Zevalin and Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
Hi Don: Just wanted to tell you that I went through with it. Last Wednesday 12/23 I had the infusion. So I seemed to do pretty well so far so good. I suppose I start with the blood count this week. Hopefully it will go ok I guess we will see how I come out. Hope you and your wife had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for…
Rituxin FDA Warning Letter to Genentech Over Claims about the Effectiveness of Rituxin
Did anyone see this Warning letter on the FDA website that was addressed to Genentech the makers of Rituxin? I am absolutely sick about this. ROCKVILLE, Md., May 5, 2010 - The FDA today posted on its website a warning letter sent to Genentech regarding table top panels for cancer drug Rituxan. The letter is below.…
marginal B Cell NHL
Can anyone out there give me information on marginal b cell NHL? Stage 1, low grade, B Cell. If so, what kind of treatment did you receive? I was DX sept 2009. I had treatment of Rituxan for 4 weeks, once weekly. Somehow, I thought I had malt NHL. Not so My problems started when my small bowel perforated and ulcer was…
anaplastic large cell lymphoma
My 3 year old just had a growth removed from his skin on his stomach. We were called by our doctor on Tuesday. She told us that the lab results had come in and the growth was anaplastic large cell lymphoma ALK+. We are meeting with an oncologist today at one. He hasn't shown any side effects, but needless to say we are…
3 days out from first chemo treatment what to expect in next few days???
I really feel pretty good and this morning I can tell the tumors in my belly are already shrinking. I have several and one is as big as a football. The last few days before treatment were painful and I was so swollen. Now I look normal. I mean my skin felt like it was being pulled so tight it was unbearable.I haven't…
What did you take with you to Chemo
What kept you occupied? What did you wish you had taken.
Chest pressure with ABVD?
I do have another question with the ABVD treatments, I recently, all day today have been experiencing chest pressure near my heart, I have just recently been switched to the ABVD treatments this past wednesday was my first. My diagnoses is stage II HD With a mediastinal mass about 20 cm by 15 cm and one near my neck, so…
A way to start 2010
well im 18 years old and ive been diagonised with hodgkin lymphoma. i was diagonesd in nov 2009 and now undergoing chemotherapy since then. it has been a rough few months for me. as only being 18 and just recently leftd school i was happy to be leaving college thinking *yes im leaving college and heading to the navy* what…
First chemo treatment.........check
Well I had my first treatment today.RCHOP The R caused my throat to get scratchy and burn a little, like when you first start getting sick. I had also a heavyness in my chest. Those past and all in all it was ok. I am tired but fine. It took about 6 hours to do. They say the next one will be an hour shorter...woo hoo
My first chemo session
My first chemo will be thursday R only then the next day CHOP. Wish me luck!
Hodgkins Lymphoma
Hi everyone, I'm new, but have read many discussion boards concerning Hodgkins. My husband had been diagnosed with HL in July of 2007. All indications and remarks were positive. He was between stage1-2B. Chemo treatments started in Dec. of 2007 ABVD, after 8 sessions, there was still activity. The oncologist then sent all…
Pulmonary Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis
Anyone currently receiving R-chop protocol for this diagnosis?
