remove,and that there was no visible trace of cancer on what was left, I always understood that they removed the…
coming to the end of my dense dose taxol
Hi everyone, I have not updated in a while, so thought I would check in. I started dense dose taxol and carbo in September after flunking doxil, and then taking the summer off. My CA125 immediately dived to 22 after a couple months, but neuropathy, a cardio issue, and fatigue drove me to plead for a break over Christmas.…
natural and holistic remedies
can anyone give me ideas and helpwith alternative remedies ? I am stage 4 OC
my hair is not falling out
I have a question for those of you on dense dose taxol. I started dense dose taxol in September and lost most of my hair after six weeks or so. When I took a 6 week break, my hair grew back very rapidly. I have been back on dense dose taxol - 60mg x m2 (100mg) every week for 3 weeks, since January, and it is not falling…
Black TAXOL TOENAILS: & new study report
I had no idea that cold pack gloves and slippers during infusion could prevent the black falling-pff toenails caused by some taxane chemos! (made my think of Carlene's post on her toenails from taxol & my own blackened nails! Here's a new report that just came out: Skin Conditions Can Have Severe Impact in Cancer Patients…
Ports for Chemo
My mom,80 years old, who has been dealing with her cancer for over 4 1/2 years, will have a port inserted on Tuesday, before she begin her next and newest chemo. Thoughts on the port, good thing, bad?
my wife has mmmt she had a hysterectomy and chemo now spreaded to back at t-4 and doudenum area adrenal glands and a spot on the liver
A Positive note
I have faced a lot of adversity over the past decade or so. I watched my Mom fight a recurrence of breast cancer she had in 1973. It came back in her bones & lungs-they gave her a year at best- that was Christmas 1992...the week before she died she was in Vegas. She passed in June 1997. I was my husbands caretaker after…
This Is What Happens When You Have Had Ovarian Cancer
Good Morning, I will back up to a couple of weeks ago. I start a new part-time job. I am on my feet for a couple of hours a day, so I start taking alot of advil and aleve for joint pain. 2 weeks go by and I start having alot of stomach pain. Shooting pains when I eat very high up and just all over abdominal pain. I know I…
Help with web site
Will someone tell me how to make a friend where I can contact somebody directly. I don't know how to do that on this site.
Avastin/taxol regimen
My avastin/taxol regimen is a 3 week cycle. Avastin/taxol week 1, taxol week 2, avastin/taxol week 3. 1 week off. I just had my 2nd dose of taxol yesteday and still have no hair loss. Doc says on the lower weekly dose it takes longer to fall out. I did buy a new wig just in case.
Doxil Delay - Suggestions?
Not supposed to be typing... I was supposed to have Doxil (3rd round) on Tuesday, but my oncologist took a look at my hands and postponed chemo. I had not noticed a problem with my hands, but he pointed out specific issues that he called "classic Doxil." My palms are red, the lines on my palms and the creases where my…
Made it to another birthday!
Today is my birthday. i am now 44. :) Last year on my birthday I was in ICU after my debulking surgery. I remember crying and my husband (my AMAZING husband) telling me, it's ok baby, next year your Birthday will be awesome! My nurse and my respiratory therapist came in my room and sang Happy Birthday to me. At that time I…
Worried about losing my health insurance
Hi, I'm new here. I was diagnosed with Stage 3c ovarian cancer in Sep 2010. I have had surgery and everything was removed except a cancerous lymph node on top of my pancreas. I finshed my 6 cycles of chemo about 3 1/2 weeks ago. I am currently being mapped for radiation treatment to the lymph noded noted above. The…
Fiance` has cervical cancer.. Help please
Hey everyone, this is a new thing for me i guess.. I am in love and just found out tonight that my fiance` has cervical cancer. She is scared and so am I, I want to be strong for her and tell her all will be ok. Is this true? I mean the only cancer I have ever known is my friend who died of lukiema, and my close close aunt…
just couldn't bring myself to do chemo this week
Hi Dear Hearts, I've been chemoing for the past thirteen months for my 1st recurrance (diagnosed 3C/May 2006)/doing carbo/gemzar on a three weeks turnaround since last Sept. The last several carbos have brought allergic reactions, so although I've been able to get through them, it's taken tons of steroids and endless…
2nd vaccine injection and all is well
I had the second vaccine injection last Friday (Feb 11th) and have no side effects at all, other than a bit of redness at the injection site. No soreness, no fever. I am going back Thurs and will get number 3 on Feb 18th. After that I may move to the Wednesday schedule, which is when they normally see Phase I trial…