Concerned Husband Lymph nodes
Hi I just wanted to know about my wife’s situation she was sharing her neck was swollen and tender so I told he to see the Doctor (she did not want to) they did an ultra sound and said there were dead lymph nodes and abnormal ones there were some other lumps. I have to tell you that for a while she has had some problems…
Bleeding after chemo... Trying to find a mediciation or treatment to help
Hello All, My dad has NHL. He was in remission for nearly 6 months when they found a reoccurance and started chemotherapy again. The lymphoma has grown and spread. He's had 2 rounds of chemotherapy so far. Unfortunately each time he has a round he starts bleeding badly. On the 1st round it was in his small intestine and on…
Back to school help
Well as u know- Zak has finished chemo- and will actually go for a scan on Tuesday- then go for radiation simulation on Thursday and then will start radiation on Nov 16th and will be done on Dec 4th- so all looks OK- but there is one glitch are u ready for this As u know school(Binghamton University) STARTS January 24th-…
Non-Hodgkins Follicullar Lymphoma Stage 4
I have just found this support group. I have been diagnosed in O4. Had surgery on my neck and inside my left cheek. Did 20 Radiation Treatments. Then was in remission till almost 5 years. One more week would have been 5 years. Now I am on Treatment #8 coming up for Stage 4 Follicular non-hodgkins lymphoma. My Oncologist…
BMB Proceedure pain or something else?
I have Follicular NHL and I am in the watch & wait period. I had a bone marrow biopsy back on Sept 11, 2009, which came back clear. It was very painful for me and I was so sore for 2 weeks after to the point where sitting in my car was very uncomfortable. Almost 2 months later I still ache in my hip. Most of the time it's…
scheduled CSN outage tonight
The site will be down tonight from 1:00 to 5:00 a.m Eastern Daylight Time for scheduled maintenance. Greta Your CSN staff
looking for someone that has been through this
I have not been able to find a support group around me. I am trying to see if the chemo treatments are simlar to others and how you felt while going through chemo. Do the sweats go away my seem to be getting worse I am on chemo treatment 4 this monday and have 4 more to go. thanks Liaa
Recently diagnosed with Hodgkin's
Hello I am a 22 year old male recently diagnosed with hodgkins in May. I have been on ABVD treatments for 2 months. To say the least I am scared out of my mind but I have been able to keep strong in front of friends and family. Now I am at the point where I have alot to talk about but really nobody to talk to. The place I…
Is Radiation really needed?
I have hodgkins lymphoma and I am halfway done with my chemo treatment right now. After 2 cycles of AVBD I found out that I was in remission, but my doctor is still talking about radiation after my chemo is done with. What is there left to radiate, if I am in remission already? I have done a little research on radiation…
NHL Thymoma Surgery
I was diagnosed in 2002 with Large B cell NHL that manifested itself as a malignant thymus gland. Surgery removed it via an incision between the left ribs. I went through the CHOP-R chemo and 4 weeks of radiation. Im feeling pretty good health-wise with a couple of exceptions. I am coming up on 4 years in remission. Here…
prednisone/no hunger
i have to take prednisone 5 days every month and will finish my 5th day tomorrow. i am happy to say i have not gotten hungry yet. hope it will not do so since i am only taking it 5 days a month.
Can you help?
Two of my friends (both mid-30s) were diagnosed with non-hodgkin's follicular lymphoma this year. They are both starting treatment this December. To help keep their spirits up, I would like to collect a bunch of inspirational, successful patient stories and present them to both friends in the form of a book or on a web…
Need Help
Hello, My wife has just been diagnosed with Large B-cell NHL stage 4. She is only 21 and we have been married just about 2 years. This is a big shock in the family. She has been very healthy over the years and never had any issues. Instead of shopping for a new big home, I am worried about whether I have enough savings to…
Low White Blood Cell Count
My husband was diagnosed w/NHL last year. Underwent six months chemo and now in remission. However, his white blood cell count continues to drop, even five months after stopping chemo. Has anyone else experienced this? Dr is putting hims on B12 shots and iron supplements.
