Weight gain, harder to lose after NHL treatment
it’s been two years since my last round of chemo. I’m exercising 4-6 days / week, and haven’t changed my diet. I’m finding it hard to drop weight, and actually seem to put it on faster than ever. Anyone else experience this after R-CHOP?
Mantle cell lymphoma - need survivor stories
My husband (42) has just been diagnosed with mantle cell lymphoma. He will be starting hyper-CVAD with rituximab probably next week. Then, he is going to have an autologous stem cell transplant. I would really appreciate any survivors out there who can let us know what he should expect and offer some hope that he has a…
Long 2 months
Good story here for now. It was a long 2 months of worry. I’m not sure how to get past the worry part or how to lessen it. I still have lung issues, the nodules come and go. However I have been told by 2 doctors that it is highly unlikely it’s lymphoma again. I’m going with that for now! I’m coming up on 2 years post SCT!!
Can any of you share what your symptoms were prior to diagnosis?
Just wondering about early symptoms with Lymphoma. It would help me a lot if any of you felt like sharing how that were feeling prior ro diagnosis.
Bleomycin VS Brentuximab
Does anyone have experience with Bleomycin and Brentuximab? For my first two treatments I was given Bleomycin and have noticed a tightness in my chest, almost to the point of being a pain. Now the doctor tells me he is switching me to Brentuximab which is supposed to be better according to him. I just wanted to get some…
Chemo done - some thoughts on my journey
Finished my R-CHOP yesterday. A rough but all in all tolerable ride. I think I can't complain given I never fell sick despite having low WBC at times. Incredibly, both my children haven't fell sick once in the past 6 months which I believe is short of a miracle given they're both toddlers! I wanted to share some thoughts…
My wife
Hi Everyone, We just received the news that my wife may have HL. This was a result of a biopsy done on her left groin lymph node. (Sorry I'm not up on the technical terms yet). The results were that they "suspect" HL. Oddly, the initial dx was that is was NHL, which was stated within a hour or two after the biopsy, but…
My Turn
As you can see from my profile and posts, I found CSN and started posting when my wife first discovered an enlarged lymph node and it turned out to be Hodgkin's Lymphoma Stage II. It's been 3 months since her last chemo and so far, so good. About a week ago I noticed an enlarged lymph node behind my left ear. It's location…
Stage 4 NonHodgkin T Cell Lymphoma
My fiance has stage 4 nonhodgkin t cell lymphoma I'm looking for success stories. We don't know what to expect.
Hodgkin’s- severe mouth sores
Hello, I have Lymphoma stage 2A and started ABVD treatment on Monday. Since yesterday (wed), I have extremely painful mouth sores. It started With my gums and now it’s the roof of my mouth, under my tongue, the tip of my tongue and my lips. It’s been so painful I haven’t been able to eat or drink anything... breathing and…
Prednisone as it relates to Shingles during Chemo
One individual on the Cancer Support Network indicated that she'd been told by her doctor that Prednisone was the worst thing that could be prescribed for what turned out to be Shingles. It turns out that I am undergoing treatment and have devoloped Shingles. The Chemo - called CHOP - includes 5 doses of Prednisone. I am…
Nuelasta side effects
Hi, I am glad I found this support group. My sister has large diffuse B cell lympoma. She went through the first cycle of chemotheraphy and on the 6th day they gave her nuelasta. She has been having bone pain and other pains all over her body for about 10 days. She took claritin, tylenol with no effect. She tried oxycodone…
stem cell transplant
Hello everyone I am new to this site. I just got discharged from the hospital yesterday after doing a stem cell transplant for relapsed hodgkins lymphoma. Everything went pretty smoothly and my doc said I was in and out faster than most people he's seen. I've always had pretty low blood pressure but after chemo it dropped…
Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma (PTCL-NOS)
I have only recently joined, but can offer hope for those who are diagnosed with this rare and aggressive cancer. The prognosis is consistently given as poor, although this is changing. In mid-2008, I was diagnosed with Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma - NOS. This cancer is rare, so there exists no standardized therapy to use…
We need to move on
Hello everyone, I have to say that I look to this board for support, encouragement, knowledge AND guidance in treatment options! They All go hand in hand. We are all scared. I know I am!! Lets all try to get back to the reason this forum was created. Sharon
Anonymous user (unverified)
Apparently their posts are marked this way when people withdrawfrom the forum.
