Three months after my last chemo
Hello my friends (the ones I met here almost 9 months ago)! It's been a while since I posted here or even read any of the other posts. Today is exactly 3 months since I had my last chemo but it feels so much longer and I just couldn't be happier that it's all over. I have some good news which I receivied the day after my…
Saw stem cell doctor last Wednesday,it is a lot to take in, i was over whelmed and emotional when i left her office. One thing came as a shock to me was my Oncologist failed to mention the results of the multiple biopsies i had, was that my cancer is now transitioning in large B cell or aggressive, it was a surreal…
pre cancerous, Ugh.
Have been very quiet latley. Finished Bendamustine, Rituxan and nulesta treatments in February. Starting to feel human again. Start 2 yrs of Rituxin maintenance in a few weeks . Had weird spot show up on the apple of my cheek a few weeks ago.I went to dermatologist and he froze it and said if it disappears completely in 3…
Concerned about lymphoma
About a year and a half ago I had a lump show up on the back of my neck. I believe it is the occipital lymph node. It is about 1.5 cm from my best guess. Other than the lump I feel just fine. I also have a small node behind my right ear and a couple under my jaw. About a year ago I had an ER doctor feel it and he said it's…
New to this site
Hi, my name is Karen and I was diagnosed with Follicullar Lymphoma stage 1 in Dec.2012. it was caught early because I had blackfly bites in the summer and one bump had not gone down. My family dr., endocrinologist and plastic surgeon all told me it was a lipoma but upon removal, they discovered a 5cm tumour behind my right…
Help for my 12yr old daughter
Hi all. This is my first official post here and while you all seem like such a wonderfully supportive bunch, I'm quite sad to be posting here. A quick intro: my name is Aly & I'm from Cali ;-) I'm a mom to 5 crazy, cute & lovely kids ranging in age from 12 to 22mo. My oldest daughter Anni- (pronounced like Annie) has been…
hi Jon, I'm so sorry I haven't answered right away, I just got very busy. I am so glad you did well with B/R, think you know that Bill did also, but does'nt seem to be the case with some. We researched and even emailed 2 docs in Germany and one in WI about him getting a stem cell transplant and they all suggested not to.…
Has any one else had breathing problems after treatment? Like radiation to the chest can that cause lung problems? I had breathing test done but they said nothing was wrong every thing came back good but I still can't breath I take my inhaler but it don't work.
Scan results tomorrow morning
It has been way too long since I have been on the site. I have been traveling with work from october til now like a crazy person. I had my scan monday and get my results tomorrow. I am being optimistic but still dealing with these ugly thoughts and anxieties. I have been in remission for about 2.5 years since my Auto…
The latest
I had my first round of chemo last week which was 2 days in a row, of retuxin and treanda first day, and treanda only the second day, then neulasta the day after, it totally whipped my butt, i used regular Claritin for bone pain which helped a lot, but after al was said and done i am not so sure i can handle stem cell now,…
Latest & Greatest
With the most sincere apologies for being MIA, I am more than eager to say that today is the day that Kyle is receiving his brand new donor stem cells at The Colorado Blood Cancer Institute. He left last Monday February 23rd, 2015 to sign his final consent, have his central line placed and admitted to the hospital to…
Scared and frustrated
Hi, where to start. A couple years ago I noticed a bump on my left clavicle. It wasnt hard but it was big. I went to my pcp and he said it may be a fatty tumor so he sent me for a cat scan. Cat scan showed a nodule in my left lung and somewhere else in my neck, the lump on my clavical was diagnosed as a lapoma < spelling?…
Hi Max, Hoping for the best with your surgery tomorrow. Bill and I will be thinking of you and your family. We know you will be in good hands. You wouldn't settle for less. Even though it seems this is an easy thing and not worrisome, having to deal with cancer again is emotionally challenging. Our prayers are with you and…
Nutribullet or other juicing do's and dont's
While going through chemo is there any fruits or veggies or powders that should be avoided? that might harm the chemo's effects? and is there anything that you all recommend? a favorite recipe while on chemo?
Help with Stage III B Cell Large Lymphoma
Hi, my mother in law recently got diagnosed with B Cell Lymphoma. For a few months she was experiencing weakness and also what her primary considered pneumonia (in fact she is still taking Levaquin). After she was taken to the hospital and many different tests were done she was diagnosed with Stage III Large Cell Lymphoma.…
Girlfriend was recently diagnosed with cancer and needs help.
