Partial Remission
I'm not cured of my Waldenstrom's or in Full Remission but I am OK with the Partial Remission and feeling pretty good. The Imbruvica that I take daily seems to improve and stabalize my labs. I began this journey in 2007 when dx'd with IGM of 3,500 and started initial treatment with Rituxan. Ihave Peripheral Neuropathy in…
CT scan
just a quick question for all you experts! I am in for my 6 month CT. I've had a lot of them! I've always had to drink the 2 bottles of water with contrast, and also had IV contrast. This time I'm drinking 2 bottles of plain water and having IV contrast. I questioned them and they said the radiologist decides and no longer…
double hit lymphoma
Hello fellow cancer fighters! My Dad was recently diagnosed with double hit lymphoma. Is there anyone here who also has or knows someone who had double hit? Can you please share your experience? What chemo was given? This is new and scary territory. Any thoughts about R-CHOP versus R-EPOCH? Were you successful in curing…
Any alternatives to PET scan?
Hello, hope everyone doing well and healthy, I just have a question to the group about the PET scan, and how many of them been used for a check-up. I had NLPHL back in early 2013 and had 5 PET scans during the treatment to check the progress of the treatment. Then had just blood work and 2 CT scans until 2018, when one of…
Neuropathy Flareup
Can neuropathy flare up? Mine, in my feet, has been very slowly disappearing but recently my right foot has increased. I don't take anything for it.
Fever of Unknown Origin
Hi everyone, I have had a fever since the end of May, as far as I know. I remember one evening getting fever and chills, which is what prompted me to take my temperature with an ear thermometer. I wouldn't know if my fever had started even earlier. My temperature was around 101 - 102 degrees at any point in time over the…
Diagnosed with Diffused large B cell lymphoma
I'm a 58 year old male just diagnosed. Three months ago I was minding my own business and went to my PCP for a regular checkup.he noticed something weird about my heart and pulse and ordered an echocardiogram. They found a dilated ascending aorta and a regurgitant aortic valve. CT scan subsequently confirmed this. After…
osteoblastic lesion
Has anyone had a osteoblastic lesion in their shoulder? Thank you
Autologous stem cell and dropping WBC
So I had my Autologous Stem cell transplant after BEAM and I am still here. My WBC counts were very slowly improving and today the test showed they dropped from 2.9 to 1.7. I am 10 weeks out from the transplant. From 6 weeks to 8 weeks they were unchanged at 2.9 and I mentioned to my Doctor that I was bothered they had not…
Anyone have issues with balance problems post treatment? My balance has been "off" since I was treated and doesn't seem to be improving.
New diagnosis help :(
Hello all! I'm excited to be apart of this group. My family is doing their absolute best, but it doesn't compare to people actually going through the same thing. A little background on me: I'm a 24 year old female. Two weeks ago I was in the hospital for what I thought was a kidney stone or kidney infection. They did a CT…
NLPHL (mesentery) status & message of appreciation
I wanted to reach out and thank all of you on this discussion board who made my 'experience' with nodular lymphocyte predominant hodgkin lymphoma (mesentery area only) much better than ever expected...Max, ShadyGuy, Jeff148, po18guy, and other very supportive contributors. For the first 18 months after diagnosis (in 2015),…
Biopsy questions
Hello all! Due to the location of my tumor (an 8cm anterior mediastinul), my doctors elected to do the PET scan first because the tumor was a little hard to reach. The PET scan confirmed that there was in fact hypermetabolic activity in my little "friend". Does this kind of confirm the fact that it's cancer?? Also, now…
Worried About Lymph Node
Hello, I am 26 years old soon to be 27. About 2 years ago I noticed a small inflamed lump under my arm just below my armpit (a couple of inches below where the hair is), superficial and not able to be seen above the skin. I decided to let it be and not do anything about it, it never grew and only seems to irritate me from…
Chemo and Fitness
Hello, Last week I got diagnossed stage 2a Hodgkins Lymphoma. I got my port put in yesterday (man, it hurts!). I start Chemo Monday, they are predicting 4-6 theropy's. I am a very active person. My Dr. predicts that I will still have energy and beable to work out and stay active just fine. I understand that chemo can…
2nd Biopsy
Hello all, I'm a 32 year old healthy and physically active female. I've had a number of lymph nodes growing along my left collarbone and around my neck since November. I had an excisional biopsy at the beginning of March. The ENT that performed the biopsy was not satisfied with the results of the pathology report and…
Persistent immune deficiency
Hi All, The current string of uncertainty brought about by the CoViD-19 pandemic has put the issue of immune deficiency to the forefront of my mind. I have yet to reach retirement age by a good number of years, haven't been through nearly as many treatments as a number of other posters on this forum (6 R-CHOP + 12 Ritux…
Recovery - expectations?
