Nerve damage
I'm new to CSN but do have a question or two. I had a lobectomy on my right lung on Dec. 4th 2017. I'm still experiencing what I've been told is nerve damage caused by the surgery and chest tubes it's from my right abdomen and up my right side. Also I have this empty pit feeling in my stomach that never goes away and I…
Stage 4 Lung Cancer with Mets...and curing it.
When I found out my mother had stage 4 lung cancer with lymph and brain mets I in no way considered it a death sentence. She did not want chemo or radiation so I had to see what there was out there that could help her. I researched MANY supplements and alternative cures and decided on a path based on weeks of study and…
Ground Glass of the Lung Syndrome and Cancer
Hi, I am new to the forum. Last summer I was diagnosed with Ground Glass of the Lung Sydrome. Over this past year there was a series of unsuccessful biopsy attempts, an increase in size of one of the lesions, and, finally, a PET Scan that was positive for cancer. In March I had surgery to remove my left lower lobe and a…
Best no dust cat litter
Hi, I normally hang out on the colorectal cancer board, but my cancer has spread to my lungs, so I wanted to share what I found out about cat litters, because I decided to find the best litter to avoid inhaling the dust that all the popular clay clumping litters can cause. I spent about 3 hours researching on the internet,…
lung nodules could this be cancer
Hello I'm new here and I was just hoping for any insight on my situation or to just see if anyone else had same problem and turned out to be cancer or not. 2 years ago i was hospitalized because i had a high fever of 103.5 shortness of breath and had a ct scan done first night at er found a few nodules through out both…
Carcinoid-related Lobectomy
Hi all, I'm relatively young (31 years old) and was recently diagnosed with a 5 cm carcinoid tumor in my lung. Luckily it hasn't spread nor do I have any symptoms - they found it while doing a CT on my neck for a totally unrelated issue. So on the grand scheme of things - I'm quite lucky. The less fortunate part is that…
Nodules in both lungs
I hope I am in the correct place to post this. Please accept my appology if not. I don't have an official diagnosis as of yet but here is what is going on and could use some feedback. On 4/13/18 I was at ER with a kidney stone and incidental findings on CAT scan were nodules in left lung, the largest being 13mm x 11mm,…
What, exactly does NED mean?
i have non-small cell lung cancer which had metastesized by the time I was diagnosed. That was a little over a year ago. I have been on Keytruda since June 2017. I have read in all the radiology reports and have been told by my doctor that there is no evidence of disease (NED). Does this mean that all the tumors are gone?…
when to say stop
I had kidney removed 2009 8 CM. Nodules now in left right upper and lower 6mm, 6mm, 6mm, 9mm,8mm, 1cm. CTCA doc says she wants to first bronchial biopsy now suggesting CT guided needle biopsy to determine if its cancer and if so is it renal in my lungs Mets or new lung. Have waited for almost a year and nearly all listed…
Lung Nodule
My husband is scheduled for open heart/bypass surgery next week. Now they did a CT Scan and came back with this diagnosis; There is a 13 mm right pretracheal lymph node and a 13 mm calcified left pretracheal lymph node, calcified lymph node. Do not appear to represent clinically significant findings. Small bowel hiatal…
My Mom was just diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer
Can anyone help me ? My Mom has stage 4 lung cancer she is 73 and very fragile. I live almost 2,000 away but will soon be with her and my Dad. This is a nightmare and we're still in shock. My Mom went to the emergency room 3 weeks ago she had pneumonia that's when she was told there were other findings. We are in limbo…
Has anyone out there had a pleurodesis
My Dr. says that I may have to have this procedure done. I understand the principal of how it works but would like to know how it makes you feel afterwards. Does it restrict your breathing in any way? Does it actually work? My breathing is allready restricted from the pleural effusion (fluid build up). Will they be able to…
Taking a multivitamin during chemo
My mom was diagnosied with cancer on her sternum a few months ago. Some treatments of radation took care of that one but another spot came up on her lung. She had her first rond of chemo about 4 weeks ago. I asked them could she take some natural supplements like Tumeric and CQ10 while doing chemo they said she couldnt for…
stage 4 lung cancer with 14 brain tumours
Hi, I am writing this in hopes that some one could share a similar experience or has any advice. My Aunt was just diagnosed (age 72) with stage 4 lung canger, and has 14 small tumours through out her brain. Operating is off the table and I am sure whole brain radiation is off the table as well. She is presenting with…
just finished radiology
Hi , I just finished my 15 radiation trteatment last thursday.Starting my chemo on this tues., little scared but still thinking very postive!!! its stage 4 smlc with mets>>> wish i wouldve come here first instead of looking on google!! everyone seems so positive! I would love to talk to people who are going thru the same.…
What would you do?