has anyone who was cured of HL gone on to get bone cancer in later years due to treatments of the HL
t THE TITLE SAYS IT ALL! Just wondering if anyone had this?? I had HL 19 yrs ago and had chemo and mantle rads and raed online that im now at an increased risk of developing bone cancer (amongst others) due to the chemo and rads i recieved to cure the HL. iT REALLY WORRIES ME AS I GET ALOT OF JOINT PAIN AS IT IS. Bur the…
Mouth Fungal Infection
Hi All, Have any of you experienced oral fungal infections during you chemo? I have been on anti fungal medication since my 3rd RCHOP. I have just had #5 of 6 cycles. Started out as a sore throat but now my entire mouth is snowy white, looks kind of like Christmas. Not the typical mouth sores I have experienced in the…
Anxious and paranoid
I had follicular NHL 3a and was dx in 2009. I was cancer free June 2009 and Sept 2009. I have had 2 rounds of Rituxin and another tomorrow. I have the longest list of questions for the Dr. tomorrow. I hate that I am an anxious and paranoid person now. I am a Christian and am so thankful for all the blessings I have and…
Cat Scans
I have not posted in a while. I am hanging in there. And the pet scan came out good. I have a cat scan to do, June 2nd. And seeing the Oncologist on June 9th. So hopefully that will turn out good. We will see. I did do the zevalin in December. So that should be my insurance policy. I am just not back to totally normal.…
Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplants Can Give You A Future
I am a 20 year NHL suvivor and I have been reading these boards now and again and one thing pops out at me over and over and I understand it 200% as I went through it as well - should I or shouldn't I have a transplant? It's a big question with scarey statistics and scarey unsure days in treatment but one thing is clear to…
Hodgkin's Lymphoma and SCT Survivor Low Platelets
I'm a Hodgkin's Lymphoma survivor and have been in remission for about 5 years. I recently noticed a few bruises on both arms and one of my legs. I have been feeling fatigue and worn down, so I went to urgent care this weekend. They told me my platelets were 25,000. Back in September, they were 96,000. I've been reading…
Gastric NHL B & T Cell Bulky Treatment Side-Effects: Short-Term Memory Loss
I had 6-Velcade & 8-Rituxan which did not work in 2004 & then had 23-days of radiation at UCLA in 10-04. That made remission which is continuing. I did have nasty swollen veins, with tattoo like long lasting vein reactions to the Velcade (Bortezomib) when they did 30-second push. After two doses I requested a 3-minute…
Pain after treatments end
Hi all. I was diagnosed last June with Hodgkins. I'm 46 years old. I'm new to this site. I completed my chemotherapy treatments last December and now I'm experiencing a lot of pain in my arms and shoulders. Anyone else?
Zevalin recipients
My wife has NHL, diagnosed in May of 05. First line of treatment was CVP with Retuxin. She had four treatments of Chemo which put her in remission. She had maintenance Retuxin for two years(6 month intervals)which ended in Feb of 07. She recently relapsed and is considering Zevalin as her second line of defense. We are…
Lymph nodes in the hillar region of the lungs
Anyone have NHL in the lymph nodes in the lungs, esp in the hillar region.
just wanted to let everyone know that jackie is doing very well and that they are pretty sure the mass on her neck is just scare tisue now. of course we won't know for sure untill the next scan some time in may but i am so thankfull to all of you and i am not sure how i would coped without all of you who have become my…
How to be sure your cancer free?
Hi,I just joned this group today. I got aggressive T-Cell Lymphoma near the end of 2007. I was hospitalized on Aug 31,2007 and was diagnosed with pancreatits. Was released form the hospital 1 month later. On Nov 10,2007 I was hospitalised again and told they had diagnosed me wrong and that the lymph node that had blocked a…
Finding it Hard
I haven't been on here lately because it's been so hard. Getting on here is like makes me think of dads cancer and I don't want to. But....that is very selfish because I am sure dad doesn't want to think about it either but it's here and always will be. Things are getting rough, although his oncologist says he is in…
Non Hodgkins Lynphoma from 911 survivor
Hello. My name is Tony and I am a cancer survivor. I worked at Ground Zero in that day and in the following months. When I was diagnosed in late 2006 it was a very tramatic and devasting news. Fortunatly thanks to my girlfriend who is now my wife notice that something was wrong with me and presured me to get check out.…
Any Hodgkin's Survivors with Heart Issues?
My first episode of sustained Tachycardia in 1991 sent me to the ER and routine chest x-rays discovered a tumor in my chest near my heart. I was soon diagnosed with Stage IIa HL. In 1996, I had another episode of sustained Tachycardia that sent me to the ER again. In 1999 the Tachycardia became so frequent, I needed to be…
Hi to everyone, Hope this finds all of you well. My PET scan yesterday showed a complete remission. What a blessed relief. I am so thankful. However I now find myself needing to make a big decision as to ongoing treatment that I was not prepared for. I thought I would be having Rituxan every three months and was prepared…
lymph nodes reactive but!! Very confused an nervous
I had a lymph node biopsy, ast week, I called te Doctor yesterday, she told me taht se received a partial on the pathology results, it shows that my lymph nodes are definately reactiv, she says that she dosent see Cancer yet, but this could mean it may be in the future, so Im really confused, she also said that the…
Laetrile B-17
"World Without Cancer" written by G. Edward Griffin http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/world_withoutcancer.pdf Please read this book... God Bless and Good Luck!