NHL Large T Cell Survivor of 2 1/2 years, looking for encouragement
Hi, I am new here. I hope you are all doing well. I am one of those people who wants everyone to be okay and I have always been one of the strong ones in my family. I now need to be encouraged. I am having a lot of stress due to losing two jobs in six months, my car quit on me last week (transmission gone), and now I am…
I am 34 years old, very healthy with a very active lifestyle, married with 4 children. I had stage 2 Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma that is ALK+ (diagnosed in Oct/05, i completed my chemo therapy in March/06. I am concerned about the chances of Reoccurrence; available stats are too general and not specific to population…
New here, diagnosed May 18th
So on May 18th, after a few months of abnormal blood work and the discovery of a large spleen, I was diagnosed with Chronic NK Cell LGL T-Cell Lymphoma (A Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma). The first thing my oncologist said when he walked into the room at diagnosis was day was, "So to start, it is treatable, but not curable, and we…
Nhl stage 4 bone marrow.
hello. After rchop x8 still in bone marrow. Can i go back to watch and wait even if it is in bone? Thanks for your time.
Photo from LIVESTRONG at the YMCA
Here I am with a couple of my compadres. . .
Infertility and Stem Cell Transplant
Well Kyle is currently undergoing his 4th round of chemotherapy out of 6 rounds. As time approaches, he will be undergoing a stem cell transplant and we were under the assumption that Kyle's fertility would not be affected by his current chemo regime. However, no one mentioned the fact that the stem cell transplant would…
MCL Looking for support for my dad
hi everyone.... im new here and hoping to find survivor stories and hopefully some people for him to talk to about what to expect in his journey. my dad is 60 and was diagnosed on May 1st....just 30 days ago after an ultrasound and biopsy of an enlarged lymph node in his groin. The first oncologist suggested the watch and…
weird symptoms, possible lymphoma?
I probably wouldn't of even thought about lymphoma if I hadn't stumbled across a defining symptom. I was sitting at a bar with my boyfriend and took my few sips of alcohol (I don't drink much) and my shoulders started aching again. I looked over and asked if his shoulders ever hurt from alcohol. He looked at me with a…
Metallic taste
Hi all! I just had my second round of radiation today & I can taste metal. Is that normal for radiation in the groin area? Or is this just in my head? My radiologist never mentioned it as a side effect. I've found if you have radiation in your head or neck you can have the taste. Thanks for your help!
Lymphoma Meningitis
In December 2013 my husband was diagnosed with Diffused Large Blue Cell Lymphoma. In April 2014 he finished is last chemo cycle (R-EPOCH) and was in remission. Unfortunately, he relapsed in April 2015 with DLBCL in his menigies, AKA Lymphoma Meningitis. This is a sub-type cancer that enters into the fluid of the Central…
MRI Brain Scan
I have been in remission from non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Diffuse B Cell for three years now. Each PET scan comes back normal and clear. Early last June I started to get instances of fatigue off and on, then as time went on it progressed where now it is every day and can get pretty extreme. Because of the symptoms, and the fact…
Likely lymphoma, what to expect?
Hello everyone! I've found this great forum and I'd like to hear from the experiences of others to help me learn what to expect. I'm a 29 year old male in otherwise very good health. Here's a brief timeline of where I am: Feb 23rd, notice first lymph node, left side of groin. March 20, notice first night sweats, about once…
Intravascular B Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Intravascular B Cell Lymphoma? My Dad was recently diagnosed with this very rare, aggressive sub-type of NHL. Apparently it's so rare that it is usually found post-mortem so we are so grateful for the doctors who didn't give up until they found out what was really going on.…
Late Effects: Heart Valve Disease/Replacement
In 1987, I had radiaton therapy for Hodgkin's disease. In 2010, I was dx with diseased aortic and mitral valve. Cardiologist estimated my aortic valve would need to be replaced in five years. In 11-2014, I entered the ER with stroke like symptoms. A full cardiological and nuerological work-up revealed my aortic valve…
Relapse in brain, anybody have similar situation?
