New & Searching
My husband was recently diagnosed with kidney cancer in both kidneys. Both were removed. He had no spread to bone, liver, or lung. We are still waiting on path. report, but doctor suspects possible cancer in adrenal gland as well as one lymph node. Wondering what treatments are available, and what to do to help him regain…
My mom
My mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Renal cancer last August. She had not been feeling well for a very long time but hid it because she had no insurance and couldn't afford to go to the doctor. By the time she did it had already spread to her bones, spine, thyroid and many other places. They did two rounds of chemo and…
IL-2 HD worked: Clear, in remission
Now all I need is time. Finsihed IL 2 a while back, been scanning and nothing there, all clear. IF you have the right scenario for IL2, can physically endure it, have the facility for it, DO IT. Be glad to share details. jk
new dx scared
my ct shows large renal mass exophytic i am trying to figure out what exophytic means? and how does it relate to the mass?
I need someone to help me with advice,Ideas or stories. Should we do chemo for stage 1 wilm's tumor?
I'm totally confused and sad. we don't wanna give our 3 year old baby girl chemo treatment. surgery was a success according to surgeons. no rupture of tumor that was contained only within left kidney. had not spread to lymphnodes when it was taken out(stage 1). We wanna know if anyone out there had Wilm's tumor contained…
Still healing, yet not,.
I had my right kidney removed soon after a tumor was accidentally found during a spinal MRI. I had just had surgery on my shoulder prior to all this. In the hospital I felt very brave and confident and it was genuine. Now that I'm at home covered in strips, I'm on a strange and lonely roller coaster. I have a supportive…
Newly diagnosed stage 1 renal cell carcinoma
Hi, I'm 30 years old and have just been diagnosed with stage pT1a renal cell carcinoma completely excised on July 9. I am very scared and am looking for someone to talk to that has had this same experience. Most people I have talked to have had advanced stage. If anyone would like to talk, please e.mail me at…
RCC - clear cell type Parital nephrectomy sceduled for 2/25
I went to the ER on December 19 for abdominal pain and bloody diarhea where I had a CT Scan and was told I have a renal mass on right kidney suspicious for renal cancer. I was also told I had a suspicious lesion on my Liver (suggesting metastases) and a nodule on my left lung. I was also told I had a rather large…
two renal masses in the same kidney?
This network is such a great resource, I'm so glad to have stumbled in. I have been reading the posts and have not run across anyone with two tumors in one kidney. I am being scheduled for an open nephrectomy for my right kidney, which will be done immediately following a removal of my gallbladder. I haven't been dx with…
Nerve pain after surgery, any advice?
Anyone else have it? Its driving me up a wall! I had a hand assisted laproscopic partial ( some smaller incisions on the side with a 6 inch main incision above belly button that is getting smaller, thankfully) 3 weeks post op and I still can't stand the feeling of my pants ( even the baggiest yoga pants known to…
Would love to hear from any long term survivors of RCC
I also have RCC. Had surgery last month to freeze the tumor. Will have a cat scan in 6 months if not sooner because their is blood in my urine and still running low grade temp, losing weight and no appetite. I'm still greiving over the diagnosis and would love to hear from long term survivors. I know their is hope and my…
Elevated Creatine Levels?
