Hcc 3rd stage?
Hi everyone.dont know if any one change help but here goes.friday my dad got diagnosed with stage 3 HCC .he has cirrhosis of the liver and a very large tumor.yesterday we met with 2 specialist that say he qualifies for a clinical trial studie that uses therasphere and sorafenib.im just wondering if anyone has done a…
...that one day we will have a pink heart shape pill that cures all cancers and our biggest complaint will be that it comes only in 6 different flavors. Please, join me in this dream and until then god bless us with nothing but happy hopeful days. Laz
Any hepatocellular liver cancer survivors out there?
My dad was recently diagnosed with HCC in march 2010. He underwent a liver resection with good margins. I just want to hear from people who are going through the same thing? Does anyone survive this gloomy diagnosis?
Mother has Stage IV 20+ Tumors, Why Sandostatin?
Hello, This past week has been crazy. We found out that mom has stage IV metastatic liver cancer that came from a neuroendocrine tumor that was removed in 2007. Here is my question..yesterday the oncologist said that the most effective treatment will be to use Sandostatin. Out of all of the reseach that I had done in prep…
breast cancer
I haven;t been in for a while, it seemed everything was going wrong. I couldn't even remember my password. M y cancer is back I go Tuesday for a biopsy. I have been fighting a rash they don't know what is causing it. This time I havr to go to cancer care in Seattle for there advice. They said my skin was already pulled so…
Suggestions, please, Mother just diagnosed with liver cancer
Thanks to all who have posted suggestions and comments here--I myself am a sarcoma survivor and remember lonely nights in the hospital "talking" to a bulletin board like this--it was a great comfort and help. Now I hope to learn what my 90-year-old Mom faces: her Dr last week felt a lump/swelling in a normal physical,…
left lobe liver cancer
Hi I just found out in July that I have Left lobe liver cancer. I have gone thru every test there is and I don't have hep A,B, or C in any shape or form. I quit smoking July 2, and I quit drinking ages ago my sobriety date is 02/02/02, so I am very confused it has been a winfall of doctor visits and ct scans including two…
TheraSpheres/Y=90 possible for stage 4 patients?
Hi everyone. My girlfriend just got diagnosed a stage 4 liver cancer. Most of the cancer cells are located on an artery inside the liver if I understood well. Surgery is impossible they say. So, I want to know if stage 4 patients can possibly get the Y90 treatment or if it is applied only on earlier stages. Thanks in…
Please Help me by giving your suggestions.
My aunt is suffering from liver cancer .In connection of treatment,we have been through some websites we found that soursop/graviola fruit is used to reduce the cancerous cells . I shall be grateful if anyone of you can share your views in this regard . I shall be highly obliged.
Has anyone out there had this treatment for their Liver tumors? If so, how were the results? any side effects?
How to ease fear and inspire acceptance?
My mom has been fighting lymphoma for 11 years. The cancer has now spread to her liver. She wants to keep fighting but her body is too weak for chemo. We have not received an official prognois but it is clear just from her physical state that her time is coming to an end. I am 26 years old and it is so difficult to watch…
Gallbladder Cancer
My treatments for gallbladder cancer, which has spread to my liver and pacreas, so far haven't worked. I would appreciate any and all drugs you have tried thus far and their outcome. I have had Gemzar, Cisplatin, 5-FU, Xeloda, Eloxatin and Irinitecan. Any other suggestions? Thanks for your input.
elevated enzymes
I have had chem for breast cancer and a bilateral surgery. I am now taking Arimidex. My latest blood tests showed elevated liver enzymes. The doctor has ordered a liver scan. Has anyone else had experiece with this?
How Colonics Juicing, and Fasting and Prayer Saved my Life.
