Welcome to only the beginnings of ObamaScare. Please thank the idiots that put him back into office. The Muslim/Socialist has lied to the american people from the start. Do not forget he is in charge of the Senate. as well as all the other offices that are involved in all the other scandals. Should be impeached, but instead has been praised by the liberal media. He has now put a halt on amber alerts. This is what happens when a dictator will not negotiate. Why not close down Micheles nutritional programs. Watch out for Hillary, she will continue where he has left off.
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Clinical TrialsCOBRA666 said:ONLY THE BEGINNINGS
Welcome to only the beginnings of ObamaScare. Please thank the idiots that put him back into office. The Muslim/Socialist has lied to the american people from the start. Do not forget he is in charge of the Senate. as well as all the other offices that are involved in all the other scandals. Should be impeached, but instead has been praised by the liberal media. He has now put a halt on amber alerts. This is what happens when a dictator will not negotiate. Why not close down Micheles nutritional programs. Watch out for Hillary, she will continue where he has left off.
Nancy, thank you for sharing what you have written to your senator and being a voice of reason. You've inspired me to write my own senator. How much good it will do remains to be seen. I too, am a survivor of lymphoma and am extremely troubled by what is happening in this country.
John, please get down off your soapbox before you fall and break your neck on your ignorant rhetoric.
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Better Ideaellamenno said:Clinical Trials
Nancy, thank you for sharing what you have written to your senator and being a voice of reason. You've inspired me to write my own senator. How much good it will do remains to be seen. I too, am a survivor of lymphoma and am extremely troubled by what is happening in this country.
John, please get down off your soapbox before you fall and break your neck on your ignorant rhetoric.
Congratulations on your remission. It is something to celebrate !!!
BTW: Why do you think this country is in the situation it's in and why do they have to write their congressmen? A lot of people here are in remission and a lot of them are not yet in remission. There are other being diagnosed daily. They are the ones that need more help than we do right now. Evidently the Demoncrates could not care less. If they did the clinical trials would not be in jeopardy. Now if you feel that is ignorant rhetoric and you don't feel this healthscare bill will affect you put your head back in the sand and Make sure you vote for Hillary and listen to more liberal news programs. People would not be writing their congressmen if the Demoncrates didn't try to shut down the country and blame it on the Republicans. Just la di da thru this and watch your health care and other rights crumple. I am not a Democrate, Republican nor a Socialist. I am just an American who is tired of watching these pi$$ing contest between inferior so called leaders at the Americans expense. I know......what am I thinking.....I can write my Congressman. LOL !!!
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Congratulations on your remission. It is something to celebrate !!!
BTW: Why do you think this country is in the situation it's in and why do they have to write their congressmen? A lot of people here are in remission and a lot of them are not yet in remission. There are other being diagnosed daily. They are the ones that need more help than we do right now. Evidently the Demoncrates could not care less. If they did the clinical trials would not be in jeopardy. Now if you feel that is ignorant rhetoric and you don't feel this healthscare bill will affect you put your head back in the sand and Make sure you vote for Hillary and listen to more liberal news programs. People would not be writing their congressmen if the Demoncrates didn't try to shut down the country and blame it on the Republicans. Just la di da thru this and watch your health care and other rights crumple. I am not a Democrate, Republican nor a Socialist. I am just an American who is tired of watching these pi$$ing contest between inferior so called leaders at the Americans expense. I know......what am I thinking.....I can write my Congressman. LOL !!!
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Senator Speaksellamenno said:Clinical Trials
Nancy, thank you for sharing what you have written to your senator and being a voice of reason. You've inspired me to write my own senator. How much good it will do remains to be seen. I too, am a survivor of lymphoma and am extremely troubled by what is happening in this country.
John, please get down off your soapbox before you fall and break your neck on your ignorant rhetoric.
Senator Max Baucus (Democrat, Montana), author of the Obamacare bill, gets on Soapbox concerning "trainwreck" known as Obamacare....
Democratic Senator Jay Rockafeller joins in as well. Play video portion for commentary from the Senators .
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Senator Max Baucus (Democrat, Montana), author of the Obamacare bill, gets on Soapbox concerning "trainwreck" known as Obamacare....
