Interesting oral drug for FL and MZL
https://lymphomanewstoday.com/2020/01/28/tg-therapeutics-seeks-accelerated-fda-approval-umbralisib-marginal-zone-follicular-lymphomas/ I like the thought of not enduring chemo again. This could be real or just a flash in the pan. Time will tell.
Facial flushing on cheeks 3 months after treatments
I am a 71 year old female. Near the end of my treatments for NHL, due to prednison, I had some facial flushing that appeared in the evening and went away the next morning. I completed treatment three months ago and noticed light facial flushing tonight after taking ibuprofen for a muscle strain. Muscle strains have been an…
Newly diagnosed with NLPHL Stage III, considering treatment options
I am still waiting for pathology to fully deliver a confirmation of NLPHL, but my oncologist said that from the tests so far that it is most likely NLPHL. I don’t yet have a reommended treatment plan, but I’m told that the 3 most likely possibilities are R-CHOP, R-CVP, or R-B. I am interested to hear from any that may have…
DLBCL in elbow
Does anyone have any experience with this? Originally Stage 1A and was feeling positive. Just finished 3 x RCHOP and radiation but noticed a lump on my elbow. I'm sure that it was bursitis, which has since gone down considerably but I can still feel a hard lump close to my elbow bone. My original lump was in my groin,…
NLPHL with NHL B cell T cell rich relapse
Well I have looked at the site off and on but have not posted since I received the good news of NED in 2017. Now it is back. I have NLPHL and NHL B cell T cell rich Lymphoma. Got the biopsy results Thursday that in fact both types were back. My Dr is at MD Anderson in Houston and he is going to call me next week with…
Standard protocol for followup?
Hello, Everyone! I'm getting close to 1 year post-Chemo and Rad for DLBCL Stage 1A (just in right sinus;no lymph node involvement). My routine thus far has been port flush every 6 weeks, blood tests and CT scans (face,stn,chest) every 3 months and Doc visits after scan. I had partial remission after chemo and complete…
Preparing for Colonoscopy with Hyponatremia
I did not participate in the recent discussion (Gina) about colonoscopy. I have never had one, but my oncologist has been nagging me about it. I asked my family doctor: "If I had colon cancer, wouldn't it show up on a PET scan"? She replied, "Probably". I asked my oncologist the same question and his reply was: "Not before…
Good Morning, I was diagnosed with Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma B-cell Non-Hodgins around 2 years ago. I had my spleen removed last June in order to make a true diagnosis of cancer. I know this type of cancer is slow growing and is rare. I was wondering if anyone that has this cancer had a relapse and if any scans or…
Side effects-Rituxan?
I just joined but am not new to NHL. I was Dx in 2005 with follicular NHL stage IVB. I am currently in remission after CVP+R. I am receiving maintenance Rituxan (for almost 3 years now)and my oncologist said that I will have Rituxan until the cancer relapses. I am told that this is a pretty benign treatment as far as side…
watch and wait
does anyone know why we watch and wait before treatment starts?
Duvelisib Drug Trial for Refractory T-Cell Lymphomas
Just thought I would post that my husband started a Phase II Drug Trial yesterday to treat his refractory PTCL-NOS. The Protocol TItle is Phase II Trial of Duvelisib in Combination with Either Romidepsin or Bortezombid in Relapsed/Refractory T-Cell Lymphomas. My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in April 2016. The…
3 yrs +
Hello! I'm still here! As most of you know I'm 3 years post auto SCT. I just received the results from yet another CT scan. I now have them every 6 months. My oncologist mentioned changing to every 12 months, but with a blink of my eye we stayed at every 6 months. I think the CT News was good, however there is something…
28 Year Survivor Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
Today is 28 years I beat the disease it also marks 5 year brain tumor survivor. I just want to know if anyone else is a childhood survivor of this disease. I was first diagnosed in 1985 as a 13 year old kid. I would just like to share my post cancer issues due to the kimo and radiation I endured during my 24 months of…
My daughter is in remission after Burkitts L. Have some questions
Hello everyone, i am kinda new to this forum stuff. My daughter was diagnosed with Burkitts lymphoma in September 2017 and after 3 long intense months of chemo we got the great news that the cancer cells and tumor she had were dead/dying. She is now 6 and 2 years into remission. We go in for a routine checkup in 3 weeks…
Relapsed aggressive NHL - Stage 4
My father was diagnosed with stage 2 aggressive NHL in intenstinal region 4 years back, tumor was so large that it blocked the motion in the intestines, so it was removed by surgery. After that he was subjected to 4 cycles of RCHOP chemotherapy and then the PET/CT scan showed complete remission. He was supposed to be given…
Treatment for NLPHL in abdomen only
I am searching for folks who have been or are being currently treated for nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkins lymphoma. Because this exists only in my abdomen (mesentery lining around small intestines), doctors do not recommend radiation therapy (because of the risk of secondary cancers). One doctor recommends R-CHOP,…
SMZL splenic marginal zone lymphoma
A new thread for this topic. The old 2010 thread is hard to follow.
Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma
I was just recently diagnosed with SMZL and would love to connect with others with the same diagnosis. I am interested to find out the treatment plans-pros and cons, etc.
splenic marginal zone lymphoma
I'm 44 years old and have recently been diagnosed with splenic marginal zone lymphoma, a form of NHL that is low grade, stage iv. My cancer presents itself in the spleen and bone marrow only. I have been told several forms of treatment for this and because it is rare, I am wondering if anyone out there has this particular…
TV Personality Dies Rapidly of Undiagnosed NHL
Mid-Maintenance Rituxan Reactions
I am being treated with Rituxan-only for relapsed NLPHL, currently one year into maintenance stage after initial weekly infusions (4x). After no reactions at all to Rituxan, I appear to be having reaction issues for the first time, with itching/prickly feeling in random places and general feeling of sickness. PET/CT was…
Advice for a New Caregiver
My mom was admitted into the ER on her birthday for pneumonia. Three ER visits and two lung drainage later, it turns out it wasn't pneumonia. Yes, cancer sucks but living in the unknown was so much worst. She took to treatment well which I am extremely thankful for, the only issue was her stress level. I know finances has…
3 weeks since completion of 6r of R-chop DLCBL
I'm now exactly 3 weeks since completing the 6th round of r-chop for stage 4 DLCBL. I'm 46 and was reasonably fit up until diagnosis but have lost some fitness over the past year as main tumor site was affecting exercise (I didn't see a health professional as thought it was a work injury). I'm now trying to build up…
Hi, I'm new to the board and am wondering if anyone else is or has been on R-EPOCH. I have primary mediastinal b-call lymphoma, stage 4, and have had one round of chemo so far. I'm wondering what other people's experiences and side effects have been with this particular chemo regimen.
The old gray mare ...,
She ain't what she used to be ..... and neither is this forum. What happened? Is everyone suddenly hypersensitive?
11 years later, terrified of recurrance
Hi Everyone, I'm new here and desperately seeking some support. Life has thrown a curve ball or two and suddenly I find that my anxiety and depression over recurrance are absolutely crushing to the point I can hardly function. I've read some of the conversations here and feel a slight sense of comfort, so I'm really hoping…
Last Treatment
Hi I'm currently writing this in the hospital during my last planned treaatment. I was diagnosed with stage III NHL six months ago, and the fight was mentally straining but I was fortunate enough to not get the common side effects that my doctors mentioned (nausea, metalic taste, blood infusions required). My treatment has…
Conjunctiva MALT Lymphoma
I hope this is okay. I thought since I've had trouble finding others with ocular cancer I'd post my story to-date for future readers. At a regular optometrist check up in May I was told I had bad inflammation in my eyes due to allergies. I used steroid drops for three weeks for inflammation. At a follow up visit my left…
Checking in
Hi all just wanted to let you all know I'm still here reading your post. I had my last Rituxan treatment in August. Those 2 years seem to have flown by. I had my CT last week of head neck face and chest all clear. New scans again in 6 months. So many changes this past year we sold our home (2400 sq ft) in Oct (raised 6…
Hello. So a little about my journey; I'm a 24 year old female who has been healthy, active person up until 3-4 months ago. I started to have drenching night sweats where I would wake up soaked in sweat but not be hot; I didn't think much about them and tossed it to the side. They started to happen more frequently (a couple…