Hi I am 67 years old about 1 1/2 years back i was diagnoised with mantle cell lymphpma. my wbc started at 11 and it is now 24. i do not have any symptoms and i am on wait and watch. i wanted to see if there are any mcl patients who have similar indolent MCL and perhaps learn from their experience. i wanted to find out at…
Diagnosed with B cell non-hodgkins lymphoma
Hi everyone - I am 68 year old male living in Central Texas and this is my first post. I was diagnosed Sept. 21 with NHL. I also was diagnosed with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer about 2 years ago and after a couple of TURBT surgeries have had a total of 18 BCG treatments (Immunotherapy) with no recurrence so far.…
Marijuana use while on OxyCotin and Fentanyl
Hello All, My father has been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma just before Memorial Day. He had six weeks of chemotherapy and the results were extrememly positive. Unfortunatly four weeks after the final round the results of his final PET scan came back with the worst results possible. All the cancer has returned and is…
Medical Board question
Hi, does anyone know anything about reporting doctors? I know to report a doctor you report him or her to your states medical board, and you can also report them to the better business bureau; but is there anyone else that can hold doctors accountable? Is there no national oversight? I want to report negligence and…
Paul Allen
Has anyone heard more details about Paul Allen's (of Microsoft fame) demise to Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Apparently he went very fast after having a recurrance. It has struck home for me as I followed him a bit with his oceanic science projects and his various yachts and research vessels.
Heart Issues with R-CHOP
I was diagnosed with DLBCNHL back in June. Have been through 5 R-CHOP treatments 3 weeks apart and going for # 6 tomorrow. They plan to follow up with 3 weeks radiation after. I've been able to handle the various side effects fairly well from what I see others going through. Neuropathy in hands and feet, loss of hair,…
Gold nanoparticles
does anyone have knowledge of the use of gold nanoparticles to treat b-cell lymphoma? It was touted as a possible treament about 5 years ago but seems to have gone away. google this for a list of articles “ Golden nanoparticle starves cancer”
Mediastinoscopy or wait and re-image? - Lymphoma or ?
New member here that is interested in any guidance or advice from folks that have been down this road before. Here goes: I'm a healthy male, non-smoker in my mid to late 40s who has not yet been diagnosed (but not for lack of trying). I'm essentially 'symptom free' now but what brought me in was an acute cough and…
Any tips on alternative to MD Anderson?
I plan to go to a major NCI affiliated cancer center this fall for a checkup/PET/2nd opinion. My two daughters live in Texas so MD Anderson comes to mind, killing two birds with one stone so to speak. My concern is that when I went to MD Anderson April 2012 I was extremely unhappy with the experience. I found it to be a…
Keeping PICC line after chemo
I will be finishing up Epoch chemo next week, and I mentioned something to my doctor about removing the PICC line once I was done. I was told to keep it in for a "couple of weeks" in case "it's needed." Then I was told it could be used for a PET scan scheduled for a few weeks from now. Having this PICC line danglinig from…
Some advice - Follicular Lymphoma as Second Cancer
I have been a member and on the Colorectal forum. Diagnosed Feb 2015 with Stage 3A. Had surgery, Folfox and radiation treatment and reversal of an ileostomy and finished June 2016. Since then had clean CEA bloodwork and positive follow-up appointments. Noticed in Sept 2017, swelling in the corner of my left eye. Short…
37 year survivor of Hodgkins with recent tongue fasciculations
I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease when I was 20. Received a month of cobalt radiation and 6 months of MOPP chemotherapy. Have had many adverse side effects from the radiation. When I was 38 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. When I was 49 I needed an aortic valve replacement. When I was 55 I was diagnosed with…
Hi, my name's Bobby. I just wanted to say hey for now but; was diagnosed stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma in 2015 and finished chemo October 2016. Am now suffering from swollen lymph nodes in various parts of my body which is what brought me here. I look forward to meeting you all! Bobby
Fast Relapse. Going to Sarah Cannon for stem cell trans. ISO like for info
Well, here we go again. I thought I was a survivor but I guess I have to put my fighting gloves on again. I'm seeking anyone that has had stem cell autologous transplant for Large B cell NHL. I've read general info but would like to chat with someone that has actually been through it. I have my first consult scheduled at…
Having a hard time with life in remission
Hey guys, so little summary I am 25 was diagnosed about a year ago with a 12cm mass pushing on my heart. Went through R-EPOCH 21day cycle 6 days in patient and 14 out to recover. Lost all my hair, gained a lot of weight, had to move into my boyfriend's mom's house since I couldn't work or pay rent, had my car stolen, and…
Update on Vasculitis
Hi all, finally got to see a Rheumatologist! Had to wait 3 months to get seen....It appears that my skin is extremely sensitive to the Rituxan Maintenance. While on R-Chop not an issue due to taking the Prednisone which kept Vasculitis at bay so to speak. I Should mention about 12 years ago I was on Prednisone for over 18…
New drug for FNHL
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Approves Duvelisib (COPIKTRA) for Relapsed/Refractory Chronic Follicular Lymphoma New York, NY – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it has approved the use of duvelisib (COPIKTRA) for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory chronic FNHL. Duvelisib…
Anyone else had lymphoma in the eye area?
