Fever of Unknown Origin

Hi everyone,

I have had a fever since the end of May, as far as I know. I remember one evening getting fever and chills, which is what prompted me to take my temperature with an ear thermometer. I wouldn't know if my fever had started even earlier. My temperature was around 101 - 102 degrees at any point in time over the next couple of days. Of course in light of the pandemic, I got tested for Covid (negative) and since then, over the weeks I've had my blood drawn what seems like dozens of times, a chest x-ray and a CT scan. The CT scan showed nothing except a "mild thickening" of my colon wall which "suggested colitis", or inflammation of the colon wall.  I took ten days of two different antibiotics and I feel like at first it did seem to help - whether that really helped now in hindsight, I have no idea. My temperature was down to the 99's and occasional 100. Unfortunately the last few days of the antibiotics I started seeing 101 again. This prompted a referral to infectious disease and also gastroenterology specialists.  My blood tests and stool test does not indicate infection. The GI specialist said during our phone appointment this past week he does not feel like my fever is colon/digestive issue related but since I did have a change in bowel movements, it warrants a look. He also mentioned that from the looks of my CT scan, he can assure me nothing looks like cancer with the EXCEPTION of Lymphoma. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for Monday to see if there's any answers there since that was the only (questionable) sign of inflammation. However I also see in his doctor notes that if the colonoscopy comes back negative, since all other things have come back "normal", the next step would be "vigilance to monitor occult presence of lymphoma". 

I have never heard of this cancer until this week and have been reading far too much on Google. I'm terrified because I'm a mom of two toddlers and I'm just so scared and heartbroken. 


I guess I'm looking for anyone who's had somewhat a similar experience or knows of anyone who's had a similar experience, and whether that turned out to be lymphoma or something else. In terms of cancers, this seems to be the most likely. So far I don't have any other symptoms aside from this crazy ongoing fever (99's and ocassional 100) for weeks now. I have no idea what to do or ask for if my colonoscopy comes back with nothing.

thank you all for reading.





  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member
    'Except' ?


    Ask your doc what he meant by the comment that your CT doesn't look like any cancer 'except' (possibly) lymphoma.  The radiologist who read your CT would have noted possible lymphoma if he had observed any such thing.

    Lymphoma does not ordinarily 'hide': if it is there, it announces itself to the world, and certainly to scans.

    Hodgkin's-type lymphomas will at times cause a low grade fever, which typically comes and go periodically, but it is seldom as high as 101 or above.    Your doctors are using due diligence and seem to be very thorough.


  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 920 Member

    'Except' ?


    Ask your doc what he meant by the comment that your CT doesn't look like any cancer 'except' (possibly) lymphoma.  The radiologist who read your CT would have noted possible lymphoma if he had observed any such thing.

    Lymphoma does not ordinarily 'hide': if it is there, it announces itself to the world, and certainly to scans.

    Hodgkin's-type lymphomas will at times cause a low grade fever, which typically comes and go periodically, but it is seldom as high as 101 or above.    Your doctors are using due diligence and seem to be very thorough.


    Very low fever

    1 degree F may fall within the accuracy range (margin of error) for many consumer type electronic thermometers.Try a couple different ones and see if you get the same results on both of them at the same body location. Also, normal body temperatures vary slightly between individuals. For me the docs said it was not even considered an issue until it reaches 30 degrees C, about 100.4 F. A low grade viral infection seems most likely, at least in my totally non professional opinion. Its definitely worth following up with your doctors.

    Another thought - you may want to consider getting a copy of the radiologist report and reading it for yourself.