Having Trouble coping with prognosis
Its so sad and hard to hear someone put your exact feeling and thinking into words. It is awful to think others out there are experiencing this same rollercaoster of emotions, helplessness and just plain anger. Only today I spoke with my mums oncolongist with regards to her cancer. We were both given the devasting news…
HCC with mets to bones
Is there anyone out there that has HCC mets to bones, if so could you please share your treatment and how you are doing? Mom just started Nexavar 1 pill twice a day for a week, then 2 pills in the am and 1 in the pm for a week then full strenght. I'm very nervous and scared, but realize this is our only option. Any feed…
HCC Stage 4: When does Nexavar not work?
My boy friend is suffer from HCC Stage 4. We found it last year and had surgery for curative purpose, but after one month, it gradually spreads to the whole body. Now it has recurred within liver and met lung, lymph, and abdomen. (His doctor concluded paritoneal seeding.) We tried Nexavar for 1 and half month, but it does…
my moms liver cancer
Hi, I have wrote before. My mom is 58 years old and has primary liver cancer that is also in her protal vein. She has had it since October of 2011. After her recession in November of last year they told her she would have 12-18 months. Since the surgery my mom has had chemo embolization done once and that didnt work and…
Cirrhosis - Variceal Bleeding - DIC
Hi, my Grandpa is suffering liver cancer now. Cirrhosis. He's in the hospital, ICU. For the past few days, his condition is not very good. I think he's condition is pretty much severe already. Few days ago, he had this gastro-oesophageal variceal haemorrhage. I searched on the internet, it's because of portal hypertension.…
Please help me save my mom
About 2 weeks back, my mom has been diagnosed with stage 4 klatskins tumor - cancer of the bile duct that has spread to her liver and the lungs. The diagnosis was done in India and the doctors did an ERCP to place metal stents that controlled the jaundice and hyper acidity that she was suffering from. Doctors here are…
Ampllary to Liver
In May of 2011 doctors found a tumor on the neck of my bile duct. In June I went through a Whipple procedure that removed the neck of my Pancreas, 1/3 of my stomach and my gall bladder. After the procedure I was on Gemzar for 6 months and then had a CAT scan, MRI and biopsy. The cancer is now in my liver. The tests showed…
Hello, my name is Nicole. I am 17 years old and have recently lost my mother to Cholangiocarcinoma. my mother was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in june of 2010 at the age of 48. she has n experimental survery up atthe university of kentucky.after 27 days of battling recovery and relearning to walk they sent her home.…
Clinical Trial Question
My husband was recently diagnosed with advanced stage HCC, we will be starting a clinical trial at Emory in Atlanta, Ga soon. Is anyone involved in a clinical trial or been in one in the past? This one involves chemoembolization and nexavar.
nexavar and vitamin K
Hello...I've described my situation previously on this board. Diagnosed with HCC in August 2010, large 18cm mass in right lobe of liver with right portal vein branch invasion, unresectable, not a candidate for Tace or therasphere due to excess shunting into lungs etc. AFP initially very high at 160,000+. I started on…
Faith and Hope
I would like to thank everyone that writes a post on here. This is such a scary situation for loved ones and those who have this horrible disease. My mom will start Nexavar this week. She is still recovering from radiation that has left her with severe heart burn, nausea and diarrehea. She has lost 15lbs since New Years…
Having trouble coping with my dad's liver cancer diagnosis.
My dad is 62 years old and recently diagnosed with liver cancer. I am 34 years old and my dad is the best father I could ask for. I don't know how to process this... eventually I will not be able to pick up the phone and talk to him or see him on holidays. I have no kids yet and so they will never know him and I feel…
Other options for HCC
My mother has been dx with primary HCC, no other liver problems, wth mets to her back. Currently she receiving radiation for her back ad Zometa infusion. she will start Nexavar after radiation. ive seen others on here talking about other options. I would like to know a little bit about them, if ayone could please share…
while on chemo,notice eyesight worse
I have just joined this site, and after dealing with colon cancer followed by liver cancer, both of these areas are now considered under control, however I now have one small tumor onone lung,so I am taking Xeloda pills, and Oxy infusion. I have now had 3 treatments, and I now notice that my eyesight especially for close…
neuroendocrine small cell carcinoma
If anyone has this --HELP.
