Greetings to Shoopy
How's it going today, Karl? Are you still at Area 51? I was wondering about the RICE--any weird dreams or hallucinations? You sound perfectly stable. When will you go home? I know you will have to be extremely careful about infection. I hope it is all going well for you. I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you…
DLBCL and LDN ( low dose naltrexone)
Hi. My Dad was recently diagnosed with DLBCL. We don't know the stage yet because he needs to have more tests, but the Dr. says he's at least a stage 2 (with symptoms of sore abdomen, some fatigue and lost a little weight). The Dr wants to get him started next week on his treatment plan (standard therapy, including chemo)…
Loaded with questions.
Hi everyone, I have just recently joined this forum and many of the comments I have seen here are quite helpful. I am not a patient but am the daughter of one. My father has been diagnosed with CNS Lymphoma and I being a teenager have absolutely no idea what lies ahead. I have plenty of questions to ask evry piece of…
Early Birthday Wishes, Sue
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE !!! I know it's a bit early, but wanted to be the first to wish you a wonderful birthday. Your travel plans sound like so much fun. Enjoy every minute and take in all the beauty around you. When you are in Calif at your sisters, if you have time, give me a call and maybe we can meet for some coffee and…
Hi everyone, I'm new
A year ago my husband got a cough that just wouldnt go away. He went to urgent care and they did an xray. They prescribed him a steriod because they said he had pneumonia. In December it was back again, so they treated him as they did in September, excluding the xray. He found a new primary care doctor and was referred to…
Chemo Induced Peripheral Neuropathy with restless leg syndrome
Fellow Lymphomaniacs... Just wondering if anyone else suffered or suffers from this? Mine started out as a sore back, moved to sore hip, progressed to numbess in my toes and fingers and the entire body having that restless leg type syndrome. Now, I am at the point where I am getting foot cramps and my entire arms are going…
R-CVP versus Bendamustine-Rituxan
Which one is the "best" I was given a choice. Now I am hesitant Care to share your experiecnce. Many blessings to you
Is Sue Lost at Sea???
I starting to get worried. Do you think maybe a gigantic salmon got Sue. JOHN
Just looking for some advice about my 3 year old son...
I'm new to this site and joined because I just wanted some advise from others and I want to say that my son is currently not diagnosed with cancer and is under a doctors care! My son is 3 will be 4 this December and i will give a little of his history from this year. Early January he had gotten the flu 3 times and…
GKH and eye problems
GKH, In an earlier post you mentioned you were having eye issues. Just wondering what kind of eye problems are you having. I have developed dry eyes and was wondering if it was related to the chemo or not. John
YAY! scan results all good !
I'm new here, I introduced myself below in "new here" I think... you people are amazing ! So I got my pet scan reults today and I AM ON CLOUD 57... ha. I am on third round of bendamustine rituxan. Its working, I have a 50 ish percent of shrinkage of all my tumors... yay... and she wants me to do three more rounds of the…
Jims snake eradicator
Jim, I don't know about that snake eradicator thing. I was fishing last week and all of a sudden I saw a rattle snake coming at me with a frog in its mouth. I did as you said. I took out my bottle of JACK DANIELS and poured it all over its face. He dropped the frog at my feet and scurried off into the woods. 15 minutes…
EPOCH R/neulasta misery still going on
My mom has been miserable for 2.5 days now. Nights are tough. I know neulasta causes bone pain, but she also has major abdominal discomfort. Side effects The neulasta and oxycodone 5mg cause abdominal pains too, but she has been miserable. We emailed the doc and he said take pain med every 6 hrs instead if 12. We have no…
I'm not in synch with things lately lost my wonderful Dad last summer around this time, but I've noticed nhldaughter we havent Heard from lately... Hoping her mom nd they're all doing fine... Wishing the same for everyone else here. There were some starting sct haven't heard from them either, the lady with long wavy hair…
DLCBL R-chop pneumonia
My husband is 74 yrs old and previous to the diagnosis of DLCBL he was in good shape. He has had 5 R-chop treatments but has ended up in hospital 3 times with temps. He received neupogen shots after the 2nd chemo. Now after #5 he developed pneumonia that was initially thought to be PCP but then after a bronchosope that was…
Updates on everyone
First and foremost, my apologies for being M.I.A for almost a month now I thought it would be kinda cool to have a link open to any and all that can update us on where you are with your diagnosis, treatments or remission< this is partly due to laziness or lack of time to research my LYMPHOMA family on here. So any and all…
