
Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

Hi everyone, I am from Head & Neck but I been having a lot of problems with Pneumonia and was hoping someone on the Lung Cancer page could answer some of my questions. This is my post on H&N.


Well seen the Doctor today and he said another week of treatment, the pneumonia is getting better but the lower lobe on the right lung is still showing congestion. I am not sure what has me feeling so weak and tired, the shots or the pneumonia but all I want to do is sleep sleep and sleep some more. When I do get up I feel so weak I want to lay back down. This is not me, I am a go getter who never stops, well this sure put the brakes on me for the last month.


Does anyone know if the weakness is from the medication or from the pneumonia? the antibiotic he is giving me once a day is called Rocephin, has anyone taking this before, I hope I don’t stay this way.

Thank you all for your help

