ufff Just received the reminder for my first scan after 6 months of my partial.... I am so scare that already made a "pit stop" at the hospital with a panic-anxiety/attack.... all blood work was in order and chest Xray . Just the ALT and ASt (liver) a little bit high Any advice of how to deal with this?? Thanks
Done for a Year!
Just got back from Stanford, where I was treated for my RCC. All's well. But, of course, after getting the chest x-ray results and the CT results, we knew that. I guess I have to be a lot better since I've made the following progression in terms of who sees me: At six months, the surgeon handled the appointment. At one…
Confused about surgeons ...
Little backstory - I'm a 41 year old who found a kidney tumor as part of a heart valve repair that occured on 3rd of May this year. The tumor was detected on a CT scan as part of the preop testing. Most surgeons we spoke to recommended waiting for 3 months before the next surgery, so that timeline is coming next month. My…
CT shows 8.7 cm Cystic entity possibly vascular but US doesn't
I had a CT done because I have been having upper abdominal pain especially to touch for 3 years but the scopes come back clean. This showed an 8.7 cystic entity possibly vascular and a 2 mm, they recommended another CT scan with IV contrast. The Nurse Practitioner that I see set me up for an US saying something along the…
Low Alkaline Phosphate
Anyone have low alk phosphate? I had blood work done for possible food allergies and IBS and my blood work came back good (no food allergies) but low alk phosphate... Just weird. Wondering if it has something to do with my partial neph or rcc has come back haha! You know the paranoia of metastasis. Stephanie
Anyone contacted to conduct interview on CSN?
Status is Quo
I woke up this morning to see that he results of my annual CT scan were sitting in my online account at the hospital. Logged in to check and the note from the surgeon said, “CT is Fine. Good news.” A bit of an understatement as at 5AM, I was doing cartwheels.
new mets
Hi everyone, I am writing this on behalf of Abunai. On Tuesday, he started having weakness with the left side of his body, with his memory, and concentration. We were instructed to go to the ER. After a CT and then an MRI, we were told he has about 20 tumors in his brain. Up until this point, there had never been any sign…
9 month itchy scar
9 months post open Partial Nephi and I have healed nicely, I believe. No pain really just my scar is itchy sometimes just on the scar line.Just a weird thing I guess..
First post-op
Ultrasound today. All is clear B"H. Hope to hear good news from all of you as well-June
Surgery done!
Had partial nephrectomy yesterday afternoon and word on the street has it I may be discharged sometime this afternoon. Pain consistently #2-3, so very thankful, so far have only needed Tylenol. Using the spirometer religiously, walked a circle around nurses station last night and am anxious to get up and moving again after…
you cannot kill a Fox
I've been unable to post due to my health and computer issues. I will try again. Folks, I've been doing this 7 1/2 years. Stage 4. Life expectancy was June 2011. Long time ago. I've made a few mistakes but have played almost every hand close to perfect. I responded to drugs, radiation, surgical intervention, and I have an…
Canada day, July 4th, 16 years ago
One month before my neph. Time to relax on the Canadian side of Lake Huron. Why not take in a British Pub while your at it. That cart which brings you the offerings is a nice touch. The Kidney Pie was not. Its the little things you remember. icemantoo
Half of Scanxiety Gone
Had my chest X-ray and blood work on Monday for my 2 year Scan. This was the first one since I was put on the 12 month rotation. Blood work showed creatinine of 1.02, right where it was just before surgery in 2016. Chest X-ray was clear. So half of the anxiety for the year is gone. Wednesday, the 11th, for the CT, then the…
2 years down
I had my 2 year scans this morning (well--I was diagnosed in July 2016, but this is close enough) and met with a doctor from the surgical team this afternoon--everything is clear. They have made the recommendation to move to annual scans and I agreed. I feel completely overwhelmed with joy and excitement about the NED, but…
so scared
At the age of 46, my husband was diagnosed with clear cell kidney cancer last March and had a partial in April. He suffered internal bleeding after the surgery and had to go through an angioembolization procedure to fix the blood vessels. His tumor was 3*4, in the center of the kidney with invasion to the surrounding fat…
Husband follow up to oncologist.
