can anyone tell us any stories of success on Treanda?? we re considering under going this chemo regiment,, we re waiting for biopsy to tell us exactly what disease we have to battle.. I see that the side effects are varied from person to person.. any input would be much appreciated.. thanks caregiver..
GOOD EVENING EVERYONE!! CAN anyone tell us good and bad results and side effects of Treanda chemo therapies.. it will help us make a decision once we find exactly what we re fighting.. please and thanks the caregiver..
Hello All Just want to say thank you for all the love and support you have given me. It has made my difficult days a little less so. I have been thinking of you all and wish you only great days ahead. I also posted a picture of my wonderful Mom, Alice. It's on my expression page. Lisha
7th rituxin today
Just wondering if anyone else that is taking rituxin wakes up feeling like a truck ran over you in the night. I get up , take a hot shower and I mean hot and I am good to go. It is so good to know people understand you and don't just think you are a complainer. Sometimes I wonder is it because I am 63 and old:) or the…
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Donna, I found this site. I hope this is helpful to you. Love Maggie Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) causes, symptoms ... Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) has many conditions associated with it, including diabetes, scleroderma, and Crohn's disease. SIBO symptoms ...…
New Member
Hi all, I'm very new to all of this. Just posted a blog but I'm not even sure this is the same thing. I have Stage 4 Hodgkins and, I just finished my 2nd round of chemo(ABVD) and had my 2nd neulasta shot, last Thursday and Friday. I am having terrible right shoulder pain and when the pain hits so does the vomiting. Have…
Two types of lymphoma
My husband was just diagnosed with Stage 3 diffuse large b cell lymphoma, which the oncologist is an aggressive variety. He's had two emergency surgeries to remove tumors in his small intestines but his scan shows there is still some there plus an enlarged lymph node near his renal artery and a lesion in each lung. But…
Retuxin side effects
I have been receiving retuxin maintainence treatments every 6 months for the last 9 years. After my last treatment in October, I developed a fever and flu type symptoms 3 weeks later. Then, my joints and muscles began to ache so bad, I had trouble walking or lifting. Next, about 4 weeks after that, my body began to…
results for scan
i have the results of my pet scan, the node that has been on watch and wait since july 11 has went from 4.5 to 5o two more showed up in the up one is 6.1 and the,other size is 6.3 increaseed activity associatdd right inguinal node also devepoment activity to right side commoon femoral vessles. blessings denise
Stomach pain when I eat
Hi, My name is Marian and I was diagnosed with SPMZL 2 years ago. I had a 9 pound spleen removed ,so I named it Steven cause is was bigger than either of my children at birth. I'am 58 and have been in watch and wait since. I was wondering if anyone has had portal thrombosis after thier spleen was removed. They took me off…
compter finally burnt up
mvu vuy computer burnt up i,m sorry i have'nt wrote for so long i hope everyoneis good,i met my nen onc i have been on watch and wait since july but now youcan feel the nodule the doctor is is talking of bendanmusinand retuxub, and wvu on down the road. i feel so weak this time. blessing denise
Second cycle
Good Morning; I start the second cylcle of treatment this morning at 0800. Blood work then Cladribine, Velcade and Rituxin. I took 20 Mg of Dexamethason a couple of hours ago. I work third shift and am at work now. It's just as well, sleep is not an option. Wikipedia on Dex says Michael Cox wrote The Meaning of Night while…
Its been some time, but I am back.
Just before I turned 30 I was told my anaplastic t cell lymphoma has relapsed after fighting since 2008. I had much treatment ncuding an auto stem cell transplant just over a year ago. Now I am on the new sgn-35 and will be undergoing an allo stem cell transplant in just a few weeks. Just last week, I was told I have a 40%…
SUE, Tomorrow is a big day for you. I know you will be tired from the benedryl. Just want to let you know we are thinking about you. You will be just fine. Its a day we all have to go thru. Some every 2 months and some every 6 months. Like you were saying in a previous post we were actually getting the R all along with our…
After treatment....
