Trial in Nashville MPDL3280A (PDL)
It's been a long 3 days. I arrived home about 2 hours ago and I cannot tell you how good it is to be here! I want to share my experience with you, but I don't want to get too detailed and bore anyone. Suffice it to say that the scans that were taken on Tuesday showed no NEW growth anywhere, and the spots that they already…
What's New in Kidney Cancer?
Hi Everyone, I got this link today via social media. It looks very interesting and I thought I would share it. It's subtitled "A Patient-friendly Summary of the 11th International Kidney Cancer Symposium." I've browsed some of it and I'll be reading a lot of the articles. I hope it's helpful to all.…
Kidney constant dull pain
Hi everyone! Figured since I hadnt been on here in a few months I would check in. Been doing fantastic these last few months. Almost 9 months after having the tumor and grade 1 and 2 removed I have been all over the USA traveling, got a work promotion and have an awesome new boyfriend. The only thing that worries me is…
RCC Clinical Trials List
I got this link from the Kidney Cancer Association's Twitter page. It lists trials that are currently recruiting:…
stage 2, clear cell RCC, grade 2, need encouragement
Hi My husband had radical neph 2 weeks ago for 12 cm mass on his left kidney. RCC, clear cell,stage 2, grade 2, no lymph node involvement. Cancer was confined to the renal capsule. Vena cava not involved - no thrombosis. SO, I guess if he was going ot have a tumor this big, so far the test results are encouraging. He is a…
First 6 month test results are in..
Just a little update and some good news..My results are in and all is fine. Dr says no more tests needed all is clear. So now it's onto living my life again and dealing with some heart issues like my CHF and some gastric issues which are just getting under control again, I hope. Got my finger crossed on that one. So it's 1…
Tivozanib – Coming soon another New Drug in the arsenal to fight Kidney Cancer
Posted November 28 2012 AVEO Oncology and Astellas Pharma Inc. said it has received approval from The U.S. Food and Drug Administration for filing the New Drug Application for Tivozanib. Tivozanib is an investigational compound with proposed indication for the treatment of patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma. The…
Low-dose aspirin daily...
Given that aspirin is an NSAID... those of us with one remaining kidney should technically avoid it however I was told by my specialist to take one daily (81 mg) in order to prevent heart disease. It has also been shown, at least in a few studies, to have some cancer benefit. Does anyone else here take an aspirin a day and…
Random musings...Kidney Cancer vs. El Camino de Santiago?
I hope this doesn't sound too freaked up, but I've seriously been thinking about this lately and if you're as freaked up as I am you might even understand my demented mind. To be honest, I expected to die when I was diagnosed with cancer, but now that I haven't, I'm at a loss as to what to do with myself. My biggest goal…
Toast at 6pm
To all members of this forum, this evening at 6pm, raise your glass and share a toast to "us". We have all made good friends, shared our highs and lows, and felt each others pain. Here is to the positive, effective, influence we have given each other. To us, I toast to a happy Thanksgiving. Let us remember those who are…
RCC Ribbon Color
Since there are ribbons for cancer awareness, I was curious as to what is the ribbon color for Kidney Cancer. I did a quick search and saw that green or orange is for kidney cancer. What color is most known to be the ribbon color for kidney cancer?
Partial or total nephroctomy?
Hi, I was diagnosed about 2 weeks back with RCC and the size of the tumor on the right kidney is about 4.8cm. I have met two surgeons - one recommending the radical procedure and the other has given me the option of choosing between partial/radical nephroctomy. I have no other problems and both surgeons believe the…
Does anyone know how well a CT Scan can image your lymph nodes?
I'm looking to better understand how well a CT Scan w contrast can see the lymph nodes in the body. I'm sure someone on this list has some understanding of this. I was speaking to a friend [ offline - yes I do have a few of them ] and he asked the question. Made me start to think. That's not a question I have asked. I know…
I had one of my husband's family members want me to talk to the doctor and ask for a prognosis for my husband. His doctor has been wonderful and has said he will tell us as much as we want to know. I know I can't ask the doctor this in front of my hubs but do any of you suggest I call the doctor beforehand and ask? I know…
Its Friday!!!
