I’m FREEZING! We’re watching my tumor right now...
I was diagnosed with papillary renal cell carcinoma quite by accident last year... the mass showed up on a lumbar spine MRI. The sharp-eyed radiologist at my favorite imaging center caught it and alerted my PCP, telling him to schedule me for a CT without/with contrast, as he felt “it was concerning for RCC”. He nailed it!…
Pain management in hospital lacking
so I had my partial nephrectomy this morning. Went well I was told. Mass might not even be RCC. Cyst removed as well. Great friendly staff at small hospital but the pain mgmt approach is confusing. maybe bec I said I was a “5”. They gave me 100 mg tramadol, few hours later 15 mg hydrocodone, then toradol 15 mg. no change…
My relay
Here is a link to my relay, if you would like to support. Anything is appreciated. http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLCY18NCR?px=47755174&pg=personal&fr_id=87354 Thanks, Crash
Runners with only one kidney
Hi everyone. I am new to this site. Just diagnosed on June 22nd with kidney cancer (right kidney). I had radical nephrectomy on July 2nd and am recovering slowly. I have been an avid runner, which is how I found out about the cancer. I ran a race in hot Tennessee on June 20th and got severely dehydrated and ended up in…
Question on nausea
Hi all, I’ve got a 4.1 cm mass on the top of my kidney that I am scheduled to have removed in less than two weeks via robotic surgery. My outlook in that regards is likely quite good and while I am not looking forward to the surgery, I am not getting all that anxious about it And consider myself lucky that it was caught…
Four years cancerversary
Four years ago, I was diagnosed with an ugly 10cm monster, just few months after our first wedding anniversary and in my 30s. I was sure it would be impossible to survive. Three of my grandparents and my friend's son, all passed away few months post their diagnosis, so I imagined the same story would happen to me too and…
Inlyta (axititib) is working
I got my PET/CT scan results after two months on axititib as a 3rd-line treatment: bone mets have decreased in size and soft tissue mets have resolved. Praise God!
Sweet 16 today, 75 years young last week
some observations and a few thoughts: NED X 16 NBD X 16 Each of the 5 grandchildren has become 16 years older. No new ones. The 18 year old girl I met on the beach (Icewoman) will be 74 next monthl. The survivor rates for each Stage of RCC have increased over the last 16 years. Ice Tongs are no longer used for RCC Surgery.…
Hernias After Surgery
Have any of you had to deal with hernias after your surgery? I have lumps in my abdomen right around the points they went in laproascopically...I haven't had them diagnosed as hernias yet, but I'm pretty sure that's what's going on. Is this a common thing or am I just lucky? Thanks, Jim
Cabo and bone Pain, anyone?
Hi all, my moms on her third week of Cabo 60mg. And she seems to be having increased pain . I know joint pain is a SE, but her pain seems to be in the areas of where she’s has or had metastasis . Does it mean the drug is attacking it? Or is it progression ??The pain is pretty bad to the point she’s having trouble walking (…
newly diagnosed
Hello and I hope you all are doing well. On Monday, it was confirmed via CT abdomen that I have a 2cm RCC in the interpoar region of left kidney fully contained with no abdominal evidence of metastis. But, also a 0.3 cm pulmonary nodule that showed incidently in the right middle lobe. Follow up chest CT said no definite…
What's next.....
I just completed 12 weeks of aggressive treatment opdivo/yervoy. I was having joint pain and my oncologist wanted to be sure it's not due to my cancer. I had a radical nephrectomy 3/8/18 twot weeks later I suffered a PE and one and a half months later I found out my cancer had spread it deteriorated my spine invaded my…
Scans coming up too!!
