Shoulder Pain
Hi question: it could be that a severe pain on my right shoulder could be related to a mass that I have in my left kidney(4.6cm) metastasis Already? The pain is no al the time , if a doing exercise I don’t feel it at all. help
Kidney cancer that possibly has spread to bone
Hello everyone. I was here before at the same time last year because my husband was newly diagnosed with RCC. He had surgery in January of 2017 and had the whole kidney removed. He was diagnoased as stage 3 aggressive rcc. His scan in April and August was fine. we just went in for scan number 3 and they found a lesion on…
rcc was diagnosed after severe abdominal pain. Went to er Oct, 2007, where a Ct was done and found that appendix were about to rupture. Also findings on the Ct was a tumor in left kidney. After having appendectomy to remove appendix, I had an open partial nephrectomy Nov, 2017. In returning for 6 mo Ct follow up a tumor…
Another New Member :(
Hello Everyone I was just diagnosed on 11/12 with a 10cm renal mass on my right kidney. Followed up with a Urologist who said that it looks to be contained to the kidney. Had a CT scan of my chest done which thankfully showed negative according to the radiologist. I was then scheduled to have a complete nephrectomy on…
Taste and appetite
Hi I am 6 days post op and food still doesn't taste right, also appetite not there yet, does this sound familar? Just wondering how long these will last. Thank you Sal
Merry Christmas!
To all who celebrate. And to those that don't celebrate Christmas, respectfully, I wish you Happy Holidays of your choice. For those that don't celebrate any, please disregard this post. Nevertheless, I wish you all well and please know that I keep all of you in my daily prayers. Donna~
Diagnosed 8/2017
I’ve been following this board since I was diagnosed 8/2017 with full right nephrectomy. Mass was 4cm, PT1a. Urologist recommendation is 1 year ct scan and chest X-ray. I am concerned about waiting 1 year, just wanted to get advice from all of the experienced “RCCers” !! Thank you!
Very scared
as many of you, I found a mass in my left kidney (4.6 cm) during a rutine checkup for my liver. Waiting for a CT scan but am I very scared already. No symptons , just occasionally pain in my right shoulder and right shoulder plate . Not sure is this is related help
Kidney cancer with metastasis to the lung and pelvic bone
My partner was diagnosed with kidney cancer with metastasis to the lung and pelvic bone. We have not yet been consulted with the oncologist so we do not have the stage of the disease as well as the treatments. I would like to know what we should expect and what are your recommendations? Thank you.
Repost for newbies
I am repoting this from earlier this year. One of the frustrations of those of us who reply to your questions is not knowing enough about your diagnosis to reply apprporriately. Please fill in your CSN Space and detail your diagnosis with your questions. We would like to be able to assure thise of you who have a routine…
Good Health
Season's greetings to all. Now that our big feast day is over, and I hope you all enjoyed it, here is a very good talk on staying healthy in modern times. Hmm... I can't paste the link, so search youtube for:- Ivor Cummins Ketofest 2017 It is potentially life changing. Steve.
Successful removal of a 6cm tumor - Partial Nephrectomy
Does anyone have any success stories to share, who had a succesful partial nephrectomy to remove a 6cm tumor? I'm scheduled to have this surgery in Dec...and would like to know the success & recovery time..also any chemo or radiation? Due to the 6cm size there seems to be more of a risk...& chance of the tumor being…
Catheter removal
Hi, I just had my kidney surgery on Wednesday and they took the catheter out on Friday and I'm having a little bit of pain going but the stream is kind of narrow just hoping that this clears up by itself and hoping there's no blockage or anything anybody else having or have had these issues? And oh boy did it hurt when…
New Member
Hey all; I was just diagnosed with Kidney Cancer last Friday; however, the CAT scan wasn't conclusive as to whether or not it was Renal Cell or the more dreaded Transitional. My tumor is 5 cm and is protruding (appears to be) into the Ureter. It has been a whirlwind weekend to say the least and my emotions have been all…
Forgive me if this is a repeat
I have read that many of you had a variable appetite. I’m day 6 post op Partial nephrectomy. No appetite, but I cannot get enough water! I am so thirsty all the time and then Extra bloated from drinking. Did anyone have this? I know kidneys work on fluid balance. Are they freaking out? Sorry if this is repeat, I looked and…
Can someone explain margins?
