Hello NED!
6 month post op CT came back NED! Woo hoo! Having this parasite grow inside me has been an interesting experience. It has taught me that life is short, do what you love and follow your passion . I start school in the fall for an LPN program. Nursing is something I love but I was too scared to go back to school for. I just…
So hard to get any rest/sleep
It's three weeks post op from my partial Nephrectomy and instead of becoming more comfortable, and getting rest, I'm feeling exhausted. The wound sites from the robotic surgery are healing very well but below the skin theres almost like a lumpiness. When I lay down to sleep or rest it's almost like body parts inside of me,…
Stem Cell and other Nontraditional Options
My Husband is being treated at MD Anderson and it is the best (or one of the best) cancer treatment centers in our nation. Right now his tumors are stable and the onc calls that successful treatment. I feel like I trust MD Anderson. If there comes a time that they say "there is nothing more we can do for you" maybe then I…
Thank you, everyone!
Had my ECHO today and cardiologist exam. It's a go for (hopefully partial) nephrectomy this Thursday, July 5th. My heart is healthy, normal (for 67 year old) so no restrictions. Thank you all for considering my fears. I appreciate all of you so much. My surgery is 3:30 pm so hoping to update y'all sometime Friday. Thank…
So now what?
cancer comes into our lives and changes everything. Our thoughts, our lives, the way we think. A new normal. Constantly concerned. Planning around appts. But, what happens when the doc gives an all clear? I’m not who I was before, but now I’m ok. So, is it another new normal? ive Learned so much about life, it seems odd to…
Wound leaking clear with blood
Should my husband's wound from nephrectomy be leaking bloody fluid? Not pure blood just clear fluid with blood in it? It has been a week and a half post surgery. Is not bad, just is.
Guess what???
Yes, it's scan week! You guys know how much I love scanning. Fun fact, you really only hear from me every 6 months during scan week! Hate it. It's Friday, so you know I'm already stressing. Did bloodwork on Friday, videoed the whole thing and didn't flinch. Freaked the girl out. My scan is early like 9am and I've taken the…
Looks like mets for me
I found out today that my 9mm nodule on my lung has grown to 1.4cm in 1 month. We did extra scans to see if I could get in a drug trial. Not going to get in this drug trial, obviously. There are a few other tiny spots nearby in my lung. No other spots so far. Biopsy will be very soon and my Oncologist is researching drug…
Thank you 'all
I hope all of you can appreciate the support you give me. Sorry I can't email everyone but the karma is so thick I remain in a very good place. It always comes down to counting blessings and not wasting opportunities. I hope I send that message loud and clear. No one can be prepared to face cancer without help. By…
Emotionally draining day at work.
A little back ground, I was diagnosed with RCC middle of May this year, had a partial lap nephrectomy April. I am an ER nurse. I went back to work 4 weeks ago and was put on light duty. Yesterday was my first day having my own patients again. My first patient came in shortly after 0700 and it was a cardiac arrest. A young…
Hi guys, haven't seen Jojo for a while. I see that she was active here in May, but didn't post. Somehow I'm sure she is fine, just wondering how' life going.... Alla
Well its done
Well the third time was a charm. Procedure is finally done. Should have pathology back by end of week. I'm home but very very sore. Hope all is well with everyone! Cin
The latest post by Fox made me cry. This is increadably inspirational, something which will be burned into me forever. Its a celebration of human strength and love of life. It made me think of how I feel about life. I'm a very positive person despite health anxiety. But I still worry about totally insignificant things…
I'm new...2weeks post partial nephrectomy
Sooooo... This recovery is rough... Found out about my tumor in late April, they removed "the passenger" two weeks tomorrow. Pain comes and goes, I've tried off and on pain meds but as I've got 3&2 year old kids I'm a bit scared to mask the pain and over do it- can't turn off being a Mom and this is heartbreaking to not be…
Observances, rash on legs and other symptoms pre diagnosis... hmmm.