Follicular Lymphomia since April 2002 - problems with family
Hello. I am 63, will be 64 in October. I am new to this forum and very glad to have found a place where I can talk about things. My husband is now 73. My husband and I have pretty good insurance. I have always been a very physical person, we have show horses and I teach others to ride. I was accustomed to moving a bale of…
one down, three to go on Rituxan
and 3 to go but I wanted to THANK YOU all for sharing your stories and knowledge of the potential side effects proved to be most beneficial. The whole process took 5.5 hours. Started with tylenol and benedryl, two hours into the infusion the side effects kicked in. First itchy eye, nose, then ears and throat, felt like I…
bone marrow biopsy
i had my bone marrow biopsy on the 9th and happy to say i felt no pain. i had pain meds. thru iv during the biopsy. i did however get sick from all the meds i recieved during and after the procedure but I am better today. i can't imagine anyone having this done at a doctors office, no way. mine was done at the hospital.
hair loss
wondering how common hair loss is with chemo.
Mom refuses to eat
Hi, My mother was diagnosed with Large Cell Lymphoma three weeks ago. In the weeks leading up to her diagnosis her health steadily declined. One major change was her appetite,she had a major aversion to sweets. Then she became severly nauseated, she couldn't keep liquids or solids down. She has undergone her first round of…
Side effects from ARA C (Cytarabine)
My husband was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Burketts Like Sept. 2008. During treatment he woke up and felt like the world was spinning. He had loss of balance and he lost his ability to speak. We were told that this was side effect of ARA C (Cytarabine)and that all would go away. It is now 1 year later and things have…
People that think their disease is the same as having cancer
I developed NHL in 2000, stage 4. I would like to know if other cancer patients have had the problem I have had with friends or family who compare their disease as being as bad as your cancer. Some people say I look well, so how could I be sick. Here's the one that really burns me up. My sister developed Diabetis II a few…
Non-Hodgkins and Crohn's disease
Is there anyone who has nhl and crohn's disease? I am interested in what medications and anything else related to the two diseases. Thank you. Pnktopaz10
Living in fear
I was diagnosed with NHL in 2002 and underwent CHOP and rituxin - lost all my hair, etc. I'm 46 years old and needless to say, it was a terrible time for myself and my family. Because the lymphoma is a low grade, I've been told that it will probably return at some point. My problem is that it's really hard for me to get on…
new with 4th reccurance
well this is the 4th time for me. it can get pretty depressing. i sit here tonight with a fever knowing i should go to the hospital. well i see the dr friday i will hold on till then.
6th times a charm
Hello; I'm a 38yr old woman with a reaccurance of Hodkins disease for the 6th time. I've been through it all-here's my reume; 1984-CAV,MOPP,and ABVD-with 2,000 rads of radiation at Sloan. 1986-Autogolous BMT with CBV protocol. 1992-VP16 with prednisone 1998-Gemzar-no response.1999-6/2000-ICE protocol.Feb 2001-ready for…
Follicular Lymphoma - Rutuxin first line treatment?
My story in a nutshell - I am 35. I felt and ignored a lump in my groin area for four or five months, assuming it was a sports related bump. Went to my PCP, who sent me to get a sonogram, an MRI, a needle biopsy and then the real deal - surgical biopsy. Violà! Follicular Lymphoma - Stage II, Grade 1. Oddly enough, never…
Hi. I was just wondering if any of you had any of the symptoms I have before you were diagnosed. I have an appointment set up for later this week with my doctor for a complete health check, but I have to admit I am really scared. I can just FEEL that something is wrong and being a single mom of five kids, that has me…
Books on Hodgkin's?
Hi, Does anyone have any recommendations on books that might be helpful on Hodgkin's? I'm not a medical professional (and I don't play one on TV ;-)) so something that is more lay-oriented might be better in this early stage. I figure that as we get more into treatment, I'll get smarter and be able to understand more of…
Stage 1a - Large B cell
In July of 2006 I noticed a lump under my chin. I thought it was a swollen gland, but I went to my Dr after waiting a few days. He said it was really big. He sent me to as Neck surgeon who aspirated the lump. The lump biopsy came back positive for A Typical cells. He recommended to remove the lump. The time from noticing…
Help for the uninsured, dealing with long term effects of treatment
Anyone know of a long term follow up facility for the uninsured? I have been dealing with alot of health problems, I currently go to the local health department, and have been sent to several doctors that don't know about the long term effects, or how to treat me. Thanks