I'm newly diagnosed with extranodal non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Mine is on the conjunctiva of my right eye. My doctor doesn't plan to do any more surgery than he already has - a biopsy - and I will have radiation treatments to zap the cancer. I've had a CT-scan, which showed no other signs of lymphoma anywhere else, and a bone…
Is my Hodgkin’s back after 35 years?
i had Hodgkin’s when I was 12 in the early 80s. Stage IV in neck and left lung. I was treated with 6 month of chemo and 1 month of radiation. Cancer free for 35 years. Following a ct scan in June for a kidney stone, they found a 3.3 cm tumour on my left kidney. They are 90 percent sure that it is Renal Cell Carcinoma but…
DLBCL not complete remission after 4 rounds of R-EPOCH
Hi, My husband 31 yo has been through 4 round of the DA-REPOCH. After a CT-scan, the doctor said one site is still visible (1.9cm dropped to 0.4cm now) although the others are not visible from the CT-SCAN. This does not meet the remission definition and thus she suggested to do another 4 round of treatment as opposed to…
Advice and Help PLEASE!!
I am a 40 year old who in the past has never been sick, never even had a primary care doctor until last fall. In the fall of 2017, I noticed that something wasn't right with me. I have always been very energetic, have two children who keep me going all the time (very active in sports and after school activities).…
Second opinion????
Alright. I’m a 23 year old female. I’ve had some weird symptoms over the last year or so. General fatigue, some weight loss mostly due to lack of appetite and some weird fevers at night mostly. I chalked it up to my bipolar disorder and just carried on. Fast forward about 2 months ago. I went in to the doctor for a lump in…
Cutaneous Lymphoma
Year and a half still worried
Hello all sorry to bother you and intrude on more serious problems. But would love some opinions on my story. Worry wort here! About a year and a half ago I was deemed suspicious after a fine needle biopsy on an enlarged node In my neck. At the time no symptoms present and even up till today no symptoms really. I went…
Lymph nodes in ankles
has anyone ever had a swollen lymph node in an ankle? I have a round nodule about halfway between my ankle joint and heel on my right foot. first noticed it 2 days and it has since doubled in size To about the size of a small marble. It is painless. As usual, the internet says either 1). There are no lymph nodes in the…
Help with getting a formal diagnosis
I will try to keep this as concise as possible. The first piece of important information is I am uninsured. In January I went to the ER because I had symptoms of severe hypokalemia, which is something I had been through previously. I also just didn't feel well in general. I had several swollen lymph nodes, I was fatigued…
DLBCNHL Treatments complete: 6 RCHOP with 4 intrathecal
Hi everybody! I am here to share my experience and to also ask a few questions. I have another thread here but hope to keep this one simpler and focused to DLBCNHL and/or related cancer therapies. Briefly, I was dx's with stage 4 DLBCNHL after a biopsy of a lesion behind the nose tested positive for DLBCNHL with the 1st…
False Negative?
Hi everyone - I had/have left sided neck lymphadenopathy for about 6 months. I finally saw my PCP, and she noted it as well, and we talked about other symptoms I didn't realize might be related, like widespread itching and fatigue. I didn't (and still don't) have any symptoms consistent with infection or autoimmune…
NH Malt Lymphoma of the Stomach
Doe anyone have any knowledge / experience with Malt NH Lymphoma of the stomach ?? I haven't found ANYONE who has been diagnosed with this cancer !!! I was just diagnosed Sept. 22.
Recurrent spot/ulcer in back of throat
Hi everyone, I’ve just joined the site today and am desperate for an answer!! I had Hodgkin’s lymphoma back in 2009 - diagnosed late January 2009 and 6 months of chemotherapy on what I believe was the ABVD regime. This was followed up by radiotherapy for roughly 6-8 weeks. Following my treatment I was fortunate enough only…