Premature Ovarian Failure


I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma in 2001 at the age of 14. I was told there is a chance I can't have children due to Cyclophosphamide being part of my treatment.

I am now 30 years old. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for six months now. Due to my history, I decided to see a fertility specialist. They checked my FSH and AMH levels and I was told I am currently going through premature menopause and will notice my period disappearing over the next two years or so. Unfortunately, that means no children for me.

More than anything, I am concerned about the long term effects this will have on my body. I an wondering if there is anyone on this thread who can relate?  Did you start HRT? What was your experience with it? Any input would be greatly appreciated since no one I know can relate.




  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member


    Your apparent incapacity is tragic.  While obviously not female or trained in fertility, I have a thought.  If the drug(s) damaged your ovaries I woud not attempt pregnancy. It just seems risky.

    I have had prostate cancer (PCa) in addition to HL.  In men, this can lead to testosterone issues, and t-replacement is frequently discussed.  But one of the primary ways advanced PCa is treated is chemical castration, via hormones (some men require literal physical castration, but I have not).  Therefore, the idea of taking T-supplements following wellness seems ridiculous, since PCa is largely "fed" by testosterone.

    Estrogen is the analog in women of the testosterone in men.  It largely feeds breast cancer, and possibly ovarian cancer also, and has a role in Peritoneal Cancer (a cancer of the abdominal lining caused by ovarian cells; we have a woman at Church fighting advanced Peritoneal now). With all of these quite indirect risks, I would not want my wife ever taking hormonal supplements, unless the need was for some reason critical.

    My mom went into menopause in her 40s, back in probably 1970. Back then, estrogen supplementation was very common in the US, perhaps nearly the norm. But the risks today have it much rarer. 

    Just some random thoughts. As I said, I pretend no real knowledge in this subject.


  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member

    I have 5 year old twin grandsons conceived via egg donor. They couldn't be more perfect or more loved.





  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member
    Not cancer related

    I had a hysterectomy 12 years ago at the age of 55. Reason was fibroids and heavy bleeding. Afterwards my dr gave gave some hormone replacement meds. When I finished taking them I never asked for a renewal and have felt ok. (At least until I got lymphoma.) I know that there is a big difference between 30 and 55. At 55 my body was likely cutting back on the hormone production. That would not be true at 30.

    There is a group call Hyster-sisters where I found some good information and support.

    Good luck.


  • denhamok
    denhamok Member Posts: 9 Member
    It just seems risky. Estrogen

    It just seems risky. Estrogen in women is analogous to testosterone in men. We have a woman in the Church who is struggling with the advanced peritoneal disease. With all these very circumstantial risks, I would not want my wife to ever take hormone supplements unless it is necessary for some reason. If the medication has damaged your ovaries, I will not try to get pregnant. But the egg donation agency may still be able to help you in some way. The agency allows prospective parents to choose a donor with physical and mental characteristics that match their own. Eggs from that donor are then fertilized with sperm provided by the partner or donor and given to either the surrogate or the intended mother.