EPOCH R swelling?
Hi all. My mom did her first round of EPOCH R. She got two units of transfusion just now too. She feels a lot of swelling All over her body. Her feet are poofy so is her abdomin and back area. She also swallows and feels tightness. Anyone experience this??? They will discharge her in an hour and say it's just water…
Could it be....?
I am going in on the 28th for a biopsy. Here are my symptoms. Swollen lymph nodes on the left side of my neck (have been swollen since Dec 2012), they didn't hurt until about 2 months ago. Now it's an aching hurt all the time. Headaches, night sweats, extreme fatigue, get winded very easily, coughing, unexplained itching…
EPOCH-R advice?
Hi all, my mom decided she will give EPOCH-R a try. The treatment starts tomorrow. Please give advice and tips if you've been through it. She's 70 years old and this is a relapse to diffuse large B cell from a follicular lymphoma. So it's going to be tough.
Has anyone on here had problems with fingernails after diagosis with FNHL and Rituxan therapy? I have two which ceem to be coming off.
Double hit update
Rick was scanned today (6 weeks after radiation) and after DA-REPOCH and a stem cell transplant. Was in remission!!! Any other double hitters out there over 3 months out in remission? He goes back in 3 months for another scan but they seem hopeful it will stay this way!!!! Yeah!!!!!!
Relay For Life
A Miracle and an Answered Prayer
Recently, I started a discussion thread on the subject of applying for Social Security Disablilty. I received many excellent replies and a (mostly) good discussion ensued. I am especially appreciative to our Les, who is a former Social Security Administration employee, for his contributions. Thank you again, Les. A few…
4 time cancer survivor with questions
I was diagnosed with nhl in nov. 2003......specifically diffuse large b cell lymphoma. I went through a 10 month regimen of chemo and immunotherapy (rituxan). I was told that it was not curable but that remission was possible. The cancer has been in remission since late 2004. In 2006 i lost my left kidney to renal cell…
PET scan and sinus
Hi, i'm new to this site. I am trying to wait til my onc appt to ask this question but I just can't do it! Last year I had FNHL in the small bowel and had a resection with no other treatment other than CT's every 3-4 months to watch. I just had my 1 year PET scan and it showed 2 spots, one in my sinus and one in the lower…
Bendamustine rash/itching
I hope someone has some advice. A family member is having a terrible time with the itching from his rash. He's been taking Benadryl, but gets so sleepy. I'm wondering if anyone has found some other way of managing the rash/itching. Thanks for any help.
Clear Sailing...
Had my six-month visit with my oncologist yesterday (Thursday), All a-ok. The anemia that gave us a scare six months ago has totally resolved, and is right in the middle of normal values. LDH, Sedementation, all low-normal, which is were they are best at. The doctor recommends that I continue on my dialy Geritol Multi. I…
Shouldn't ABVD given in order ?
I have new nurse and noticed that she gave me the ABVD treatment in this order BVAD compare to past 11 treatment where I took them in the order of ABVD, and when I asked her she said it does not make different, but within my self I did not feel good about it. For of you who have ABVD does the order ABVD given makes a…
In remission and scared
I was diagnosed with NHL stage II B cell follicular when I was 45. I did 6 rounds of R-CHOP and I believe I went into remission almost immediately. The very fist treatment of Rituxan I had no pain and the chemo was not as bad as I thought but I don't want to do it again ! My doctor did not give me maintanence Rituxan.…
Upcoming Scan and the nerves are starting to get to me
Hey Everybody Friday I will be having my one year scan since the Auto Stem Cell transplant for Diffuse Large B Cell Lyphoma. I am getting the normal jitters and fears that seem to overtake you both mentally and physically at times. To make things worse, I woke up Sat with a pretty bad sinus infection and a fever from it.…
New to the site
My navigator suggested that I check out this site and possibly sign up. I have Stage III Hodgkins mutiple sclerosis and have had one ABVD treatment so far with the next one in a week. I am still having ups and downs dealing with the knowledge that I have cancer, but most days, other than not being able to do anything,…
Last treatment
Well my fellow lymphomaniacs...I am sitting here in an unusually unsettling state, I know I should be happy, jovial etc right now; tomorrow is my last chemo treatment. But I have to be honest with you, I am more nervous than a prostitute in church. It feels like it is my first treatment all over again. I keep thinking…
And another family member is diagnosed....
