Dealing with Liver Cancer
Hello everyone, My dad is battling liver cancer. We just found out a month ago. He had hep C and cirrhosis of the liver proir to the cancer diagnosis. The doctors really believe the cancer came from another source and spread to the liver. Whats really hard right now is that my dad's mental state. His mind goes and comes.…
Liver Cancer with cirrhosis caused by Hep C - I'm desperate to find more options for my husband.
I'm desperate to find help for my husband, he was diagnosed last week with liver cancer, 9cc tumor that is invading the portal vein. Also portal vein thrombosis. He has been being monitored by a liver specialist for almost 2 years now with routine ultrasounds and bloodwork and now this tumor ~ at 9cc? Aside from the anger…
Gall Bladder Cancer
Dear All, My cousin was recently detected with Stage 4 Gall Bladder cancer, cancer in the liver originating from Gall Bladder. Though he underwent chemotherapy and surprisingly the size of the tumors came down significantly, nearly to the level of having no tumors or no cancer cells. However, after about 2 months when the…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Some of you know that we have had previous problems with a particularly tenacious scammer named sarah, and unfortunately she has struck again. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If…
45 yr. old Husband diagnosed with traditional HCC -Stage 4
Hi all. My husband had one tumor removed in 2010 which was believed to be the only one. They told us that this was the fibrolamellar type of cancer with very good prognosis. We had a couple of follow ups and the scans came back clean. We then lost our health insurance coverage. Now, his CT scan shows many tumors of varying…
27 year old husband diagnosed with fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma
We found out a few weeks ago that my husband has fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma. They are starting him on Nexavar this week and we have an appointment with Sloan in a week and a half. I was just wondering what questions we should ask when we go or options we have. They have not mentioned anything about surgery,…
HCC / No chemo available?
My sister was diagnosed with fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma in August 2008 and had a liver resection in October 2008. She was told that this was curative treatment and that no further treatment was needed. Follow up MRI scan in May 2009 was clear but MRI & CT scans in November 2009 showed numerous lung metastases…
Fibrolamellar Cancer
I was diagnosed March 23rd. with Fibrolamellar Cancer 12.5 x 9.0 occupying most of the right hepatic lobe. My procedure (TACE) Trans Arterial Chemo Embolization is April the 25th. Does anyone here have any information to help me with questions or outcomes? Thanks, Miss G
All CSN members are invited!
It’s finally happening! We are happy to announce that as early as tonight, a new Chat application is being launched on CSN. It is NOT Java-based and it DOES support members using mobile devices. To access chat, you must be a CSN member and logged on. Once logged on, all you have to do is click chat in your left navigation…
Spam Emails
We have been made aware of another round of spam emails being sent to users. While we try to have security in place to handle such emails, we cannot always catch them all. If you have received an email asking for money, please do not respond to the email or the private email address that was given by the sender. Please…
Intrahepatic Bile duct cancer
Two weeks ago my wife was diagnosted with intrahepatic bile duct cancer. She has a 7cm tumor on the left lobe of the liver with many other small rumors on the right side. It has also affected five lymp nodes in the abdomin surgery is not an option. They have scheduled a TACE procedure. Does anyone have any experience with…
New to this forum
Hello: I am new to this forum and am hoping to meet people with circumstances similar to mine. Reading many of the older posts on this site has been educational and helpful to me. I find that a number of posts in this forum are in response to older entries and am hoping to drive some new conversation. I am a 56 year old…
Dealing with emotions post cholangiocarcinoma
In May 2011 I was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma. Through the whole process of my treatments and diagnosis I was very private about what was going on. Only family and close friends know. This last September I had a very invasive surgery that has left huge scars on my stomach BUT I am cancer free so it was worth it! My…
Cisplatin with Gemcitabane Chemo
Hello, I am new to the forum. Diagnosed May 24, 2013 with "suspected cholangiocarcinoma." I have a large 7 cm tumor in the liver blocking the arteries. I am in Stage IV. They want to place a port soon for the chemo treatment. They suggest Cisplatin with Gemcitabane Chemo. Has anyone had this treatment. I've read the side…
I am so alone. I don't know if I still want to fight this or not.