Democratic Senator Jay Rockafeller joins in as well. Play video portion for commentary from the Senators .
It's the law. I wish Congress would go home.
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Thanks for the VideoSenator Speaks
Senator Max Baucus (Democrat, Montana), author of the Obamacare bill, gets on Soapbox concerning "trainwreck" known as Obamacare....
Democratic Senator Jay Rockafeller joins in as well. Play video portion for commentary from the Senators .
Thanks for the video. I get carried away with the soapbox thing sometimes and it ends up offending someone. Just trying to let people see what they could be in for in the near future. It's Ok for Senators to get on the soapbox but not for poor suckers like me that have to deal with this mess. I guess thats the mentality of most Americans anymore. Not all Americans. I guess they have become brain washed with the old Politically Correct or not adage. I truely believe they could catch him robbing a bank. He would tell them he was giving the money to the poor and the media would call him Robin Hood Obama and make a Hero out of him. A lot of America would believe it. John
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.COBRA666 said:Thanks for the Video
Thanks for the video. I get carried away with the soapbox thing sometimes and it ends up offending someone. Just trying to let people see what they could be in for in the near future. It's Ok for Senators to get on the soapbox but not for poor suckers like me that have to deal with this mess. I guess thats the mentality of most Americans anymore. Not all Americans. I guess they have become brain washed with the old Politically Correct or not adage. I truely believe they could catch him robbing a bank. He would tell them he was giving the money to the poor and the media would call him Robin Hood Obama and make a Hero out of him. A lot of America would believe it. John
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Is it possible to outline for
Is it possible to outline for a Brit what some people feel is wrong with the universal health care plan? See, to us it just seems normal. Our system is by no means perfect, obviously: a lot of us feel that far too many "elective" treatments are available on the nhs to the detriment of those who are waiting for serious medical treatment, for example; but we never have to wonder whether we can afford to pay personally for our treatment, and that is very precious.
I've tried researching online but it's hard to find comment that isn't just plain inflammatory or full of detail that is so far outside my experience that I can't understand it.
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The Change overAilidh said:Is it possible to outline for
Is it possible to outline for a Brit what some people feel is wrong with the universal health care plan? See, to us it just seems normal. Our system is by no means perfect, obviously: a lot of us feel that far too many "elective" treatments are available on the nhs to the detriment of those who are waiting for serious medical treatment, for example; but we never have to wonder whether we can afford to pay personally for our treatment, and that is very precious.
I've tried researching online but it's hard to find comment that isn't just plain inflammatory or full of detail that is so far outside my experience that I can't understand it.
It is one of those things that can be difficult to explain. It's like watching the hour hand move on a clock. You know it's moving. The difference now is we have a so called leader that has lied in every respect of the word since he has been fundamentally put into office and involved in every political scandel and never had to answer for it. Like a pied piper leading people down the highway to hell to slaughter. Put back into office thru illegal voting methods. Thats another matter. I am sure with you living in England you have heard a lot more about our failed leader than our liberal media will tell us. You see it as normal because it is all you have evr known. We used to have healthcare that was more or less offered by the work place and premiums were deducted from your pay check accordingly. About 30 or so years ago a government backed insurance was offered called the HMO. It was cheaper and promised to cover everything, but in reality was just about useless. Over the years a lot of the stronger insurance companys began to offer that same plan. Copays started to rise and coverage began to dwindle. We now have a so called leader that has been trying to fundamentally dismantle the USA and has made a complete mess out of the country. A government that controls the healthcare controls the people. We are no longer the Land of the Free and fast becoming the land of the poor. We are paying for everyone to have healthcare which is not that bad for people that deserve it, but we have to pay for illegals pouring into the country and people that refuse to work to have healthcare and have babies as well. We can not afford healthcare for our own families anynore. Our jobless rate is climbing and a lot have been put on part time work, but they still need to pay for universal health care. It has been proven that other countries with this have failed and their health care system is a shambles. I have seen post on here where cancer patients are not offered the type of treatment that is offered here because of their healthcare system. The burden of payment is left up to the middle class. The poor pay no taxes and the rich have loop holes to avoid taxes. It is very disheartening to go to the grocery store and have to be careful with what you buy because of the money situation. Then the person in front of you whips out a FREE government food card and is buying T-bone steak on your tax money. Then they go out and jump in a Merecedes Benz