Bone Marrow Biopsy
I was trying to wait it out before I asked but it's the weekend and I can't wait any longer! I had my bone marrow biopsy August 27 and it is now going on Sept. 8th. I talked to the nurse the 30th and she said the preliminary results were back and they looked fine but the rest is not back yet. I thought it was 1-7 days? Why…
Life is beautiful.
"There is no evidence of cancer within his body." Kyle and I received the news today. I am still at a lost for words to express the feelings I am feeling right now. God is great and life is beautiful. I am so incredibly grateful and blessed to have you all in our lives. Love, Michelle and Kyle Bring on the stem cell…
That Old Rituxan Feeling
I had a Rituxan infusion Friday. I was at the clinic for about 5 hours. We left there and went out to eat. I was freezing and didn't have much appetite but otherwise felt OK. Saturday morning, I still felt fine. But Saturday afternoon, just about exactly 24 hours after my infusion, I started getting "that feeling". Yes,…
Always ask...Never take anything for granted !!!!
When you go to the Dr. and they say something you are not sure of...don't take for granted you know what they mean. You may have the thought go thru your head that they will think you are stupid, but forget that. You may find out you were stupid for not asking. I learned the hard way. Years ago I was working for a…
HELLO EVERYONE, My son who is 18 now was dx PRIMARY MEDIASTINAL DIFFUSE LARGE B CELL NHL in jan 20013, stage 3 advanced we were upset as shud be. he was intially given 4 R chops followed by petsacan. about 70 % of the desease had gone the lymphoma was only left in the 6th rib and primarry mediastinal region rest of the…
Like Humpty-Dumpty, I can't believe I'll ever be put together again..... :(
Hello from a new and U.K. member who needs help..... I was diagnosed in late March with NHL, which presented in my tonsillar bed. It was a total surprise, because a) I had my tonsils out 50 years ago and b) I wasn't aware of any symptoms beyond a bit of a virus (or was it?....) I started chemo in mid April. I only had 3…
...that one day we will have a pink heart shape pill that cures all cancers and our biggest complaint will be that it comes only in 6 different flavors. Please, join me in this dream and until then god bless us with nothing but happy hopeful days. Laz
I won't call it an early Christmas present...but close
I think I mentioned that the doctor wanted PET and CT scans after my second round of R-DHAC for DLBCL. This is after R-CHOP failed to make an improvement. The plan was to have the scans this week and then meet with the doctor on Monday for the results. The doctor's PA just called because they have the PET results and…
On vacation
Hi guys, Just wanted to let you know we left for the river on Friday...won't be back until Sept 29th. I've got my laptop with me and will check in, but sometimes after a 10 hour day in the boat, it's all I can do to fix a quick diner, shower, then straight to bed Stay well and keep positive thoughts! Love...Sue
Lymphoma month
Hello buddies! I saw this post on my facebook and thought it was very important for all of us! This is a link and you will find more info here http://lls.org/SpeakOut hope all of you can sign the petition ^_^ (((hugs to all))) Sincerely, Liz
depressed, lonely and self conscious and dont know where to turn
my name is alexis i am 21yrs old and the last 2 and a half years of my life i spent fighting my cancer hodgkins lymphoma stage 2a. now i am in remission but i cant get away from my anxiety and depression and self consciousness. when i look in the mirror i dont see myself anymore. i see a girl that is broken and i cant put…
How to build confidence?
I'm having a good couple of days at the moment: I'm sleeping OK (except last night), my anxiety has been improved for a while (except I'm worried about my dog and my mother, both of whom are extremely elderly) and my low mood/depression is better than it's been for a long while (although I'm afraid of it nose-diving again…
The New Normal
This is a term I have been hearing a lot. What, if anything, does it mean? Or is it just a trendy buzz-phrase? When I googled it, I learned there is even a TV show by this name. Urban Dictionary defines New Normal as: The current state of being after some dramatic change has transpired. What replaces the expected, usual,…
Hello my dearest friends (minor check in)
Hi there! I have been a little MIA lately due to school, Kyle finishing his last round of CHOPE, and preparing for his SCT. He officially finished his last round on August 23rd. Woo hoo! No more CHOPE cocktail. So I had to make him a little certificate. Haha. He is leaving for Presbyterian St. Luke's Colorado Blood Cancer…
What to hear success stories bcell NHL .