I have been on the lung cancer board for the past couple of years as my husband was diagnosed with non small cell lung caner. He continues his fight. His sister was then diagnosed with leukemia and passed nine months later, my brother's wife was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer and passed nine months later, and now, a…
Hello to Cobra and to everyone.
Hello to all and thanks John for asking about me. I check in when I can and I was so sad to read about Dixie Girl and Nathan that I didn't know what to even say. God bless them both. There are so many of you that I don't know yet and I am sure that is my loss. I see Sue can still be counted on to give and gather such good…
Hi buddies!!!
Hi to all my buddies, Just wanted to let you all know that yesterday I finished with my last Rituxan infussion YAY for me!!! I'm really happy that I'm done with them, now I just wait for my next CT scan in three months and that's it, no more treatments!!! I was a litlle worried and I do have a question for all those on…
Suspecious for Lymphoma
Hello, Please find the PET -CT scan results below and guide me the kind and stage of th disease pls? PET Findings: Protocol: With the patient fasting for 6 hours, 10 mci of FDG was injected intravenously and 3D PET CT scan was performed Physiological concentration is seen in the heart,Gut,Brain,Kidneys and Bladder…
Social Security Disability
I just finished my online application for Disability benefits. What an ordeal--I see why people hire attorneys for this. Monday, I filed the Application for Benefits and printed out some instuctions about what information I would need to file the Disability Report. Tuesday, I assembled, compiled, and recapped medical…
New Here Auto SCT survivor
Just an introduction - My name is Ellen. I'm 54 and I had an auto SCT in Feb 2013 for transformed FNHL in my CNS. I'm currently in remission. Looking forward to talking. Ellen
Graft Versus Host Disease - Prose Medical Device
Hi Everyone! I would like to know if anyone out there has heard of the Prose devices for people who have Graft Versus Host Disease in their eyes. How did it work out for them? Was it worth the cost? Thanks for any info that you have. Traci
Repeat biopsy Friday
My son (Camp Hoizon Volunteer) is having another biopsy on Friday. He had a biopsy six weeks ago and the three nodes they took were negative which we were thrilled about. They waited 6 weeks and scanned again and there was no change. The oncologist said this isn't normal if it was due to infection. He was put back on a 3…
R-DHAC Update
Hi all, Been a long week and wanted to give all an update. If you remember last I have DLBCL and went through 2 R-CHOP to no avail. My spleen shrunk only 50% and a PET scan showed new nodes in neck, groin, and arm pits. My doctor referred me to Roswell Park Cancer Institute (Area 51 as someone on here called and I've been…
Does anyone know of a lymphoma epidemiologist experienced with Dioxin as a possible cause of FNHL? How about an institute or university that has studied Agent Orange or other dioxins as a cause of FNHL? Thanks in advance.
Checking in
Hi everyone, It's been a little while since I checked in. I have been reading the posts but found it so very very hard to respond. I felt like I was hit with a ton of bricks. So much loss, it was just to to sad for me. I've lost three close friends since march, and the loss of Beth and then Nathan on this board and some…
Hi all I posted some photos on my expression page of me parasailing. Lisha
Not so good news
So today I got my results from my pet scan and not so good. The Dr said its all gone but there was still a little bit that popped up on the scan. He thinks that its just tissue healing still but he don't wanna take it lightly. So now I meet with a radioligist monday and see if I need radiation. The Dr thinks its so small…
Vinny, Merrywinner and MissMaggie, I know you guys have to be out there somewhere. Please post and let us know how things are going. Just an update would be great. Even a smiley face would do. We worry miss Ya' John