with disability licence plates and drive off. I have seen it several times with my own eyes. The less you contribute the more the government takes care of least for now. In time we will no longer have a middle class. Just a country of very rich and very poor. The health care will continue to deteriorate like in other countries.The government will continue to take more control of what we do. We will be told what Dr we can see and when. It is coming to that now. A lot of Drs. have opted out of the system already.Our so called leader( community organizer) has divided the country into extreme conservatives and extreme liberals. The true liberals are there because they see money to be made in all this.The bandwagon liberals are there because they have been lied to and brainwashed into believeing this is the thing to do. The conservatives see what is coming.Even some of his own party are beginning to fold on The Obama Train wreck. All he has to do is abolish this TRAIN WRECK Healthscare, but as Dictators do, they will not budge or discuss. It is their way only, not the Democratic way.Now he is threatening seniors Social Security payments and blaming as usual, on the conservative party. I speak out with what I have to say. Most do not reply to my comments which is fine. Ever so often I get a rebut, but thats their right. BTW thats another right that is being taken away. It may offend someone. I have been flagged several times because a comment has offended someone. That's freedom of speech isn't it?
I see what is coming with this country and its Healthcare system and do not want my children and grandkids to have to go thru this. I am waiting for the black SUV's to come down the driveway or a drone to fly over my house. That's a joke..... I think !!!!
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I can't say we get to hearCOBRA666 said:The Change over
It is one of those things that can be difficult to explain. It's like watching the hour hand move on a clock. You know it's moving. The difference now is we have a so called leader that has lied in every respect of the word since he has been fundamentally put into office and involved in every political scandel and never had to answer for it. Like a pied piper leading people down the highway to hell to slaughter. Put back into office thru illegal voting methods. Thats another matter. I am sure with you living in England you have heard a lot more about our failed leader than our liberal media will tell us. You see it as normal because it is all you have evr known. We used to have healthcare that was more or less offered by the work place and premiums were deducted from your pay check accordingly. About 30 or so years ago a government backed insurance was offered called the HMO. It was cheaper and promised to cover everything, but in reality was just about useless. Over the years a lot of the stronger insurance companys began to offer that same plan. Copays started to rise and coverage began to dwindle. We now have a so called leader that has been trying to fundamentally dismantle the USA and has made a complete mess out of the country. A government that controls the healthcare controls the people. We are no longer the Land of the Free and fast becoming the land of the poor. We are paying for everyone to have healthcare which is not that bad for people that deserve it, but we have to pay for illegals pouring into the country and people that refuse to work to have healthcare and have babies as well. We can not afford healthcare for our own families anynore. Our jobless rate is climbing and a lot have been put on part time work, but they still need to pay for universal health care. It has been proven that other countries with this have failed and their health care system is a shambles. I have seen post on here where cancer patients are not offered the type of treatment that is offered here because of their healthcare system. The burden of payment is left up to the middle class. The poor pay no taxes and the rich have loop holes to avoid taxes. It is very disheartening to go to the grocery store and have to be careful with what you buy because of the money situation. Then the person in front of you whips out a FREE government food card and is buying T-bone steak on your tax money. Then they go out and jump in a Merecedes Benz with disability licence plates and drive off. I have seen it several times with my own eyes. The less you contribute the more the government takes care of least for now. In time we will no longer have a middle class. Just a country of very rich and very poor. The health care will continue to deteriorate like in other countries.The government will continue to take more control of what we do. We will be told what Dr we can see and when. It is coming to that now. A lot of Drs. have opted out of the system already.Our so called leader( community organizer) has divided the country into extreme conservatives and extreme liberals. The true liberals are there because they see money to be made in all this.The bandwagon liberals are there because they have been lied to and brainwashed into believeing this is the thing to do. The conservatives see what is coming.Even some of his own party are beginning to fold on The Obama Train wreck. All he has to do is abolish this TRAIN WRECK Healthscare, but as Dictators do, they will not budge or discuss. It is their way only, not the Democratic way.Now he is threatening seniors Social Security payments and blaming as usual, on the conservative party. I speak out with what I have to say. Most do not reply to my comments which is fine. Ever so often I get a rebut, but thats their right. BTW thats another right that is being taken away. It may offend someone. I have been flagged several times because a comment has offended someone. That's freedom of speech isn't it?