I had my partial neph last Thursday - recovery hasn't been too bad, except the dredded constipation - UGH One thing my Dr said was that he was worried about the margins - the pathology report said they were negative, but some thing else is making him concerned they are more in the positive range. I have my followup in 2…
Concerning Results
So I had bloodwork today and here are the results.. Blood Creatinine High at 130 (norm 50-100) Urine Creatinine Low at 2.0 (norm 2.5-20.0) eGFR Low at 45 Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Low at 8 (norm 12-37) As you may have read I have had horrible nausea for 6 wks since surgery. I read this is a symptom of high creatinine.…
Surgery tomorrow @ 11
I got moved up from 1 P.M. Nervous as hell about it. Hope all he has to take is just the bad part. He thinks that is what he will be able to do. Sal
what over the counter pain med are ok
I been off line a little. I went back to work last week, and been getting caught back up to speed. It feels good to get back. But I am still get tired easily, and when i get home I dont feel like doing much. I picked up a bug my kids brought home from school. What can we take for pain or flu like symptoms. For those who…
Urologist - Finally
Well, I finally got to meet with a urologist yesterday. I hand picked him based on some homework. Super nice guy. He showed me my scans, said it has not spread (despite some minorly swollen nodes in the area of my liver) and said he can remove it. I have fatty liver and he thought the nodes are from that or something else.…
I finally joined
Hi Everyone, It has taken me a long time to get here. I discovered the site long after my surgery and wish I had found it way earlier. Then I lurked around on the sidelines trying to get myself to join the group. I finally stepped out of the shadows thanks to posts by foxhd ["Where is everyone?"] and Kwilliams630 ["Does…
Bilateral RCC - pathology back
Hello all - had my surgery follow-up appointment today (robotic partial right nephrectomy on 11/13/17). Recovery is going very well and doc is pleased. Patholgy is back on the tumor...it is ineed RCC, clear cell papillary type. Size is 3x2x2. Staging is pT1a - soft tissue and renal parenchymal margins are negative.…
6month test and check up
I am still a newbie always reading post. I posted myself back about 6 months ago on some cyst/lesions found on left kidney by accident. I was told i had 3) 2 that we’re simple cyst and 1 complex lesion filled with hemorrhag/proteinaceous debri that was 5.5mm. I just had my 6 month re-check. The lesion they are worried…
Inlyta (Axitinib) cost
My husband is going to be going on Inlyta. Does anyone have feedback on how much this drug is costing them per month. He has BCBS insurance and will be taking 5mg twice/day.
Axitinib side effects
Hello everyone sorry I haven't been on here in a while but I have been having issues with the site. Anyway I received my latest ct results which showed progression in 2 sites and oncologist said that the tumours looked like they were filling out again (looked more solid in the middle) which indicates that the cancer has…
Recently Cancer Free but still emotional
Hello all...This is my first post here. Just looking for some comfort in knowing that someone else went thru this crazy up and down emotional rollercoaster. I has a partially cystic/partially solid mass found on my rt kidney by accident. I had a CT on Nov 10th because of some RLQ pain that showed to be gastritis. In less…
Funny Bonz IV
In parochial school, students are taught that lying is a sin. However, instructions also advised, that using a bit of imagination was OK to express the Truth differently without lying, for example: The hairdryer; An attractive young woman on a flight from Ireland asked the Priest beside her, 'Father, may I ask a favor?' '…
Axitinib/Inlyta after clinical trial azd6094 failure
All, Hope this finds you all well! I wanted to give an update on my clinical trial for AZD6094 through Dana Farber Cancer Center. I met with my Dr and clinical team on Tuesday prior to Christmas and was given terrible news that the clinical trial for my Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma was not working for me and that my mets…
for those who have had either a part or full kidney removal, how soon after surgery you could eat solid food and how long before you got you appetite back, please? My surgery date is one week from today. Thank you Sal
Incision not healed
I had a part nep about three weeks ago and my incision (the one they put the port into) became infected. I’ve been on antibiotics and my surgeon said he did not want to close the incision and just let it heal on it’s own. Has anyone had this issue and if so approx how long did it take to heal?