My husband got a rash on his legs and went to doctor Nov 2015. Three months later they came back saying it was a fungal thing. He also had a big toenail with a long dark lines down it. After the kidney removal last week, the rash has completely gone away and the toenail dark lins have disappeared. I assume his kidney tumor…
Opdivo/Yervoy side effects
My dad had his first infusion of opdivo/yervoy 2 weeks ago. About five days after the infusion he began to get extremely fatigued and weak. Has anyone else experienced this with this drug combo? He didn’t have a whole lot of energy before the infusion but now his fatigue is to a whole new level.
60 Mg cabo is brutal and we are running out of options
Hi. I haven't been very active on here. I lurk from time to time. My husband was taking 40MG cabo. They determined it wasn't enough. 60MG is brutal on his health and well-being. He now rotates them 40mg one day 60 mg the next. He just took a week off both after a trip to the emergency room. We had scans recently and all…
Since Fox brought it up, I've always wondered. Any supporters here? I used to not believe in it, for the moral reasons Fox mentions, but cancer changed me. Quick poll, who's down? I know I am.
Had my (almost) 1 year CT Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis. All clear! Until the end of the report which states an enlarged lymph node, cannot rule out metastatic disease. Urologist says no worries it is less then 1 cm and “we don’t worry unless larger then 1 cm”. Report also states unchanged from previous CT. However on previous…
Tell me something good.
It's no doubt that cancer is terrible and has effected us all. But, I have noticed that it has changed the way I see life and living. I now live with more urgency and abandon. We live 4 hours from the Smoky Mountains. We now take more trips as a family and see more and do more. I have probaby been to the mounatins 6 times…
been taking a major hit
I may not be posting much. Hold the fort. Build the karma. FLY!
Newbie-Postop 6 days partial nephrectomy w/DaVinci Robotic System
Thanks to everyone who take their time to read and respond to posts here. I was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with RCC and the tumor located on uper pole right kidney was approx. 5.7 X 3.7. I was told they think they discovered it early because a year ago I had an MRI from a previous back surgery and there were just clear cysts…
Had my (almost) 1 year CT Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis. All clear! Until the end of the report which states an enlarged lymph node, cannot ruke out metastatic disease. Urologist says no worries it is less then 1 cm and “we don’t worry unless larger then 1 cm”. Report also states unchanged from previous CT. However on previous…
Enlarged neck nodes
Have had enlarged lymph nodes on the left side of my neck for several weeks. Consistent dull ache at most times also a tight feeling that radiates from below my ear down to my collarbone. I’ve been waiting to see if the swelling would go down. It has not, ugh. Has anyone experienced something similar? Have reached out to…
possibility recurrence will happen
On my pathology report show the following: Clear Cell 4.6 cm tumor Stage 1 Grade 4 Clear margin Sarcomatoid present- No percentage giving Necrosis present What is the possibility of recurrence?
Open Partial Nephrectomy
I’m scheduled for surgery on June 22nd. Now I’m getting a little nervous.
Immunotherapy Starts Tomorrow
Tomorrow I get my first infusion of Yervoy & Opdivo. I am excited to get started and of course nervous about how I will respond. I am ready to start fighting back against this nasty cancer. I can't wait for my immune system to kick in and start kicking some cancer **** . One day at a time and tomorrow is a BIG day.
new here, need help
I just got my husbands US report.... RT kidney exophytic lesion with internal low level echoes extending from the midpole, 4.2 x 3.5 x 3.0 Lt kidney.... upper pole CYST 1.8 x 2.4 x 1.7 other.....oviod hypo echoic vascular lesion medial to the left kidney possibly an enlarged retroperitoneal lymph node we will be going for…
I apologize for not being active lately. This exhaustion is kicking my behind (but all is well). I read Fox's post and I just wanna say....I would love for you all to encourage him the best you can on here. No matter how terrible he has felt he has always been here for us. He has used wisdom and humor and is just amazing.…
Amy Jo
Hey guys sorry I have been quite it's been a tough month. Unfortunately radiation did not work on the Mets on my spine. So I was hospitalized with a compression fractue to my spine. I received an ablation and kyphoplasty and I'm up walking again although it's not like before I'm moving. I received my first treatment of…