Routine PET scan for one in rituxen therapy?
Hi everyone, My thoughts and prayers are always with you even though life doesn't allow me to visit here as often. My mom was diagnosed with NHL 3A stage 2 last october and after 2 cyles of Bendamustine-Rituxen, she was in remission. She completed 2 more of that, for a total of 4. Now she is in rituxen therapy every 3…
Orbital MALT Lymphoma
Come join my blog, My Journey - Orbital MALT Lymphoma. I've dedicated this blog to share my experiences with others. Photos of my radiation mask being made and information concerning my radiation treatments. Comments and encouragement are always welcome. Thanks! http://orbitalmaltlymphoma.blogspot.com
Hi All Well, I have spent a good deal of time trying to come up with the best way to describe what's going on with me. Hopefully I will make some sense and not ramble on to much. So here is my update that I have been promising you. As most of you know, I spent time this past summer getting rad tx in Houston. Not fun and…
Hello all, I was 18yo when I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. I have been in remission for almost 9 years now which has been great. I recently went to the doctor cause I have been feeling really run down and tired all the time. The doctor ran labs and found that my WBC's are really low. I also found a swollen lymph…
6 Months!
I can't believe it's been 6 months and I am still in REMISSION!! I had my checkup with the transplant doc yesterday and all is good! I even got to stop taking 2 of the meds I've been on since after the transplant. I am a happy girl! This is kind of a first for me. I have a tendency to relapse in December so I've been kind…
Feeling down
Hello everybody, Just came from the Dr. and I'm going to do another 3 mo. of waiting, even though I'm not doing to well he still wants to wait because of my other condition which I wasn't doing to well in it either. He wants to make sure I'm in excellent condition with my other stuff then he'll see if we can start…
Hello Everyone, Well just got home from the Hospital today. I had a severe Diverticulitis attack since last Wednesday. I was admitted to the Hospital Sunday and they had to call in a surgeon. I was so scared. But he said lets treat this with antibiotics around the clock and see what happens. Considering all my other…
Sue, thinking of you
Hi Sue, Just wanted to say that I am thinking of you and wish you smooth sailing tomorrow. I hope you are able to keep the energy you have and feel rested. You are amazing, caring for a wee little one when your not 100%. I love the pictures of Lizzy and seeing her grow. So so cute. I'll be keeping you close tomorrow...…
Hey guy's, this really sucks, my mother-in-law who is a young 77, has just been diagnosed with bladder cancer. She is scheduled for out patient surgery tomorrow, where they will see if they can get the tumor out. I guess then they stage it, and advise treatment. I was on this sites bladder cancer discussion board and it…
Back for the day to wish everyone a blessed Christmas/holiday season !!!!!!
I just couldn't NOT come back, for the day, to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and holiday season. I will post in 3 spots that I used to frequent on this board, when I was on the site, to reach all the folks I talked with so they get my message too. Hope admin. doesn't mind repeat posts just this once. I pray that all…
♥ Merry Christmas and NOE-LOL
Happy Holidays everyone ! Some funny stuff: ====================================== The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn't for any religious reasons. They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin. ~Jay Leno The worst gift is a fruitcake. There is only one…
Hey everybody we are now in Christmas week or as some like to say The Holiday Season,but I am old fashion and still look at it as CHRISTMAS. Just want to wish all a joyful Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John
Hey everybody we are now in Christmas week or as some like to say The Holiday Season,but I am old fashion and still look at it as CHRISTMAS. Just want to wish all a joyful Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John
Hey everybody we are now in Christmas week or as some like to say The Holiday Season,but I am old fashion and still look at it as CHRISTMAS. Just want to wish all a joyful Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John
Thank You
Thank you so much for all your comments and responses. John you are so right about where our minds go the minute we have a problem . You are also right my mind was thinking the worst. But that is the way that disease works for us. Most of the time I put it out of my mind. But the minute something goes wrong I think badly.…
SUE:Big day coming
Make sure you rest up today and the weekend as much as possible. You got a big day coming on Tuesday with your R infusion. I get my port flushed today.Don't you just love these great highlights of the day? LOL John
feeling worse a year after treatments finished
I finished chemo in april 2011 for hodgkins lymphoma (beacopp x8) was starting to feel better up until a couple of months ago. Had really bad joint pain and early menopause symptoms but was feeling positive. Now everything seems to be getting worse. The fatigue has increased, its like someone presses a button to the 'off'…
Tom where are you????
