38 woman kidney cancer
i had a tumor removed almost a year ago and i have a growth on my adrenial gland. Anyone have an oppinion ?
Prior to Kidney Surgery
Prior to undergoing a partial removal of a kidney in Stage 1, how does one decide which doctor, which hospital to use? Is it very important to use the doctor highly recommended by one's own internist at his hospital? Is possible partial removal of rib anything to worry about or should one go with a doctor who says he can…
rcc/ with lung lesions and now bone lesions
hi my husband has stage 5 rcc with lung and now bone lesions. i would like someone to email me or on here if you know of anyone that has this and how it is going. i am scard the Dr said there is no help.Just do the things he wonts to do while we have the time.
enlarged lymph node
I had stage 1 renal cell carcinoma, had a radical nephrectomy in 2003. I recently discovered an enlarged lymph node in my groin area and I'm scared to death! I'm having my check up cat scan this week. Anyone else have anything like this?
Concern for my father
I'm writing to implore of help from anyone who might know how. My father was diagnosed with kidney cancer in July 2004. They didn't give it a stage, but recommended a partial nephrectomy. My father, devastated by the news, then went home upon advice by his doctors at M.D. Anderson, to confer with family about options. This…
The Cause of Kidney Cancer?
My husband passed away last year, at age 51, from kidney cancer. It seems his problems began (with urinary frequency) 3 months after he started the cholesterol lowering drug Pravachol (which has been found to cause adenocarcinomas in laboratory animals). Unfortunately, he did not exhibit the "classic" symptoms (although he…
How long should he feel exhausted!?!?
My father had his right kidney removed in July after a 6 cm tumor was discovered...in hopes that the surgery would have stopped the diagnosed renal cancer from spreading. Sadly, it was found to have spread to his lungs. In preperation for IL-2 treatment, he had a full body scan done, where the doctors found several small…
Stage lV RCC
What are the treatment options for stage four kidney cancer? I recently lost my mother to this disease. The physicians that diagnosed her basically said that all they could do was to keep her comfortable. It had spread to her lungs,liver,pancreas and thyroid. She only lived two weeks after the diagnosis. There was no…
Kidney Cancer
I had my right kidney removed on 6-14-2004 , 10 cm stage 2 no other involvement. All went great back to work in 2.5 wks, coming up on 6 mo ct and am a little worried ,any body been through simiular , Thanks Larry
Papillary Renal Cell
Does anyone have any info on papillary renal cell cancer treatments or clinical trials? My doctor said standard chemo may work but IL-2 and Interferon do not.
Support Group in Alabama
Fellow survivers here who live in or near Alabama, who would like to start a support group in North Alabama Please email me at krp@hiwaay.net My name is Kevin.
Pain Medicine
Its been almost two years since I was diagnosed with Stg IV Mestatic Cancer. Even though they can't find any new cancer sights I still have pain in my back and shoulders. I was taking Vioxx until they took it off the market. They replaced it with Celebrek but you might as well take advil. Is anyone taking pain management…
My 2 yr 5 month old daughter was just diagnosed with bilateral Wilm's tumor on 10/15/04. I'm devastated! Could someone please send me a message with some inspiration? I cannot bear the thought of losing my little girl! Anne
I had a left radical nephrectomy on Nov. 4th 2004.Stg.1 grade 3.When I left the hospital I refused pain meds as I had minimal pain at that time.Sat. I started hurting under my left breast.It hurts to take a deep breath, like a kniffe going through me.The doc sent me for a chest xray and it was negative.He said "narcotics"…
Agaricus - new sufferer seeks advice
My friend has just been diagnosed with Kidney cancer. It seems it has taken 5 months to reach this diagnosis and they are taking one kidney out in three - four weeks time. The earliest date available on our British National Health system. They could go private for the cost of $8,000 dollars and get it done two weeks…
My husband was dx with stage 4 RRC in Jan 2004. He has surgrey on his arm in Feb (rod put in) and right kidney taken out in March. Radiation was done on his arm also starting in March. We were told that IL2 was the only chance of survial with stage 4 RRC. We read all the info watched the videos given to us, by the doctor…
Update surgery dec 7th
sorry I tried to start a new topic and for some reason it went in this post. And it wouldnt let me delete it. So sorry.
Renal Cell Questions
My father was diagnosed with Bilateral Kidney Cancer 9 years ago. He had a partial removal of both kidneys at that time. He recently began to have trouble with his spine. The doctors discovered that the Renal Cell Carcinoma has returned. It is in both kidneys, possibly both lungs, one rib, and on his spine. They just did…
Stem Cell Transplant for Renal cell cancer
Does anyone have info on stem cell transplants for renal cell that have had positive results? My wife has renal cell and we are battling the choice of trying the transplant. We have talked to one person who wishes they would not have made the choice to try it. Anyone have any insight?
new to group also
My name is Beth. My father had his right kidney removed in January and was diagnosed then, on my parents 50th anniversary. What a way to celebrate. My parents live with our family (we have 5 children at home.) About 3 weeks ago my father went on hosopice care. He hasn't eaten anything in over 3 weeks although he does drink…
Please help to find oncologist in Boston!
Could somebody please recommend a good urologist (oncology surgeon) in Boston, MA? Diagnosis: renal cell carcinoma. Thank you in advance!
Follow-up finally approaching
It seems like an eternity since my partial nephrectomy Feb. 22. My follew up CT scan is scheduled for July 6. Been doing ok, but recently I've had some brutal pain on my surgery side, and aching on the other side. Is this normal? I'm freaked out by all these different suvival rate statistics. Any insight?
What can nurses do to better help you?
I am an RN student and I would like to know what the nurses who care for you could do to better help you? I'm anxious to get your feedback! Please reply!
Im scared for my Mom
Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing well and keeping up the fight! I hope you can give me some words of encouragement. It was just this week that they found a tumor about lemon sized on my mom's kidney and they said it metastasized to her lungs and there are small nodules on her lungs and today they just found (with a…
Metastatic Stage 4 Renal Cell
I was diagnosed with renal cell in July 2002 with a 13cm tumor on right kidney, and two nodes in each lung - I had a radical laparoscopic nephrectomy of right kidney on August 28th, with follow-up blood work, chest xrays and CT scans in September and November - pathologist determined the RCC to be sarcomotoid type -…
Kidney Cancer Stage IV
I have been diagnosed with Kidney Cancer Stage IV. I had a tumor removed from my spine in March,2004 and will be having my left kidney removed on May 27, 2004. I am looking for information regarding the very best Kidney Cancer Oncologists, The best Universities and Hospitals to receive treatment at, the best up-to-date…
Interferon Side Effects
My mother will be starting interferon for her stage 4 kidney cancer at the City of Hope. Can someone give me their side effects experience with this drug? Did you receive other medications to help relieve some of the side effects and do they help?
No surgery?
My urologist called and said, my CT SCAN reveals a benig cyst. WHAT A RELEIF! No surgery is needed. They will watch the tumor closely and I have to have another CT scan 6 months from now. Could numerous CT cans ruin my health later? Should I get the bening tumor removed?
renal cell cancer/liver tumor
I now have tumors in my liver. large tumors. where do I go next?
New to this group!
Hello, I'm a 48 year old male who was diagnosed on 9/3/2003 with RCC. I had surgery at Mayo on 9/12/2003 for a partial nephrectomy of my right kidney. Stage 1, Grade 3, 2.9 cm tumor. I was given a 96% chance of being alive after 15 years from cancer specifically. My cancer was caught incidentally and caused no symptoms.…