Post-vaccination vigilance

po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

This is  NOT political and NOT pro or anti-vaccine. This is medical/scietific data that reveal a risk that we should be on guard against. Dr. John Campbell PhD is one of the best-known online individuals tracking the Covid-19 pandemic. He does this from a scientific, peer reviewed data  vantage point. He interviewed a young man in Idaho who had a severe reaction to the Pfizer vaccine. It sounds as if the vaccine was (partially?) administered intravenously rather than intramuscular. Huge difference as the vaccines are not intended to be introduced directly in the bloodstream. The "potential" for this exists as the corner drugstore may not have the training to avoid this. Bear in mind that I have also received two doses of that vaccine. However, this young man, an extremely fit professional mountain biker, developed pericarditis, a serious condition, as well as various other debilitating symptoms.

I post this as cancer patients are a more vulerable population and are well advised to be vigilant for post-vaccination side effects. MEdical authorities initially did not believe the young man in the interview, one doctor claiming that he had a psychotic episode. A cardiologist properly diagnosed him. Dr. Campbell is seeking the truth, no matter where it leads - much to his credit.

And another vid, about "breakout disease" with its risk to cancer patients.



  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    edited November 2021 #2
    Fear factor

    Why are people afraid of discussing this? It can be life or death! My posts are being heavily scrutinized simply because they report data - facts- that differ with what the CDC and CNN tells us. Well, I call BS on all of this. Take the vaccine! I did. Just be aware of the increasing data on the associated risks.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    edited November 2021 #3

    Really? You think that?

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    edited November 2021 #4


  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    edited November 2021 #5

    is a terrible emotion. Best of luck in conquering it. All my best wishes.

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    edited November 2021 #6
    Yet again...

    No fear, my oppositional brother! Kindly notice that "I" posted the thread and "I" lament that no one will discuss it. I have neither fear of the vaccine, fear of cancer, nor fear of dying. And you???

    Rather, what I desire is that cancer patients, a particularly vulnerable population, will simply watch for unusual symptoms after receiving any vaccine. As noted, mistakes are made in administering the various vaccines and "bad things" can result. 

    You find something wrong with this?


  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    edited November 2021 #7
    As I am told by medical professionals …

    as a cancer patient I am more vulnerable to infections like COVID while my risk of adverse reactions to vaccine is no different than a non cancer patient. Google all you want but I get my info straight from the source. I am certain that if I did not have lymphoma I would have not taken the vaccine. I do not take the flu vaccine for example. My risk/benefit analysis clearly favored the vaccine. I would be reluctant to have the vaccine while undergoing chemo. I have had all 3 doses of the Pfizer covid vaccine (post chemo) with absolutely no negative side effects. Several in my extended family have had covid and even though I am around them frequently I have not. I believe that shows anecdotally that the vaccine is probably working for me. To get the vaccine or not is a purely personal decision. IMHO no one should be forced to be vaccinated against their will. Lots of quack "professionals" spreading misinfo on the web. The doctor you quote for example is a doctor, but not a medical doctor. He is a nurse.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited November 2021 #8

    I had a six month oncology appointment last week with my doctor for her to check my P.T.G.C. situation.   She is a prominent Hematologist/Medical Oncologist who has a background in oncology Clinical Trials management, and she highly recommended that I get the Pfizer booster.   I consider a mandate to receive the vac however to be a sinister and wrong-minded development, but there is that all over in our times.     



  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    Hi Max

    What is P.G.T.C.?

  • Sandy Ray
    Sandy Ray Member Posts: 150 Member
    edited November 2021 #10
    Vaccine and me

    Well I am against forcing anyone to take the vaccine. I think everyone should choose for themselves. I believe all my Doctors have been working hard to keep me alive and all recommended I get the vaccine.

    I have had 3 doses. Do I know if it will help or could even eventually hurt? No I do not. Therefore I let everyone make their own decision. I have good friends and family who have taken it and some who will not. I have friends and family who have had COVID-19 and recovered and some who have died. I think many have made it very political and I disagree with that. Taking or not taking the vaccine does not make you conservative or liberal. We all have our reasons and thoughts. I do not follow all the conspiracy theories nor will I. I didn't do that when I was diagnosed with cancer and do not plan to start now. If I had not had cancer I am not sure I would have gotten vaccinated. Didn't really have to think about it. I had cancer I had a stem cell transplant. My immune system has been impacted so I took the vaccine.

    I love America and the freedom we enjoy and hope to live to enjoy it some more.

    There is my two cents worth and I will give it away for free because it probably is not even worth the two cents. ?

    Scan next week really what I am focused on next week. Just routine and hope it stays that way.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    edited November 2021 #11
    Thank you!

    Why can't these vaccines be questioned? What is sacred about them? Dr. John Campbell, pretty much "Mr. Covid" on YouTube, is now being attacked since he has the temerity to present the truth, with the science behind it and peer reviewed evidence. On FB, they have set their hired gun "fact checkers" (a lie) on him, trying to discredit him. He is showing the efficacy of generic, afforable Ivermectin, and the science behind it. The "fact checkers" have called Ivermectin a "horse drug" in a pitiful attempt to smear his content. Billions of doses have been given - me included - of the FDA approved drug! Something stinks to high heaven.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    We (you included) are free to

    We (you included) are free to do and believe as we please. As for Ivermectin, I took it in South Africa. Made me feel awful so I quit it. Point is of course you can believe whatever you want. Just don't expect everyone to fall in line and agree. I favor anyone who so desires be provided Ivermectin. If I were not immune compromised I would not take anything, including the vaccine and Ivermectin. Google on my friend. Or was it YouTube? 

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    PTGC is the extremely rare disease I have that causes grossly enlarged tumors (nodes).   It usually fades away on its own, and is virtually always associated with the NLPHL that I had, the two can go back-and-forth.  My biopsy over a year ago was tennis-ball size.   It is often confused by pathologists for NLPHL, and getting back the second opinion took well over a month.  It usually occures only in a single node, or small cluster, but I had it in several groupings.  There are no protocols and  the only treatment that has been used when necessary is Rituxan.

    Partial Transformation of Germinal Centers


    Nodular Lymphocyte-Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma in Progressive Transformation of Germinal Centers (



  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 239
    Support Team Closing Discussion

    We have decided to close this discussion to further comments. We respect everyone's individual views, but this discussion has pushed the boundaries of our Terms & Conditions regarding the expression of medical advice and political views (