Uncle has been recently diagnosed with Burkitts

Neelloo2626 Member Posts: 1

Hi Everyone-  

My uncle was recently diagnosed with Stage II NHL,  Burkitts which is rare in adults. I was searching for peer-reviewed literature in adults on this type of NHL and  did not find much.  Has anyone gone thru this and have information on prognosis and outcome?

He is 64, no pre-existing conditions, athletic. I'm so worried. He is currently being treated at Stanford.  They removed a lymphnode in his neck and there is a tumor under his tongue which they want to treat with chemo and radiation. A full body PET scan did not show any spread and the doctor indicated that his cancer was staged "at most" at Stage 2.

Any help, words of encouragement and information on prognosis and survival would be so appreciated! 

-Worried Niece 




  • PBL
    PBL Member Posts: 366 Member
    edited September 2021 #2
    Sorry for your concern

    In the event you haven't yet found this fairly recent (2018), clear and comprehensive article titled Management of Adults With Burkitt Lymphoma, I believe it may provide all the answers to your questions.

    I hope this helps. Do let us know how your uncle fares.

    Kind regards.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,500 Member
    Worry is natural but cannot help

    Know that Stanford is a world class facility and their staff of excellent hematologists know very well how to treat the disease. B-Cell Lymphomas are by far the most common and Burkitt's or "Burkitt's-like" are B cell malignacies. It is a very aggressive lymphoma which has a major weakness: Lymphoma cells are vulnerable to chemotherapy when they are dividing/multiplying. The more they divide and multiply, the more susceptible to treatment they are. The treatment plan appears sound to me.

    Do not consider "prognosis" - strictly speaking, it does not apply to your uncle. It is a mathematical statistic which applies to groups of patients and does not describe (or predict) the outcome of any individual. It is used to direct therapy and for data collection. 


    If you are worried now, best to stay away from Google!