The latest

I know it has been a long while since i posted last, i found an Onc who i really like, makes me feel comfortable and really listens. I am going to have a pet scan to see how active the cancer is and if it has grown any, the new mass is behind my left kidney, near my spine and it fused 2 lymphnodes together, i know weird huh. So i will have scaniety all weekend, my primary doc had me wear a holter monitor do to me having high bp and palpitations, the results were i have SVT supra ventricular tachycardia and i am on meds to slow my heart rate down, before meds my resting heart rate was 125, my bp was 198/104. Primary sent me to a cardiologist, and i will have an echogram Match the 12th to see if there is any damage done to my heart due to chemo, this DX is the 4th one in 11 yrs and it just seems to be a part of my life now, wasn't shocked that it came back, all i said was ok here we go again and lets move on to what we can do. Soon as i get results will post, gonna be a long weekend.




  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Chin up!

    Although we do not want a relapse, sometimes that is served up to us. There should be a new recipe or two to use this time. We're pullin' for ya.

  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member

    Praying for some good news Chris.