There seem to be lots of us having scans around this time. I have my first scan after starting treatment this Friday. I am pretty nervous!! I know you all understand what this feels like. I am thrilled for Mark and Amy who have seen some success from their treatment. I am a bit jealous that I am not on ipi/nivo too! I know…
i check every day for any updates on Foxy; his last posts made clear how difficult it wa to post and sometime read. Has anyone had contact with him that they can share? Foxy means the world to me Sarah
Responding to treatment
I recently had scans to see if my treatment opdivo/yervoy is working. Prior to treatment I had nodules in both lungs lesion in groin liver and two large lesions on T spine and L spine. My scan showed my lungs were all clear and my groin was clear of metastatic disease. Lesions remain in my liver however they are smaller…
New Here
Good morning all, first I have been a lurker for 7 months and really appreicate the knowlage and compassion found on this forum. My situation: 65 YO male in good health diagnosed with Prostate cancer in 2016 and treated with SBRT in Nov 2016 which appears (at this time) to be sucessfull with virtualy no side effects.…
OK, I put that in shouting-caps, because that's how the team reacts at the imagining center whenever I go there for a CT with and without contrast. They have my bloodwork, but as far as they are concerned? I have kidney disease, they are freaked, and the radiologist must be there, which impacts scheduling times. As far as…
Question is there any chance that a removed kidney tumor of 4 cm , type 1 , grade 2 with clear margins can create a metastasis after 6 months??
Good Day Everyone, It has been only two weeks and three days since my Radical Kidney Nephrectomy and I have been walking continuously since coming out of recovery room at the Hospital (as soon as I got to My Hospital room I got up and walked one lap around the whole 4th floor and continued every 2 hours until I left) .…
Never bragging
Just so thankful to my Heavenly Father my 6 month scan was NED. Praying hard for you all.
Scans on Friday-1 year
Tomorrow is a year to the day that the Doc told me I had a kidney stone and small mass in my left Kidney. Friday is my secondad set of 6 month scans. I have been having a little rib pain on both sides,not sure if it's just from working hard or anxiety or both or the Big C is back to get me!! Overall feel pretty good…
4.5 years NED
Hello, folks, Boy, life has a way of being “life,” doesn’t it? But that’s one of the things that makes this group so special. Each and every survivor reading this can say the same thing. Life is precious. And sometimes, something happens to bring that into focus.
Chest: 1. No evidence of metastatic disease within the chest. Abdomen: 1. Postsurgical changes from partial left nephrectomy. Next on 2. No evidence of malignancy in the abdomen or pelvis. 3. Hepatic steatosis. 4. 1.4 cm cyst in the right kidney. Signed By: Brown MD, Benjamin Narrative EXAM: CT-ABDOMEN & PELVIS W CONT,…
Finally results are in
This year I am 5 years out from my neph and had my follow up with doctor today. I was extra stressed today as I had my CT scan a month ago so the waiting was agonizing. I had also a one hour wait to see the doc which didn't help either. Long story short it is NED - yay!!. However I don't get off that easy as he was…
Experience with blood clots / need for coumadin / monitor Vit. K after K. cancer surgery?
Are there folks here with these experiences? - a blood clots after kidney cancer surgery b blood thinner treatments after cancer surgery to prevent blood clots c taking injections of daily Lovenox as blood thinner? because perhaps the pills don't work with all K cancer? d my wrinkle is that up to now (age 66) have never…
testing cysts
Has anyone heard of a new method to diagnose cysts as benign or cancerous? I am not sure if its available yet but I believe you are injected with something and based on its interaction with the cyst it can diagnose if cyst is malignant or benign. Thank you
Clear cell renal carcinoma metastasized to lung
I am new to this forum. I am 29 and was diagnosed with clear cell renal carcinoma at 27. I had a total right nephrectomy. Then found out a few months later it metastasized to lungs/lymph nodes. (Stage lV) I have done Sutent with mixed results opdivo with mixed results and recently went to the NIH in D.C for immunotherapy…
NEW here cysts and mass getting Davinci
hi I’m new and have read many of the heart wrenching stories on here. CT in early 2017 found 2 cysts and a mass, incidental findings. Several doctors later and more CTs, ultrasound and MRI, finally sent to a urologist surgeon. We did CT and repeated 6 months later. I have one small fatty cyst upper pole, another mid, and…
Ct scan today
very nervous about my first CT scan after my partial....getting ready to go the hospital now lots of thoughts about about what happened and what could happen.... i have some pain in the right side of my hip that comes and goes... besides that I finally recovered my energy and I feel better. The problem is that I feel…
First Scans Monday
Have my first scans on Monday since my surgery 6 months ago. Starting to get that scanxiety that everyone speaks of. Going to keep myself busy over the weekend and not think about it. Just really hoping things look good. Haven't had a scan since they found my RCC. Wish me luck! :)