Greetings, I had a question that was more on the post-treatment side of cancer. My spouse had stage 4 non-Hodgkins and went through 4 months of treatment and is now in remission. We had wonderful care and amazing staff and support during treatment. However post-treatment, as we attempt to reastablish some normalcy, we have…
R-EPOCH if you are over the age of 70?
Hello! Has anyone over the age of 70 on this forum gotten R-EPOCH chemo? My Dad, who is 75, might have the chance to get R-EPOCH chemo. Is it too risky?
just diagnosed
My regular dr. had me get a CT Scan. Showed multiple places of probable lymphoma. Scared!!!! Having PET test tomorrow and was told would not be able to see oncologist until next week. Scared!!!!!
I am 70 years old and I was diagnosed with DLBCNHL back in June 2018. Started 6 rounds of RCHOP and 15 doses of Radiation finishing up by Thanksgiving. I think I was fairly lucky in that I had minimal side effects with just hair loss, tiredness and some Neuropathy. It took awhile to be sure treatment was successful…
Good Luck All
As Coronavirus nips at our heels May the road always rise to meet you May the wind always be at your back Coffee is for closers Lets go eat tacos Verily, verily Lets all go eat tacos
hemolytic anemia with splenic marginal zone lymphoma
Has anyone experienced this? I am, not too bad yet, but it's definitely happening. I read it's a poor prognositic indicator. Onc wants to do a whopping burst of steroid, I'm figuring it'll just come rip roaring back, wondering if maybe a chronic low dose might be better.
COVID-19 effects on cancer patients
I am just wondering if anyone could share how they are dealing with the confusion and disruption in medical care caused by the COVID-19 situation. We represent an at risk group. Since January 2019 I have been in hospital twice for pneumonia so I am a bit concerned. This year I am feeling much better. I had to cancel a trip…
R Chop help
Hello, I’m new to this page as it’s hard for me to reach out. To give some background I was diagnosed in 2006 with follicular non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I was doing watch and wait until 2018 when a cluster of lymph nodes under my right arm pit got bigger and bigger and I had a lymphoma mass in my left eye socket. I had…
Question about B-cell lymphoma
Helo, i am 38 years old, blood work came back great, no disase, never had the flu, barely catch colds, seems to be i have a good immune system. I have B-cell lymphoma in my right cheeck and its in my right cheek, its kinda huge right now. So i am suppose to take RChop cemo for 3 rounds, one round i was told it should kill…
Possible Lymphoma?
Hello, I was wondering if you guys could help me. I have been dealing with this for months and I have not gotten reassurance at all. Around July 2019, I found an enlarged lymph node on the right side of my neck. I went to get an ultrasound a month later and it all came out normal (even blood work). Months later around…
common lymphoma symptoms
Hi all, My husband has been struggling with a nagging cough since October. In January night sweats and weight loss has started. We have been going to our local physicians office for these symptoms and the Dr. has been basically giving him antibiotics and prednison for the symptoms. Says he thinks he may have developed…
This sums up the life of a cancer patient
RIP John Prine our greatest American poet https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PnMNBTc1DQU
I feel weird saying this...
My stepdad got diagnosed with lymphoma about a month ago. He started chemo last week. I'm getting help from counselors understanding that my stepdad, mom, brother and sister are all in shock, denial, and can'r process everything. My parents told me to opt out of work, stay home, and wear a mask. Great. Only everyone else…