Two guys were discussing popular family trends on sex, marriage, and Family values. Bill said, 'I didn't sleep with my wife before we got married, did you?' Larry replied, 'I'm not sure, what was her maiden name?' ___________________________________________ A little boy went up to his father and asked: 'Dad, where did my…
Collecting kidney cancer information from Kidney cancer patients
As I've stated before, I find this site extremely informative and helpful. It's the place I run to when I feel overwhelmed and spewing with questions, and it's a Godsend. One thing I question, though, in the spirit of each individual taking control of his own health, is there any site or collection area of a site that…
Two cancers
Hi! I'm new here. Been searching online for anyone who has/ is going thru multiple cancers. Almost 2 years ago I had a melanoma removed. I got over that easily. I figured it was a one-off, you know? Other than a big old scar that reminds me, I didn't spend much time worrying about it. Then last spring they found kidney…
First Scan
Hi, i have been visiting this forum since mid June. Never posted before, but have been praying for you all ever since. My mom just had her 4 months follow up ct scan, the result says she has small nodules in the lung, the biggest 4mm. According to her initial scan, these nodules were there and remain unchanged. So, my…
Other Side Of The Coin
Hi…..I just recently came across this site and have spent hours reading your posts. What a wonderful place you have here. Strangers helping strangers. Strangers becoming friends and a community of survivors entwining themselves in the lives of others, with one overwhelming theme……………………to help. Although my case has had a…
Very New Here
It has been a total roller coaster year for me. I underwent right shoulder surgery in mid-Dec 2011. 6 weeks later I was experiencing severe shortness of breath and was diagnosed as having acute congestive heart disease. The chest x-rays not only revealed the enlargement of my heart but also that my lungs were full of…
New here and surgery is Nov 6th :-) !!
Partial neprectomy, 2.2 by 2.3 cm's on right kidney. Male 48, live around Houston Texas and having the surgery at MD Anderson (pretty blessed :-). They will watch a few very small things on my lungs.... Just riding a little rollercoaster right now....
This finding should lead to better targeted spending? http://www.cancercompass.com/cancer-news/article/42839.htm?c=nl20121121#comment2055
I searched but did not see a link or information for this so I am posting it here. I hope this has not been posted before. Please read this info. It shows how you can get help to pay for medicine. Look for the company who makes your meds at the bottom. But please read the whole article, it has a lot of information.…
Happy Thanksgiving
As Thanksgiving approaches and I take stock of all I have to give thanks for, my friends on this Board are near the top. John’s cancer diagnosis was made a little over a year ago, and the past year has been full of ups and downs. But through it all, you guys have been here to listen, to give advice, to wipe away tears with…
follow up - to CT Scan
As some of you know I had a very good 3+ month, post-surgery, CT Scan & Blood Work this past week. The one issue I have never asked herein, does anyone think I need a 2nd opinion on the pathology, which I never did receive, nor was it ever recommended by my original Dr. ? The reason I ask the question - I have spoken to a…
The time has finally arrived.
Hi all, just to let you all know that I finally go for my radical nephrectomy tomorrow (12th). Its been a long 4 months and I am still extremely anxious about the surgery, but have taken heart from what others have had to say on this forum. Thank you all for your support, it has been appreciated. I will post again when I…
Kidney cyst and adrenal adenoma in RCC survivor...
Hi and thanks for putting up with me as usual... After having renal cell carcinoma and radical nephrectomy on my right kidney in 2000 my recent CT scans have turned up a 2.0 cm adenoma on my left adrenal gland and a 1.0 cm cyst on my left kidney. Obviously being a cancer survivor these findings freaked me out at first but…
CT results 11-2012
From my 4 month, post-surgery, CT Scan. Stage 1 , Grade 1 - path report after surgery. CT - 11.14.2012 IMPRESSION: 1. Status post-right nephrectomy without evidence of recurrent mass within the right renal fossa. 2. Within lower-pole left-kidney, a simple cyst is again noted, 1.13 x 1.46 3. No evidence of retroperitoneal…
Bumpy Year
As some of you may know I was diagnosed with kidney cancer in May. I had my left kidney removed 4 weeks ago and need to go in and have a partial on my right kidney in a few weeks. This makes for a busy summer. I went in for an upper GI last week to find out I now have esophageal cancer not related to the kidney cancer.…
Has anyone ever heard of Virotherapy?
http://www.news-medical.net/health/Virotherapy-What-is-Virotherapy.aspx http://www.news-medical.net/health/Virotherapy-What-is-Virotherapy.aspx