I was diagnosed with liver cancer last month. I told my very best friend and my boyfriend about it but they don't dseem to believe me. I am too far away from my family and I hven't told them the news yet. I was diagnoasd last month and I only have 5 months and 17 days to live. My boyfriend just broke up with me and my best…
Fighting the good fight
I don't know if I'm here looking for answers as much as I am just wanting to share my wife's story. In June of 2013 she was diagnosed with advanced stage cancer of the liver and 2 lymph nodes. The doctor that gave us the diagnosis basically wrote her off by trying to hand her a prescription for pain killers and send her on…
Bile duct cancer
Last July my husband (age 57) was diagnosed with Bile duct cancer , they figure started in the gallbladder. At that time 3 doctors deemed it inoperable. He did 10 rounds of chemo (cystplatin and gemobine) which shrank the lymph nodes considerably. He underwent surgery Sept 20th. They removed 70% of his liver, gallbladder,…
My Dad has Liver Cancer
Back in December, my dad (59) was diagnosed with liver cancer. I don't know which stage he is in, just in the latter. I am 19 years old, and an adopted child. My dad has given me the life anyone would admire or wish for. He's my best friend. He's my mother and my father. He taught me everything I am today, and stood by me…
Fatigue with Y90
My husband was diagnosed with HCC about 5 months ago. His tumor was almost 6cm with another 1cm tumor so he was not a candidate for transplant. We elected to go with Y90 radioembolization and he tolerated the procedure well , had mild pain and fatigue for a couple of days right after the procedure. About a month after the…
Breast cancer metastasized to liver, anyone have experience with this?
I was just rediagnosisEd with breast cancer which has metastasized to the liver. Right now ct/pet scans are just showing one spot, which is about 5 cm. I am considering having surgery to remove the part of the liver where the spot is and I am wondering if anyone else has been through this and can tell me what to expect…
FAQ about CSN study
Please excuse the long post. A number of members have posed questions on the discussion boards or emailed me for more information about the CSN study that has been underway since November 2013. I thought it might be helpful to post the most common questions and my answers. What is the CSN survey? What is its purpose? The…
AFP elevated to 897 after returning to normal after resection for HCC (4 months post surgery)
Has anyone had their AFP elevate after returning to normal post resection? My husband had a 1.9 x 1 x 1.1 lesion removed from the left lobe of the liver. The pathology showed focal vascular invasion but the surgeon expected that it was completely curative. AFP returned to normal 1 week post resection At our three month…
New to Cancer
I have just been dianosed with Liver cancer. I am scheduled for a biopsy in two days. I have been told it is malignant and a few small spots show on my lungs. I am dealing with the news fairly well but I have an unusul question to ask. It is not abut me but my children ages 31 and 27. We have just buried my husband of 35…
Feeling so alone
Hello everyone, This is my first post since joining recently. I never knew anyone with cancer and had no idea how scarey it is until this past July when my husband was diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer. It's a rare form of cancer that is treated experimentally. It took a while for the doctors to decide on a form of…
Where is the best hospital/dr. in the Baltimore/Washington DC area to remove secondary liver cancer?
Have carcinosarcoma mmmt which has spread to liver.I am looking for a doctor/ hospital who can hopefully remove it.
Our journey with Liver cancer
Hello we are new to this site and I sat up all night reading all the forums and firstly, I got so much positive inspiration from your posts I wanted to tell you about our journey and thankyou for sharing yours.We sold our family home in VIc. October 2011. Early Feb 2012 we were in Mandurah WA and my husband had pain in…
pain on right side of body associated with mediport disconnection
my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in her colon and also had a tumor, which is now gone thanks to the chemotherapy. from there they found a few spots on her liver and are treating it with a mediport that is on her chest on the left side. she has 4 hour long sessions of chemo and then is sent home with a pump for the…
liver biopsy inconclusive???
was diagnosed with a indeterminant liver lesion by US in june. they ordered a CT scan which was also indeterminant. then they ordered an MRI....which suggested hepatocellular adenoma or intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. they ordered a fine needle biopsy which came back inconclusive :( next i see an oncologist this monday…
Metastatic Malignant Melanoma
My daughter was diagnosed a year ago with malignant melanoma. At the time she was five months pregnant so she could not be treated till the birth of her baby. After her daughter was born we learned that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, pne adrenal gland and two tumors on her liver. She is 23 years old with two…
Secondary liver cancer through galdbladder