Hi everyone, hope all is well with all of you. I could sure use some help so I'm posting in hopes of some input. 8 Yrs. ago I was dx. with nsclc. Prior to my diagnosis I had a very close frienship with a girlfriend whom I thought of as the sister I never had, we were close friends for 14 Yrs. She ended up getting married…
Need urgent help on therapies side effects
hello, i would like your advice, coments or sugestions, regarding the following data about a close friend of mines. She was diagnosed with adenocarinoma stage 4 in her lung , ( she never smoked or was near any person or friend/ family that smoked ; she is alergic to smoke ) and she was given alimta ( Pemetrexed ) for 3…
Intro / Venting / Support (Chemo for Life)
I want to share my daughters story: My daughter is 32 (non-smoker). She was diagnosed with NSCLC in 2012 (stage 3). A couple of months later a golf ball sized tumor was found in her brain. She under went surgery, radiation, and chemo. The cancer went into remission. In 2016, the cancer returned to the right lung and right…
Just been diagnosed with lung cancer with liver spots stage 4
I would just like to ask if I should get 2nd opinion.I just went last week for the brain an bone scans both came back clean no cancer.Went in monday she gave me my blood test results they were all normal an she stated my liver readings were normal also.So i'm starting to have dought they diagnosed me correctly.But I start…
Long Progression-Free Survivors on Tarceva
Tarceva has been shown to extend the progression-free survival time and improve the quality of life of many advanced lung cancer patients, especially for those who with positive EGFR. However, the information regarding its long-term survival benefit is still very limited. I have posted threads to seek this information, for…
stage 3 or stage 4 ??
my Dad (71 Age- Healthy- quit smoking 6 years after bypass heart surgery) have Continues Cough and chest pain from last few month and for the reason he visited physician who examined X-ray,Blood report and he said possible phnumonia and gave medicine for two week. after two week when he has same problem physician ask…
Dealing with Lobectomy
Had my lower left lobe removed to cancer 8 weeks ago. I still feel some pain and some breathing difficulties. would llike to hear from others who have gone through this surgery.
Trachea and lung mets from Renal Cancer?
My son-in-law who has stage IV grade 4 sarcomatoid kidney cancer is having a bronchoscopy today due to thickening lining in his trachea and a productive cough that won't go away (with traces of blood). The oncologist and pulmonologist are guessing that it is the RCC that has spread. There are some unspecified nodes in the…
HiAll..I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer a year ago. I had a powerport implanted about10 months ago. It worked great until the past 3 chemo treatments (I get chemo every 3 weeks). The infusion nurses have not been able to get blood return thru powerport. It does flush great though. Oh and I’ve tried all he…
4 Stage Lung/ Met bones
My mom has 4 stage advanced lung/ met bones , pelvis her spine her rib cage lymph, She been on Keytruda since October , doing ok, she seem to be moving slower, no energy in pain. My question is how long might she live for
Stage IV NSCLC, Radiation + Chemo experience?
To address a ~4cm nodule in my LUL, I am scheduled to start a 6 week rado and chemo plan next week and wondered if anyone has been through this and the risk or experience feedback?
Help? Discussion on how to deal with caregiving a family member. How to not lose yourself...
Hello anyone, For the last few months I've been my younger sisters primary caregiver. My sister was diagnosed July 2017 with stage 4 lung cancer (I don't know which kind) and is not seeking treatment (I am fine with her decision). She is still with us. I've got a list of things I'd like to discuss: 1. What to do when your…
So many questions
Hi. My Dad was recently diagnosed with Lung cancer. I am trying to figure out what documents I need to get together to make sure we have all of our bases covered. I know of the Power of Attorny and the Living Will. Do I need to be gathering anything else up?
rib spasms
I was dx. in 09 nsclc stage 111A, finished treatments in 2010, chemo/rad/attempted surgery to remove url, was not possible due to tumor location. been monitored since that time and all ct scans have been clear. I recently had a ct scan, chest, abdomin, pelvis and that was clear also. I have noticed ever since treatments…
my husband was diagnosed of small lung cancer
hi everyone im new here same,my husband was diagnosed of small cell lung cancer on thursday,,it was devastating news,,ryt now just thinking of possitive things and keeping the Lord on our mind and spirit,,,but still so hard to take it,,,i love my husband so much,,,,,,its so hard for me specially we have a three years old…