Hi guys, my girlfriend Gemma has recently been diagnosed with a certain type of Lymphoma cancer. Unfortunately she does not have health insurance so all health costs will have to be out of pocket, but we do not have the resources for it. Her family is considering selling the house she and her brother grew up in just to pay…
New to site
Hello, I haven't been diagnosed with anything yet but I have some concerns and I don't know what my next step is. I started having pain under my arms in Dec 2013. Normally, when I shave my armpits, I always wipe with alcohol when I am done. But I didn't this particlar time so I figured my problem was related to this. Then…
Thyroid cancer x2, unexplained pulmonary embolism and enlarged aortic lymph node on PET SCAN , not f
I don't know what's going on but I have flank pain on left side and fullness and pain in abdomen left side which Is where the enlarged lymph node is . Confused. Could I have csncer for the third time ? A diff type? And an unexpained pulmonary embolism. Help anyone!
on the edge of a cliff
Everyone has their share of trouble, and Ive mine. Though things tilted into the realm of ridiculous when at 21 I was suddenly diagnosed with terminal stage IV cancer. Though I survived with the aid of an iron will, I was damaged. With tumors on my pancreas, liver, lungs, i could go on but it'll be easier to say from top…
IF you have DLBCL, get genotyped!!! It could save your life!
Hi everyone, My mum was diagnosed with DLBCL fall 2012. Back then, we were all CLUELESS about lymphoma and all the various available treatments. We did A LOT of research, and thankfully ended up getting mum REPOCH, which is one of the best treatments to date for DLBCL. She went into remission for almost a year, and then…
Lease post your year of diagnoses for hodgkins , include staging and surgerys and side affects! Lets find the common links between us for discussion. this could simplify our efforts of charting our side affects. Thank you Kevin 1987 stage 2b
Should I stop Chemo after 5 rounds, or should I receive number 6???
I have stage IV Folicular Lymphoma. I have been receiving chemo since Jan 6, 2014. Rituxon & Treanda every 28 days, was scheduled for 6 rounds. After my 3rd treament mid March my Dr. sent me for a CT scan, results were excellent showing almost full reggression. I continued on with rounds 4 and 5, however my white platelet…
8 R-CHOP sessions, is it safe for 68 years old patient?
Hello every body, My mother is 68 years old, four moths ago we discovered that she has NHL, the gastric was involved and all lymphoma nodes around... the doctor recommended her 6-8 R-COP sessions, now she finished the fourth session, by she started to be very tired because of the aggressive side effects. a PET scan was…
New here, B cell marginal zone lymphoma with ITP
Hello all. I'm new here. I was diagnosed on 4/13/12 (Friday the 13th!) with marginal zone B cell lymphoma and its sometime companion, immune thrombocytopenic purpura - mercifully known as ITP. ITP is an autoimmune disorder that also involves the B cells and causes the immune system to destroy platelets, which makes it more…
anyone else having issues post chemo
I'm 7 months post chemo, two all clear pet scans but I'm feeling exhausted all the time. I also can barely eat due to nausea(I am taking zofran multiple times a day), my neuropathy is getting worse, my heart shows signs of mild damage due to the Adriamycin. It's depressing and confusing, I'm supposed to be getting better…
Navel pain in Non-Hodkins (B-Cell-High Grade) after Chemotherapy
Hi All, My aunt 87 yrs was diagnosed with NHL (B-Cell; High grade)...She has received 7 chemo sessions that includes (6 rituximab dosage as per prescription)..She is experiencing stomach pain most near Navel part for the past 7-8 days. Is this normal? Doctors says the tumor is shrinking and pain maybe of because of that.…
UK vs American treatment
Hi everyone, I am a 63 year old male from the UK and have just been given the good news that I am in remission from NHL after 8 R-CHOP cycles. I am a bit curious about any differences between treatment in the United States and the UK. I notice that in the US it seems standard to use a port for chemo infusions, is this…
My wife was diagnosed with NHL large defused B-cell
This all started a few months ago, my wife was pregnant with our 1st child and during pregnancy she developed a rapid heartbeat, she even passed out once. Once the baby was born (November), she was still feeling sick after she gave birth, I was also sick doctor's said it was most likely a virus going around. We both…
The Latest
Had surgery the 19th last Thursday, surgeon did a video assisted surgery, when he went in he said that the one area that has been giving me a bad time wasnt a tumor but possible Sarcoidosis, as if i dont have enough going on, he finally reached a tumor and got a good biopsy, i am happy about that, i have at least 4-5…
If you are diagnosed with HepatoSplenic T-Cell Lymphoma, here's where to go
Hello, Here's my quick story. Let me know if you have any other questions or are looking for specific info. Hepatosplenic T-Cell Lymphoma is extremely rare and aggresive - time is of the essence in treating it, so that's why I'm posting this. Story My nephew, Brian, was diagnosed with HSTCL in Feb., 2012, 1 week before his…