Happy 4th of July everyone! The topic for today, whilst Terry is napping and we're waiting for a few folks to join us for a small gathering this afternoon . . . is "THRUSH". I'm not sure this is what's brewing in Terry's mouth; but, I suspect it is. We thought he was developing mouth sores this past week but when we…
3erd time around???
Hi, Have not been on this sight for a few years. My first diagnosis was 2010 with NH 3erd Stage Follicular,slow growing . Second 2014. Now ... the lymph node that swelled up at first diagnosi in 2010 is sore to the touch . I came down with a 48 hr bug ( cold type bug ) on Friday. By Sunday morning I was feeling much better…
High calorie, low sugar food suggestions
Me again . . . Sorry. The topic for today is high calorie low sugar food suggestions. Anyone have a short or long list/website with recipes, ideas to help someone like my husband who was on the slimmer side before our issues surfaced and is losing weight, in spite of eating whatever/whenever he can? He's always had a hard…
My father was diagnosed with Lymphoma
Hi All, My father was diagnosed with lymphoma and I was looking options treatments beside Radiation and Chemotherapy? I heard about vitamin C IV and also Bone Marrow Transplant. Are these procedure reliable? Can someone tell me other options?
Hair Loss at the early stages
Thought those of you following Terry's and my journey may want to share my emotion this morning. If not . . . scroll on by. We were hoping we may be spared, but he IS losing his hair . . . . . . big time! We are scheduled to have most of it shaved off this afternoon. Sad to see and part of what I've learned from chatting…
Has anyone had problmes with mosquitoes after chemo?
I'm about to undergo my 4th round of Rituxan and Bendamustine. This summer I have become extremely sensitive to mosquito bites. Could this be relatted to the lymphoma or my treatment?
PET Scans
Okay . . . so I'm having a bit of trouble understanding how/why my Terry's initial PET scan showed 4 or 5 lymph nodes with lymphoma and the two that were removed from his abdomen near the tumor (aka: "em'effer", as we refer to it), didn't show any involvement when they were biopsied. He has one in his neck, one in his…
Maintenance after R-CHOP
Just curious . . . How many folks need "maintenance" therapy after completing R-CHOP successfully? Percentages if anyone has any to offer would be helpful. Thanks!
For DA-EPOCH-R, how common is 8 cycles?
My wife who's 30 was diagnosed with NHL (primary mediastinal b-cell lymphoma) late last year and has already completed her 6th cycle 2 weeks ago. Throughout the whole course, she's had followup CT scans to keep track of the tumor size found under her chest: After 4th cycle, CT scan showed tumor shrink from 7.4x3.2cm to…
Afraid Again Update
Just in case any of you were wondering how Terry's third "hit" went this past Thursday . . . All his liver tests were well within normal ranges. HUGE relief to both of us! Yay!!! No reactions to anything they gave him at the chemo clinic this time. Yay!!! Got out of there at a decent time. Yay!!! Had to be put on a 5-day…
Double Expressor Lymphoma and Ibrutinib treatment
Hi, My mom 58 yrs old had been diagnosed with double expressor DLBCL. She received 6 cycles of RCHOP. The treatment worked great in all areas she had cancer. But then middle of the chemo we saw very high activity in her lumbar back bone following pet ct. Doc thought it could be fracture. After 2 months waiting we did pet…
Clinical Trials
This link lists 231 Blood Cancers clinical trials currently planned or underway. The date of compilation was around New Year's, and as of that time only a few were already recruiting. I only skimmed it, but spotted several pertaining to T-Cells, several regarding relapsed Large B, several on Mantle Cell (MCL). A few on…
Hep C and DLBCL
Anyone out there have any personal history of Hep C, now fighting DLBCL? Just curious if there are many out there who were treated for Hep C, had it "cured" and then contracted DLBCL. Terry was treated for his Hep C in 2009/2010 for six months and his PCR tests ever since have all come back negative. He has it checked…
Pain months after treatment
Hi, last August I was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin Lymphoma and I completed 5 months of chemo at the end of January and completed 17 rounds of Radiation the middle of March. I have a lot of body pain/muscular pain and body aches. Right now my lower back and spine really hurt. I can’t help but always think my cancer is…