Stopping By
Just stopping in to say Hi... I don't get on much and when I do, I find myself not posting anything anymore. I will be complete with my Rituxan maintenance finally in september and am anxiously awaiting having my port removed. I am pretty sure the port is really just a portal to hell and I have a direct line ... LOL.. I…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this. If you received a message, please do not respond or…
New here. Care giver to non hodgkin lymphoma fiance.
Just wanted to say hello and send warm wishes to you all. My fiance is very stubborn so it's not always smooth sailing and I get frustrated at him when I shouldn't. I love him lots though and try to understand what he is going through and we are doing really good atm. ;)
Is 8 cycles of R-CHOP chemotherapy normal?
Hello everyone, I have non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cancer. After 6 cycles of R-CHOP chemotherapy every 3 weeks, my cancer doctor has told me that "metobolic CR attained". The "CR" means "Complete Remission". He said that the tumors I had are all gone. He wants to do 2 more cycles of R-CHOP chemotherapy to consolidate metabolic…
ALCL or any other T Cell Lymphomas
I was hoping to chat with some others that may be being treated for or have been treated for these types of lymphoma. I have been on this site and few others but seem to be flying solo. All posts seem to be two to three years old. A part of me is happy that so few people have to deal with this type of NHL, but any feedback…
Hi Rocquie: Don't think you got this. Trying again. Nancy
Hi Everyone, wel life has been very interesting this last month. I haven't been really on the forum much. The phlabitis I ended up with is still in both of my arms but not as bad. The swelling has gone down within the last week, I have surely been relieved to see that. My oncologist did a ultrasound on them last week so I…
Cookingirl Fran
I haven't gotten an e-mail or seen Fran on this site. Anybody know anything? Thinking of you Fran and praying the drugs are working.
My first post
Hi there, obviously I'm new to this but I thought I could use all the support I could get! I'm 37 years and was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma back in the fall. I just had my first of 6 treatments last week. The Rotuxin Bendamustine combo. And boy was I sick!! I'm to have one treatment every month for 6 months. I'm…
extremely worried
hi guys, So I've had my lymphnodes on the side of neck for years now, but lately they've gotten bigger and my neck and shoulder hurt really bad. I also found another lump just above my collar bone. I've also been having some difficulty breathing as well. another strange thing that has been happening is that I break out in…
Hi to all my friends
As I look at the names I recognize some of you. I haven't been on this site for about 4 years. I want to write about HOPE. There are so many new treatments availble to us. I went to MOFFIT in Tampa, Florida for a seminar and learned something that was encouraging. I was in remission 5 years then and they told me my chances…
New Here and Scared
OK saw the Oncologoist and the Final Diagnosis and Treatment plan is: Diffuse Large "B" Cell Lymphoma. Will have Chemo once every 3 weeks for 6 cycles. Have a PET scan next week and get a port put in for the Chemo. so my surgeon gets another Whack at me Will be getting the R-CHOP Combo platter Scared because I am alone, no…
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I hope all of you are having a wonderful day with your families! Sorry for not posting more often, but honestly, I've just been overwhelmed with so much that's gone on since we've moved to the river. We love it here and couldn't be happier, but this stupid cancer just isn't giving me a break. We found a…
Hello Folks: I had a very good Oncologist for about 3 years. He decided to leave and departed the end of August 2014. The cancer clinic is part of a nearby hospital. I miss him; had a good rapport, which is important. His replacement is very good too, but the rapport is gone. Well, anyway, I have had what the Onc. calls,…
Radiation Therapy
Hello dear forum members! I wish you health and happy life! I've some questions about Radiation therapy during HL. My wife (24 years) was diagnosed HL on september 2014. We've got six courses BEACOPP regimen of 21 day cycles (As i know it's standards). Two weeks ago we made PET/CT, the results were good. There was not…
Rocquie: I answered your post re "Emperor of all Maladies," and Ken Burns, but the thread seems to be drifting. So here I am again....................... Nancy The Film Thank you, Nancy. This is a very exciting upcoming PBS film being released in the spring. It is based on the pulitzer prize winning book, THE EMPEROR OF…
Where is the best place to have the needle for chemo treatment?