All, Here is my story I got my DX in February the doc said it is curable thank God I got engaged 9 days earlier and then we wee dealing with treatment. So we will marry in January. The DX was small cell with some medium cells it is the CD 20 cell. I have been through 4 straight Retuxin treatments, then several rounds of…
Cervical Cancer
Hi, I am new here, and In jan 2013 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, I went threw chemo, radiation, and brac therapy, I was done all my therapy in april, and docs told me looks like tumor was gone and everything was good! I am still unsure tho and waiting to see my doc again for MRI results. Then I got hit with…
Bone marrow biopsy
Hi all, I had my bone marrow biopsy yesterday and I am on the waiting train. I was knocked out and was thankful because he couldn't get it on one side so had to go to the other. I didn't get to talk to him but in my waking up state I asked the nurse why and she said something about it being dry and another said he…
Thank Goodness !!!!
I have had cancer, I am more than half blind, my blood pressure is sky high, had 2 by-pass heart surgerys, 2 knee replacements, hip replacement, diabetes, arthritis so bad it takes me 3 hours to get out of bed, can't hear anything less than a jet engine starting up, takes so many meds I am dizzy all the time, can't feel my…
Looking for some one to talk to
I've recently finish my treatment for Hodgkins and I was on one of my usual check ups when they told me that I might have it again. I don't know if i can handle treatment again and I need inspiration. I've had all the usual talk about it might not be but I'll know tomorrow and I dont think I'm mentally ready to accept and…
False positive PET scans
Well i had my 2nd post chemo PET scan today. My first post chemo PET scan was not so good with an SUV=8.9. I was obviously devastated by my last PET scan. My doctors told me it was probably inflammation and to retest in 2 months. I went to my Oncologist today and he told me my CANCER IS GONE!! SUV=0! I am living proof that…
Sprang from Area 51
Howdy all, I have been sprung from Area 51 (Roswell Park). I feel great (thanks steriods and a unit of red blood). No other side effects. Doctor seems happy. The plan is to get by the next couple weeks. The doctor has scheduled me for a PET and CT scan during the week of 9/2. He will give us the results on 9/9. Those…
Hello Peeps: Had a PT-Scan today, which to me is a big aggravation. For a long time I have been doing well with my bloodtests. Going along (singing a song??) Saw the oncologist Wednesday, Aug. 21. This time there was a small rise in white cells. I have allergies, one being ragweed, which the doctor thought might be causing…
after receiving rituxan side effects
Hello everyone, I received 4 weeks of infusion with rituxan. I had no side effects during treatment. The last treatment was dec 30. My doctor informed me that the rituxan can still be working for about 4 months. I will be returning to the oncologist the end of april 2010. Then I will have a pet scan. My question, can there…
Neulasta or chemo pain??
Hi all, I think either the neulasta or chemo (EPOCH R) effects have kicked in My mom has been in pretty bad shape for the past two days. she was on Vicodin, but the doc said that could cover a fever. So he prescribed oxycodin 5mg. Even with the Vicodin only once a day the doc made a comment of "don't overload on meds"…
How bad can it get?!
My grandmother was diagnosed in March of 2013 with DLBCL at 71 years old and scheduled for 6 R-CHOP treatments. The first was terrible and she was hospitalized for 21 days. Each new treatment got easier and more tolerable, and she was able to receive outpatient cocktails through her port. Right before her 6th treatment, in…
Hurrah! Remission at last!
Finally, official word from my doctor, I am in remission!! Personally, I've thought myself in remission for the last 9 months, but he was reluctant to say so because after chemo in last October, I showed a posivitive PET scan and a negative biopsy! So he didnt' know what to believe! But with every subsequent check up…
Second R-DHAC starts tomorrow
Howdy all, My second round of R-DHAC should start tomorrow. If the doctor is happy with my progress, I'll receive Rituxin tomorrow as an outpatient then go into Area 51 (Roswell Park) from Tuesday through Thursday for the rest of the fun. My white count has rebounded nicely...almost to 5.0. My platelets have rebounded as…
Neulasta shot advice please
Hi all, my mom will get her first neulasta shot tomorrow. Any advice for what to do before and after? I want her to be comfortable and know what to expect. Thank you For the advice. Sending good thoughts to all.
I saw my oncologist today and he said I was a very unusual case. He said having FNHL in the small bowel last year which is extranodal and now having it come back in my groin area is very unusual. Boy I hope I got that right! Has anyone had this and if so what was the outcome?