I see what is coming with this country and its Healthcare system and do not want my children and grandkids to have to go thru this. I am waiting for the black SUV's to come down the driveway or a drone to fly over my house. That's a joke..... I think !!!!
I can't say we get to hear much about the health care reforms in the States. What is told to us - or, to be fair, what we Hear, it may not be the same thing, my generation grew up watching Quincy M.D. and latterly Diagnosis Murder with regular episodes about poor people denied medical care because they couldn't afford it - what we hear is that the health care reforms will make it possible for everyone who needs it to receive medical treatment, regardless of cost, regardless of their tax paying status. Because that's the system my generation have always known, it doesn't seem odd to us, it just seems humane. Of course, the whole "is it can't pay or won't pay" question comes in with those who don't pay taxes or, in our case, National Insurance. We have just as many absuses of the system as you do, I suspect but what could be done? How do you differentiate between the spongers and the genuinely poor/unemployed/unable to work through sickness, mental or physical? Genuine question, I don't know how it could be done.
The freedom of speech thing is tricky. You may be free to say what you like but others have an equal right to complain about it, I suppose.
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AgreedAilidh said:I can't say we get to hear
I can't say we get to hear much about the health care reforms in the States. What is told to us - or, to be fair, what we Hear, it may not be the same thing, my generation grew up watching Quincy M.D. and latterly Diagnosis Murder with regular episodes about poor people denied medical care because they couldn't afford it - what we hear is that the health care reforms will make it possible for everyone who needs it to receive medical treatment, regardless of cost, regardless of their tax paying status. Because that's the system my generation have always known, it doesn't seem odd to us, it just seems humane. Of course, the whole "is it can't pay or won't pay" question comes in with those who don't pay taxes or, in our case, National Insurance. We have just as many absuses of the system as you do, I suspect but what could be done? How do you differentiate between the spongers and the genuinely poor/unemployed/unable to work through sickness, mental or physical? Genuine question, I don't know how it could be done.
The freedom of speech thing is tricky. You may be free to say what you like but others have an equal right to complain about it, I suppose.
I agree with you about everyone needing health care. Just remember what you were watching was a Hollywood tv series. It made the star out to be the Hero. It was fiction. It's not that way in reality. Nothing ever is. As far as the spongers there are ways to sort them out, but it appears nobody cares. Especially the politicians unless it gets them votes. It may cost the politicians votes if they actually cut moochers off the government freebie list. The moochers will vote for anybody that gives them something for free. Thats the problem in this country. Because of the spongers the truely needed suffer. If I see it going on everyday and I'm just a peon,you know the politicians see it as well. Anyone that thinks the government really cares about us must be paying high rent in that cloud they live on. Look at the 3rd world countries and make a comparison to whats happening here. Remember the newsclips you see of the other countries on tv are propaganda clips.
I agree that everyone has the Freedom of speech either positive or negative. Just have to be careful what you say about certain important people though.
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CLINICAL TRIALSellamenno said:Clinical Trials
Nancy, thank you for sharing what you have written to your senator and being a voice of reason. You've inspired me to write my own senator. How much good it will do remains to be seen. I too, am a survivor of lymphoma and am extremely troubled by what is happening in this country.
John, please get down off your soapbox before you fall and break your neck on your ignorant rhetoric.
Good that you wrote to your senator. I asked my senator for an answer. Should be interesting.............
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CLINICAL TRIALSellamenno said:Clinical Trials
Nancy, thank you for sharing what you have written to your senator and being a voice of reason. You've inspired me to write my own senator. How much good it will do remains to be seen. I too, am a survivor of lymphoma and am extremely troubled by what is happening in this country.
John, please get down off your soapbox before you fall and break your neck on your ignorant rhetoric.
Good that you wrote to your senator. I asked my senator for an answer. Should be interesting.............
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