Good news about a local friend

donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member

Another of those trips to a PC for something else.  No clear Dx so was referred to a Urologist.  He ordered a CT, called her the next day and said I'll see you in surgery in a week.  She had an encapsulated, baseball size tumor on her kidney.  Had surgery on 3/23 and I saw her at her PC"S office yesterday, out and about.

I don't know the stats on % in a population area, but that's 8 I'm aware of in the past 10 years in our small cities with mostly rural populations.

Thank goodness for other owies that cause us to go to a Dr.

Laugh of last weekend.  My teen grandson came down to visit, and went into the truck stop and came out with what he told his mom was a 'Yorkshire Pudding" for grandma.  He knew my favorite candy bar was a York Peppermint Patty.  They spent many years in a mid-east country with a heavy Brit ex-pat population, and prefer the Yorkshire over dressing for Thanksgiving.



  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    edited April 2017 #2
    Stomps would've liked this story!

    He woudn't have passed up a comment!! 

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Thanks for sharing this Donna

    Thanks for sharing this Donna. It is curious to me too why folks are getting Kidney cancer and how it is often discovered accidently.

    That is a sweet story about your grandson. How considerate! Please tell him, from this grandma, how much I appreciate his thoughtfulness.

    Hugs to you and yours,