Went to oncologist totoday. Good news is it is renal clear cell carcinoma. Which is the 75 percent of the ormal kidney cancer. JAY will do another blood test to make sure his one kidney is working good. Then another CT scan as a post kidney removal starting point. Then in two weeks we start checkmate 214, Nivolumab plus…
Deer in the headlights
Hello all, A little over a month ago my husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer. The tumor was removed last week with a total removal of his right kidney. One lymph was effected and removed during surgery, and there are three very small spots on his lungs. The largest being 0.7 centimeters. Which seems to pale in…
sensitive scar question
I had open total neph. on right kidney 3 weeks ago and the wound site is extremely sensitive, what can I do???? I can't were a shirt w/o covering wound with bandage, I've read tapping on it constantly helps some but is there anything else I can do. my scar is healing very well.
Kidney Stone Removal before Partial Nephrectomy
Newbie. Recently diagnosed with RCC - 3.2 cm mass in medial right lower renal pole Aggressive growth - compared to an earlier CT where it was missed the first time. Have a long history of kidney stones. Have passed over 24 in the last 20 years. 2 Cystoscopies and 1 litho - rest naturally. Both cystoscopies were nightmares.…
Bloating and gaining weight
I’m 8 months post op. after surgery I weighed about 157 I’m now at 165 pounds. I’ve been working out but still feel very bloated and like I have a full belly. Anyone else have any issues with this? Been trying to watch what I eat and become more active but still feel like Im 4 months pregnant
And the results are in..
So the circus came to town and left Uncle NED behind! The pathology is in and the results are inflammation of fibrous tissue not malignant! I am so relieved. I hope you all have a great 4th and are safe and well Cin
So bummed out
Had my presurgery physical Monday June 25. EKG tech handed me my printout and told me to take it back to primary and wait because it was "not quite normal". Sat in my primary's waiting room for 10 minutes and nurse came out to tell me T waves were not quite right but would not affect surgery. Friday I'm in hospital, fully…
Hounsfield Units and Disappearing Devils
After a recent US for an unrelated issue I was referred for a CT due to a complex cyst on the left kidney. I have received the report from the CT scan and I believe everything looks okay. The report indicates nothing at all about the left kidney (the cyst in question from the US) but advises that there is a small cyst (no…
Open, Robotic, Cryo...oh my!
Hi I had posted back in February (can't find that post) when it was discovered incidentally that I have a 1.7cm RCC on the lower right lobe of my kidney. I went in becuase I'd been having intermittent severe right side stomach pain which they thought might be gall stones. No stones. I do have an umbilical hernia 7cm x 4cm…
Agent Orange and Kidney Cancer
I would appreciate hearing from any Veterans who have been diagnosed with Kidney Cancer and had a kidney removed. I am trying to get the Dept of VA to admit that Vietnam Veterans had an exposure to Agent Orange which in time caused kidney cancer. Seems it is always the right kidney. This is my first post on Cancer…
Agent Orange and/or Camp Lejeune
I have been busy drafting my comment to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Proposed Rule: AO78 - Proposed Rule - Hospital Care and Medical Services for Camp Lejeune Veterans and felt compelled to share and inquire. One of my primary objections is they are trying to impose a September 11, 2015, deadline for anyone…
Survivorship. How long ago did you have your RCC?
Looking forward to living a long healthy life following RCC and need some positive info. How long have you been an RCC survivor?
Fatigue after surgery. How long does it last?
I had an open partial last september. I thought 7 months was plenty of time to heal, but the fatigue has not gone away. Some days are worse than others, but I literally feel like my body is just so tired sometimes. I get plenty of sleep, had a comfortable bed...etc.. My rcc was stage 1 so I didn't figure I would have many…
5 years ago today
It was July 3, 2013 that my husband was told that he had a large tumor in his kidney and two mestases to his spine; we were also told that the treatments had not been successful and gave him “maybe a year but more likely not past Christmas “. the holiday weekend loomed until further tests and appointments could happen; I…