Hope the following article about life after treatment will be helpful. Feel free to share with your survivor friends. http://voices.yahoo.com/life-after-cancer-10949944.html
Happy Valentines Day
Hi All Just want to wish everyone a very happy Valentines Day. Whatever your day brings, know that I am thinking of you. I am still at my Moms. She is comfortable. Lisha
Have you been advised to avoid sugar?
Our doctor hasn't mentioned it and I haven't read it in the information booklet from the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. But, I have heard it from a couple of people. They say it " feeds cancer ". What do you think?
Quick update
Hi Dearest friends I have been spending all my time at my moms. I just came home for a quick change of clothes and will be heading back to her home in a few minutes. I am so sad at what is occuring. Mom is comfortable and that is a blessing. She knows that we are with her. Thank you again for your love and prayers. It…
Need support and direction, really concerned! Newcomer here. Please read.
Hi, my name is Joanna, this is my second post in the last couple of days. I have been reading some of your posts and stories. I am having symptoms of relapse and I am really having a difficult time with it. I was diagnosed in 08 with rare type of Large T Cell Lymphoma. I did very well with treatment. My last treatment was…
splenic marginal zone lymphoma
The love of my life is going through maintenence Rituxin every 2 months for 2 years, after 6 treatments of R-CHOP. I would love to hear from other people that have the same diagnosis and hear how you are doing. I wonder after the 2 years then what? He had 90% of his bone marrow cancerous one year ago and now he is in…
WHOO HOO, Cat scan
Hi Everyone, I am so relieved that I was at the Oncologist today and I am good for another 6 month. So that is news to be at least able to get that off my mind for another 6 month. It is such a relieve that I am still good. The worry with me is I have so many other problems. So at least that is good. I would like to thank…
My husband was recently diagnosed
My husband has Stage 2 Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. He had his first R-Chop infusion 6 days ago. He always says he feels fine, but I've noticed today that he seems to be moving kind of slow and he does admit that he feels "foggy headed". I'm wondering if this could be from not tapering down his Prednisone. He took 100mg…
Thank God for Drugs LOL
Hey everybody, I just wanted to give an update on my treatment yesterday. Everything went excellent...Thank God for the Drugs and for whoever invented them lol!!! I've had a little bit of pain on my back but nothing really bad. I was wondering if any of you have felt your heart go faster than the normal. I've felt that…
Prayers and positive thoughts needed
Hi All I am heading to the airport in just a few hours. I'll keep you updated if I can. I am asking for your help. Can you please say some prayers for my Mom. If that is not your way, maybe you could send some positive healing thoughts her way. I am so worried about leaving her, praying as hard as I can that she will be…
CT Scan - still NED !
Hello everyone! I haven't posted much in awhile but I have been occasionally reading/following you. It's been tough since losing my sister but I think I'm doing as well as expected at this point with that. I had my regular 3 month visit with the oncologist on Monday 2/6, CT scan, labs, etc. Results were good. Some of my…
Anyone see any news from Hilde yet? Still praying for you Hilde! Mary
Low white cell count months after chemo
Hello, I just finished chemo 3-1/2 months ago. Last week, I had my counts checked and my white cells had fallen to .9 and my neutrophils to .3. Just two weeks earlier, my white count was 3.2 and neutrophils were 1.75. My hemoglobin and red are normal ranges and platelets are improving. I had it rechecked today, and there…
Last Maintenance Treatment Feb. 8
It has been 2 1/2 years since my R-Chop began and then 2 years of Rituxan treatments. Yesterday was my last treatment at the Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis. It is a wonderful place. Cheers went up when I rang the bell marking the end. Now lab tests and Dr. visit every three months and yearly CT scans. I am in remission…
oncologist visit
Dear Liz and Donna, Yesterday, Tuesday I had very little time to post a reply to your concern, Thank you. I had a few concerns from a transvaginal sono June 27, 2011, and abdominal ultra sound Oct 11, 2011. Small cyst on left ovary, and mild prominence of pancreatic duct. I had a MRI Nov 14, 2011 to ease my concern. The…
Hi All Thank you everyone for your kindness. This trip has been interesting. The weather has been so nice since it stopped raining the first night. Does not feel like normal Key West weather. That is the good news. My business meeting has been extended for 60 days. After spending all morning till 6:30 pm yesterday in…