Is an elavated creatine level an indicator of kidney cancer? If the creatine level is normal, is one "out of the woods" so to speak, of having kidney cancer? In other words, is a normal creatine level indicative of NOT having kidney cancer? thank you so much Warmly, Dottie
Off to see the wizard (Nephrologist)
Well I did as my wife instucted and I had my first appointment with a nephrologist. I am on medicare so I did not have to have a referral and both my GP and Urologist said that while they did not think I needed to see a nephrologist they would not stop me from doing so. While my remaining Kidney is functioning ok under the…
Going under the knife tomorrow
Going in for surgery tomorrow, Doc says should be low risk, he said he will sccop out the tumor and burn the hell around the margins with a laser.... Heres to all of you and I thank you for your support through the roughest time of my life so far....and I wish you all the best on your travels... Iceman...thanks, your a…
My husband had a biopsy on his right kidney and they found a small renal carsonoma. The Dr said it was slow growing(whatever that means). He was having Esophogeal Cancer Surgery in Dec so did not want to address the kidney at that time. We see the Urologist on Feb 7th. Don't know what to expect. Reba
I am having a radical nephrectomy monday on my right kidney because of suspected renal cell cancer. How painful is the recovery and how long til you can drive? My dr I suspect is downplaying the pain after the surgery and I just would like to know what to expect. Thanks Colleen
CT scans
I had my left kidney removed 3 months ago. I'm terrified of CT scans because of the radiation. I had stage 2 cancer but a grade 4 tumor. Luckily the cancer was just localized to the kidney.( I'm a big believer in diet and exercise so maybe that helped the cancer from spreading). I eat lots of organic veggies,fruit, and…
kidney cancer diet
As of Nov. 14th I now have one kidney and I'm wondering if anyone has advice on no-no foods or foods that are helpful. I'm 75 and in good health...I think! Ann
Pls help!!! is there good benefits if I sign away my baby's Wilm's Tumor??? can research hurt my bab
Hello everyone!! we just got home about 2 days ago after having surgeons remove my baby's left kidney do to a growing tumor which is called a Wilm's Tumor. We are getting ready for tuesday for her first appointment with Oncologists. Yet I have a concern. We have some paper work that they would like us to fill out called…
Resistance to Sutent
Just had a follow-up for my husband's RCC (undefined with translocation 11.2xp) and found lymph node growth and spread to lung & stomach. We think that he is starting to become resistant to Sutent. I have read in many articles and message boards that on average this seems to happen after about 12 months of treatment. He's…
Friend recently diagnosed
I have a friend recently diagnosed with stage 1, maybe 2 RCC, with no lymph nodes or any migration shown on the PET scan. I learned she has decided to not have any surgery and rely on just chemo. I don't know if she has had or will have any radiation. Can anyone tell me the probability of full recovery with just chemo? I…
Father Newly Diagnosed With Kidney Cancer
Hi My 74yo father has just undergone testing for lung cancer (blood test, sputum cytology, bronchoscopy w/biopsy, ct scan) due to an abnormal chest x-ray which resulted from a chronic cough (he has previously suffered from TB, many years ago btw). He was called in to the hospital today to meet with his consultant. The…
Nuclear kidney blood flow scan
Any one ever had one of these and what kind of results are we looking. After a robotic partial nephrectomy in October I just had it at 3 months and have read my report, but do not quite understand what I am looking at. See the doctor next week and also going for a second opinion. I know it is for how the kindey are…
My mom is starting sutent- kidney cancer stage 4 mets into lungs/liver/bones
This is my first post. This past July( 2010) my mom had surgery, she had a radical nephrectamy of her right kidney. The surgeon told us she was ok. Less than a month later we went to the er with my mom because she was feeling pain where she had the surgery and a fever. Turns out the cancer spread to her liver, both lungs…
RCC with brain mets
Is there anyone that can give me some information please. My mom was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer in 2007. She has been so strong and such a fighter over these past 3 1/2 years. In June of this year she was diagnosed with metastisis to the brain. They tried Sutent with her. This month we were back in the hospital with her…
Stats on the one left
I had my Rt. nephrectomy Dec 17th. Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Fuhrman Grad 2. Pathology reports says all contained within the kidney. So it looks like an early catch but was told that there are cases the kidney left could go the same way, which is why the Dr. will monitor it at 6 month intervals. Just curious…
I just wanted to update you on my dad. He had his CT scan on Sunday. The doc hasn't called withresults. The blood seems to be pink to red in the morning and nothing in the afternoon. He did have 2 days when it did not show up at all. Thanks for listening. My mom is currently in chemo for colon cancer.
Had a Sucessful 22 months on Nexivar, Now starting Afinitor-scared,confused
Was diagnosed with stag 4 kidney cancer 4/20/08, Had a very sucessfull 22 months on Nexivar with no spread, on 12/13/10 my latest scan showed spread to my Liver, now I am taking Afinitor and very confused/scared. feel as if this is the last hope. Anyone out here currently taking Afinitor with sucess and where do we go from…
A Healthy and Happy New Year to all
What more can I say. Wishing everybody well and may we help each oiher get through our joruneys together and give help to all we can. Best wishes for a New Year. Icemantoo
Iceman (or anyone else for that matter), please read Rad's comments on my other post titled "new here...and quite scared" and let me know what you think? Here is my position on this, I have been to two urologists already, the first one said he thought the other one was more qualified for my case due to the size of my…