Anybody heard from Tom? The older members know who I am refering too. He was on here pretty regular and all of a sudden he pulls a houdini. We don't know what happened or if he is ok or not.He has not posted in months. Last we heard he was heading for Texas for some treatments. This is what makes it bad not knowing…
chest pain
hi..why i having pain exactly behind of my chest..even i breath also cause pain..is it because i smoke few sticks cigarrete or is it common pain..its killing me and i cant breath deeply..hodgskin lymphoma stage 2b and after 3 cycles..
A little question about where your NHL was found, what part of your body?
My first diagnosis was found in the groin area, I found the lump myself. On the one and only recurrance I found a small lump under my left breast and it turned out to be the recurrance. Just wondered where others tended to spring up for the diagnosis with any of you? I mentioned in another post that 24 years later they…
Survivor's Guilt
I have been in treatment and not able to logon as often, but I just finished my last Rituxan maintenance. Two years went by incredibly fast and it's such a relief, but at the same time the anxiety of how long the relief will last is always there. I'm also feeling some survivor's guilt, has anyone been at this point and…
chemo nausea
No problems after first three Chemo treatments. Since fourth one, have been unable to keep anything down. Nauseous and vomitting. When does it stop? Last Chemo was four days ago.
Hi Kellie, I hope you don't mind that I copied and pasted your most recent post to a new discussion. You have been a huge help and always one to help and in case others in the group missed reading about your relapse, I thought they should know. I'm so very sorry about your relapse Kellie and feel sad knowing you will be…
Afraid I may have relapsed!!
Hi everyone, I was declared in remission over 6 months ago from Hodgkin's Lymphoma stage two. I had a tumor in my chest as well as a swollen lymph node. I did two rounds of chemo and 2 weeks of radiation. I was doing GREAT after treatment finished and was so excited. Now about 21/2 weeks ago I started to feel extremely…
NHL - b cell - Mexico?
My brother has just finished his 8th chemotherapy treatment. Earlier tests provided optimism and showed that the tumor in his stomach had shrank by 60%. Now, all of a sudden, tests show that the cancer has progressed. He's now graduated to stage 4. His doctor now wants to do a more aggressive form of chemotherapy. (I don't…
Now What?!?
Hello, I recently survived Primary Mediastinal B-Cell Lymphoma, my one year is February 22nd. I'm struggling with many issues during my recovery. One of them is having that "light bulb" moment after surviving. The moment when I realize what I was meant to do for the rest of my life, that will make me happy and make a…
I need prayers everyone, I think my cancer came back, or it just never went away.
Well, back in July I was declared in remission, meaning there was nothing showing up on my PETs, and then I got two more rounds of intense chemo and was still clear. Three days ago I got a follow up PET and today my oncologist told me that there were two tiny metabolic spots. I can't do anymore chemo, so my options are…
Just had preliminary diagnosis. can this be wrong? Please help!
Hello everyone: My 45 year old single daughter was having leg pains, back pains and difficulty walking since September of this year, was seeing a Chiropractor and getting therapy. Last Friday went to ER due to excruciating spasm, sweats and fever. Found lesions on the liver and preliminary biopsy thinks it is lymphoma.…
hi sumann here from malaysia..im just 22 and have hl which 5 times of treatments already done..im so worried by every times of treatment(abvd) i getting weaker, that means for a week i will in my bed only..is tat normal or lazyness since im a active person..thanks for guiding me..regards..
Crushed dreams-maybe surrogacy???
Just found that my ABVD treatment I received five years ago has given me arrhythmias and cardiomyopathy and that I will not be strong enough to carry a baby. My autoimmune clotting condition just adds to this along with my terrible thyroid. I use to think my cancer was a blessing in disguise and it showed me how strong I…