Checking in
Hello Dearhearts It's been way too long since I said hello. I do follow all your posts, and keep you all close. Summer has kept me very busy, flying cross country multiple times. I am in the midst of planning my next flight. Ugg I have been buring my head in the sand, and trying to avoid docs and tests and everything that…
Dropping By
hey everyone Sorry its been a while since ive been here but the last two months ive been traveling like crazy with work. Anyways its been a little over a year since I had my auto stem cell transplant or DLBCL and im doing well. Been dealing with allergies and sinus issues but hey that life right lol. Hope you are all doing…
Rituxan only
I have searched the posts here and only find Rituxan taken with the other chemo drugs or as a maintenance after chemo, has anyone done just the Rituxan as a first line of treatment? I have been doing wait & watch and have not had treatments of any kind. I am stage 3 grade 1 Follicular NHL in all my lymph nodes and a spot…
Does anyone know
Hi Its driving me crazy but does anyone know of anyone who has survived slow growing indolent non hodgkin's lymphoma for twenty years or more.? Nobody seems to be able to give me an answer. I know its treatable but for how long? Any help would be appreciated. Richard
Rituxan only Treatment
Hello, My 85 year old grandmother was recently diagnosed with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. She is elderly and weak so chemo is out of the question. We were given the option of Rituxan only treatment. Although the side effects are very different then with chemo and seemingly less severe we are still very concerned about…
Hodgkins lymphoma
I have recently been rediagnosed with Hodgkins again I was originaly diagnosed 2 years ago and a very small area has re apeared.I am about to go through the ice program which leads to stem cell transplant and high dose chemo.I am scared and worried and would like to heare from anyone who has been through stem cell and .I…
Confused... I need some advice about why I feel this way.
Hi y’all, My name is Becca and I’m 22 years old. I’m writing this because I need some advice. Here’s a little about background info about my treatment process, etc. (I apologize for writing so much). I was diagnosed with stage 3a Hodgkin’s Lymphoma this past February. I had eight ABVD chemo treatments, and after my last…
5 year breast cancer survivor with 3 enlarged underarm lymph nodes
I saw my oncologist Friday and he sent me for a STAT breast ultrasound. The results indicate the underarm tissue has changed, and the 3 lymph nodes are enlarged and palpable, however are benign. Radiologist recommends repeating test in 4-6 months. It seems like they should be biopsied. ???? Any thoughts? ( Double…
Sharing caregivers experiences
My new book "Cancer's Wife" now available on Amazon. It's the compelling story of an inter-racial couple's battle against cancer. A tale of love, struggle, betrayal, and hope. Check it out when you get a chance. — at www.amazon.com/dp/B00EZZNY4U Wished i had something like this to help me through my two year journey
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) Recovery Time?
Hey. This is my first post here, so be gentle! In May, 2011 i was diagnosed with Stage III DLCBL. I am almost 2 years out from being told that I am in remission. I had 6 rounds of R-CHOP chemo - and while u survived, I'm wondering at this point at what cost? I wake up tired, stumble through the day, STILL have numbness in…
Bone Marrow Biopsy
I was trying to wait it out before I asked but it's the weekend and I can't wait any longer! I had my bone marrow biopsy August 27 and it is now going on Sept. 8th. I talked to the nurse the 30th and she said the preliminary results were back and they looked fine but the rest is not back yet. I thought it was 1-7 days? Why…
Life is beautiful.
"There is no evidence of cancer within his body." Kyle and I received the news today. I am still at a lost for words to express the feelings I am feeling right now. God is great and life is beautiful. I am so incredibly grateful and blessed to have you all in our lives. Love, Michelle and Kyle Bring on the stem cell…
That Old Rituxan Feeling
I had a Rituxan infusion Friday. I was at the clinic for about 5 hours. We left there and went out to eat. I was freezing and didn't have much appetite but otherwise felt OK. Saturday morning, I still felt fine. But Saturday afternoon, just about exactly 24 hours after my infusion, I started getting "that feeling". Yes,…
Always ask...Never take anything for granted !!!!
When you go to the Dr. and they say something you are not sure of...don't take for granted you know what they mean. You may have the thought go thru your head that they will think you are stupid, but forget that. You may find out you were stupid for not asking. I learned the hard way. Years ago I was working for a…