Liver Biopsy - Had one? Advice?
I am nervous about having a liver biopsy. Isn't it painful? What is the procedure like? Please be honest.
Cream recommendations to prevent Nexavar blisters?
My husband has just started Nexavar and we are trying to prevent the blisters that occur on the hands and feet. I have received samples of Udderly Smooth Extra Care with 20% urea and Dermal therapy creams from the drug company and they also recommended Gold Bond, Curel, Aveno and Eucerin. All seem to be fairly expensive.…
cancer treatment for my mom
Hi, i am from india . my mother age is 62. A week ago my mom was diagnosed with gallbladder metastatic liver carcinoma cancer stage 4. I am looking for survivors. Anyone who knows a survivor. I know the statistics, the doctor has already given us a time frame, and the oncologist has told us to go for "quality of life". If…
Believe in HOPE
I just thanked someone on another thread for sharing positive information. Now I am so grateful to have the opportunity to share mine. My father was diagnosed on Aug.1 with primary liver cancer. He had an 8.5 cm tumor. At first, they told him nothing could be done, then they said a liver transplant, finally he went to…
Any Good News with Nexvar.
My dad was diagnosed with stage 1 cancer in September but now he got four tumors total on his liver. 2.3cm, 4.7cm. One of the cancer is next to his portal vein which the doctor is scare it might spread to different organs. My dad has been fighting with hepatitis C before he got HCC. His hepatitis C level is very low. I am…
Starting Nexavar tomorrow
Well its been quite a ride since last October when a 17cm lesion was removed from my left lobe, 5 months later I had 5 lesions on the liver, I received a embolization which killed 4 of the 5 lesions and the fith one was half dead. Well that was in May, last month I had an MRI done and it showed the lesions grew back and…
My mom after 14 years
14 years ago my mom was given. 25% chance to live after surgery taking 3/4 of her liver and gulblader out, because she was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. They to her that there was no cure, but they could try surgery. She went through this for quite sometime and was cancer free for 3 years then it can back they got…
6 year anniversary MRI
It's been 6 years since my first diagnosis of HCC; time does fly. Three years following my resection surgery, my second diagnosis came, almost to the date of my first and I had a RFA procedure successfully. My anniversary of surviving 6 years is this week and I see my doctor on Friday for the results of my "Anniversary…
yttrium Y-90 spheres
My husband was diagnosed 11/11/09 with carcinoid tumor with mets to his liver, which continued to grow to about 10cm. He had his first Y-90 on 10/12/11, and felt horrible for over a week. He had his second Y-90 on 11/30/11, and felt so much better this round. We have also been told that a preliminary CT shows apparent…
please tell me about y-90
Please tell me about y90
I don't want my wife to get misdiagnosed, advice please
I have colon cancer and I post regularly on the discussion board over there. Got some new news yesterday regarding my wife. She has had right side pain for a couple of months but has been busy taking care of me and with work so she put off seeing a doctor. She got an ultrasound yesterday and the ultrasound guy said she had…
What to expect after stent insertion ?
Hi, Some background: For last two years, my mother is undergoing treatment for stage-4 cancer. She has had in total 23 chemo sessions and two radio sessions so far as cancer detected three times now. First it appeared on surface of liver and abdominal region that followed surgical removal and chemo sessions. Than it…
How fast can HCC spread
My husband was told he had HCC about 2 months ago, He has chirissos from Hep c. they put him on Nexavar, wanting to treat the tumors but his bilirubin was too high. It was a 6 but after juicing beets and radishes I have gotten the billirubun down to a 3.5 they said he is now a candidate for the Radiofrequency ablation. he…
Sir-Spheres Reviews
My father has been battling carcinoid tumors. He visited a research clinic in which they are pushing him to have the Sir-spheres procedure done. Not knowing if he will be able to tolerate this much radiation I am against the procedure. I am fighting for life, and am fearful that this procedure will only shorten his. After…