I only had 3 weeks to live is what my doctor told me 7 years ago and I met a man who taught me all about Colonics, Juicing and Fasting and now I am forever in his debt. Read the following article when you have…
Bile duct cancer
I was diagnosed with bile duct cancer in July 2009. When I had the ERCP, a stent was put in one of the ducts. I was told that the outlook for this type of cancer is not good. I have had chemo (genzar) and radiation. After my last treatment, I had a CT scan and it showed that the cancer had not changed. My oncologist wants…
lingering death
Hi, my partner has been in our hospice now for 3 months! i feel like its never going too end. i sleep becide him every night waiting for him to just stop breathing, i know that it will be a shock when he finally passes but i think the releaf at his finally being at rest will be amazing! he has liver cancer and is only 47…
Mom and her cancer
My Mom had a football size tumor removed from her liver (it was on the edge) about 4 years ago. Docs said there was not cancer left so she never got any other treatment. 1 year later more cancer was found in her liver and it had spread to her lung. 2.5 years ago she took the one chemo pill they said she could take for her…
Questions about my father's cancer
This is the first time I've signed up for a forum of any kind, I just can't find good information online anywhere and hoping this might help. August 2012, my father had a surgery to put a rubberband on bleeding blood vessels in his esophagus. He wouldn't really tell me why, so I started looking up info online and asked him…
Documentary Short - targeting liver cancer
Cheers RT: 2:48 Link: http://youtu.be/z7bC5K2SzVA Description: This Documentary Short tells the story of Bart and his schooner Cheers as he battles terminal liver cancer with a cutting edge form of therapy.
Liver Lesions
I am not sure anyone can help me, but I will ask a question. I had a partial nephrectomy 7 months ago. It was a Stage 2 RCC. I recently had a CAT scan which showed up a liver cyst and a few liver lesions which are stable and were noticed in the scan last June. My doctor says don't worry, we just keep an eye on it. But as…
Nodules found in liver one year after a Whipple Procedure to remove tumor on pancreas.
This is my mom's situation. A 2 cm tumor found in the in the bile conduct close to the pancreas was removed through a whipple procedure in March 2012. Feb. 7, 2013 a scan detected nodules in her liver. Biopsy is scheduled for the 13th. I am wondering if anybody has gone for something similar and how they coping.
blood clotting factors
I'm new to Liver Cancer forum becuase for the last ten years I have fought my way through two bouts with colon cancer. During my last treatment for colon cancer in 2011 with Folfox I developed Chemo-induced cirrhosis. My Onc was too important to pay attention to the symptoms and sure enough I am what they call a mid-level…
help with Nexavar pills
Hello everybody, My dad has been diagnosed with liver cancer (also has hepC and diabetes). Although I live in Canada, he lives in Romania where doctors gave him 4-6 months to live and sent him home to live his last days with the family. My sister and I could not accept the diagnostic, so we managed to have aclinic in…
Seek advise / help with My wife's liver cancer
My wife (53 years old) was diagnosed late 2011 with Primary liver cancer. There were several tumors in both lobes. During 2012 she had FIVE targetted chemo therapy through her groin with intervals of 2 to 3 months and scans were taken several weeks after each treatment. The hope was that tumor will be shrinked or contained…
what is the best scenario to expect after 1st chemo
I'm not a native english speaker so please excuse me if something is not understood My father was diagnosed with HCC in December 2012 and did a resection in January 2013. At that time only a single tumor was shown in the MRI scan. Two months later the MRI scan showed at least 8 tumors of 2-2.5cm. The rest of the…
NEXAVA failing lung mets symptomatic: what next?
anyone having success with clinical trials? Female, Asian, 65, primary HCC diagnosed Nov 2011 1) greyish white liver mass, 7.5x6 cm, adjacent to capsular, with 10+ satelite lesions, ranging 0.2 - 0.8 cm in diameter. 2) also seen greyish white mass 5x5x4 cm with membrane, section face grey to brown in color, partially…
best diet for liver cacer-please help
My mom has advance liver cancer and I am looking for the best diet for her to start. I was reading that sugar feeds cancer? I am looking for anything that will slow down her cancer. Please help
Has anyone tried either of these alternative treatments? Please share your experience with the board. Thanks.
Please reply me about nexavar,my wife has started nexavar 2 days ago.I am very much concious about results.TACE done on 11th dec 2012.She was looking healthy & fit before TACE.Now on bed feeling tired & fatigued.Although nexavar started,but i am afraid.Tumour size in liver 10x13.2x12 cm detected on 29th november 2012.I…
Unresectable pancreatic cancer
My husband was diagnosed lat September with pancreatic cancer. A small tumor was found in the head of his pancreas and as it was sitting on the portal vein he was given radiation and chemo therapy to shrink the tumor in preparation for the whipple. 3 weeks ago today he underwent surgery. However they could not do the…