After responding extremely well to chemo for a large mass in my abdomen last winter, my B-cell non hodgkins lymphoma has reappeared in my brain. I have been receiving methotrexate treatments all summer. The tumor has shrunk but is not gone and I'm told will always come back in several years anyhow. I will start stem cell…
primary mediastinal b cell lymphoma (trials)
Hi Everyone I post this on behalf of my wife who is currently fighting this horrible disease. We feel as if we are running out of options. MY wife is 34 years of age and has had numerous lines of treatments. fIrst she had R-chop x 6 and radiation and got a complete response and was in remission for 9 months until she…
Happy to Connect With Other Survivors
Hello all: I'm Happy to connect with other survivors here in this group. 1987 & 1989: Hodgkin's disease; CLL: 1991-1996. Living with late-effects of (1987) radiation. Chronic fatigue most limiting to my daily activities. Glen
Hodgkins disease survivor
I was diagnosed with stage 11B with hodgkins in 1991. I was given a little over three months of radiation treatment in my neck and mantle. This past year I have severe hearing loss in my left ear, same side i was radiated on. My oncologist thinks it is a result from the treatment. Has anyone else had this problem?
Night sweats
My dad just had his 3rd treatment almost a week ago and for the first time he had night sweats. Is this normal to get them during treatment?
I have seen two long term studies which indicate that taking antioxidant vitamins and food supplements dramatically increase the risk of cancer. Also my onc advised against vitamins and supplements saying " consuming anything you don't actually need harms you". I took that to mean these supplements are NOT a way to prevent…
Tightness in Hip and Thigh Area?
Hi, 42 male with NHL diagnosis in Jan-2014 here. Mine started with a neck lump that was removed and later determined to be Stage 1 NHL. Subsequently I received radiation treatment. Over the past several months, I've noticed a chronic tightness in the front of my hips (around my beltline), thighs, and sometime groin area.…
Newbie spouse here, and scared
Hi all, my spouse has just been diagnosed with Lymphoma this past Friday. We have a close friend in the lab, so that much we know. We have yet to meet with the Oncologist so we don't even know if it is Hodgkin or Non-Hodgkin type. I think I remember our lab buddy stating stage 2 something...it was all a blurr of…
Looking for answers
Hello, Let me start by saying I have not been diagnosed with any form of cancer at this time. I have very high concerns though that I feel are being brushed off by the last two general practioners I have seen about my concerns. Here's a little about me. I apologize in advance for my lack of brevity. Four years ago I was…
Moving Forward
I had a CT scan on Wednesday, which was the first one since February 2013, when a PET scan showed I was in remission. I then proceeded with 2 years of Rituxan maintenance, which ended this past February. Friday, I saw my oncologist to discuss the findings of my CT scan and discuss what next. He handed me a copy of the CT…
1st annual checkup
Been feeling a lot of fatigue lately. I had my first post Rituxan 1 yr checkup with mixed results. Blood work was normal. Dr. Ordered a biopsy on my strange small, hard neck lump just to rule out cancer. He also found very small nodes in my armpits and groin. If neck biopsy is clean, which is what he expects based on its…
R-chop & Prednisone
I have completed 3 out of 6 chemo sessions. At the time of the first one we were still waiting for insurance aproval for the Rituxan so it was just Chop. On the day of chemo I have to take 100mg of Prednisone, in the form of 2 50mg tablets, before I go to chemo and for 4 days afterwards. The first time I didn't feel much…
Hello everyone!
Hello everyone! Hope everyone is doing good (health wise). I apologize for not checking in sooner but since a lot of things changed for me including oncologist, I didn't want to post until I had news to report. I have a couple of questions that I'm wondering about and hopefully you guys can help me out! First the results…
Just found out
as of 1 month ago. Was hospitalized for an unrelated condition when it was discovered. It has answered many questions for me as to why I felt tired all the time and just never felt 100%. I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. I now have an ileostomy to deal with so I can't say I'm feeling all that upbeat at this time.…
BR versus RCHOP for Follicular Lymphoma
Hello, I am new here, posting for my 45 year old husband who was just diagnosed with Follicular Lymphoma, Stage 4, Grade 3a (30%) Grade 1-2 (70%) after a surgical biopsy on a lymph node in his neck. We are in the process of getting several opinions for treatment and struggling since there is not aggreement. Most of the…
Have not posted in a long time. Have been diagnosed with Fhl in 2004 and did 22 radiation therapy after surgery. That took out my submandibular gland out and in my left cheek. Then I went to 2009 and had to do the right side and it came back in my bone marrow and abdomen. did 8 rounds of chemo and zevalin. So have been in…