Hi. My name is Laura. I am going to have my 3rd round of Chemo in the next 3 days. I have chemo on Thursday and Friday, Rituximab & Benadamustine. During my first treatment in October, the needle was put in my hand. I had issues for weeks after, with the veins in my wrists being sore and popping out. It is fine now. For my…
KEN BURNS FILM RE CANCER, MEMORIAL SLOAN KETTERING CANCER CENTER, NEW YORK CITY: http://www.mskcc.org/blog/watch-video-physician-chief-upcoming-ken-burns-film
Eating after radiation to the Head and Neck
Hello! Recently (Jan. 15th) I finished radiation to my neck (salivary glands, throat, etc) and sinus. I had 25 rounds. I had level/stage 3 Oral Mucositis and it caused lots of bleeding in my throat if I wanted to cough or sneeze etc. My tongue also developed severe burns on all sides. I switched to a chicken broth diet on…
lymphoma worries
i had some calf pain left leg back in august some tightness went to doctor they gave me some pain killers also have over the years some lower left back pain that would flair up, pain went away after a week then noticed a bump/lump on back side of my left knee about 4 months ago, also had leg pain with it calf area really…
Mantle Cell
Hi Debbie, I hope you are finding this. I have started a new thread as the other one was older and a bit confusing and long. I am so sorry that you and your husband are going through this. I hope you are both holding up well. Bill was diagnosed at the age of 62 and is now 66, so we have a lot in common. By the time Bill…
GURD/Acid Reflux
Hi Everyone, I have GURD. I have had it for years. My problem is this darn heart burn won't stop. I was told by my onc. To not take my prilosec 4 days before and after chemo.thats 11 days . I am wanting to take tums but don't know if I should. When this rollercoaster is over I am pretty sure I will have a healthier diet…
Well I ended up with phlabitis in my arms. One spot came from last chemo. The other one in other arm is from previous chemo. He said if I didn't have just one more Bendamustine and rituxen treatment he would insist on port. He prescribed antibiotics and heating pad. I'm ok with this its just a bit nerving. ~GG~
Reporting Back After Oncologist Visit
Hello Folks: I had a very good Oncologist for about 3 years. He decided to leave and departed the end of August 2014. The cancer clinic is part of a nearby hospital. I miss him; had a good rapport, which is important. His replacement is very good too, but the rapport is gone. Well, anyway, I have had what the Onc. calls,…
Vitamin D Deficiency
Hello my friends, Remember a few weeks ago when I told you I fractured a bone in my foot? As it turns out, on a follow up x-ray, after much of the swelling had subsided, and I suppose pictures taken at a slightly different angle, because I was more comfortable, it turns out that 2 of my bones were fractured. Also, the…
Auto Stem Cell Transplant
Can someone who has had a auto stem cell transplant share what their experience was after they were released from the hospital? My daughter had one just over month ago, and I was wondering what others experienced. I have noticed that she seems to be a experiencing a bit of shortness of breath. She did have a bit of a head…
The Latest
Just checking in, had a PET scan last Sunday and saw Onc on Monday, new scan shows a new area starting, for a total of 4, the Onc mentioned stem cell and that its a good possibility this time its aggressive, i have an appt for Thursday with a thorasic surgeon, he will let me know what can be done, my Onc says i have to get…
No cancer activity.
No cancer activity at this time! I had my PET Scan done yesterday , all clear ! I am still going to finish my last two rounds of chemotherapy and then do rituxen only once every two months for two years. I am really happy aboutbeing cancer clear but having to finish out my treatments and then do Rituxan is a small bummer.…
WHy can't I trust doctor
I am 25 years old, male. I was freaking out because I found a 1 centimetre enlarged lymph node behind my ear, its been there for about 4 months. I thought for sure it was cancer/lymphoma. My family doctor told me it was probably nothing to worry about, but would send me to a specialist because I am worried. I went to the…
Checking in
I've not posted in awhile - been sort of taking a break and have been busy with things. I have a friend going through cancer treatment right now and have been offering what little support I can over the phone. We plan to visit sometime after he finishes treatment. He's doing well so far - just anxious to finish as we can…