Just a vent

K93 Member Posts: 33 Member

My ultrasound, blood work, and urinalysis is coming up and I'm a wreck. I'm so anxious. Recently went to the hospital for a severe bladder infection, had an ultrasound of both kidneys and ER doctor didn't mention anything new about cysts. 

the words maybe slightly complicated are eating away at me right now. 


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Fill in your bio

    That way we can try abd help you.






  • eug91
    eug91 Member Posts: 471 Member
    edited May 2021 #3
    scanxiety is real

    The anxious worrying is normal. We all go through it. 

    Stay positive. You can do it. And remember that the entire annual scan/bloodwork/check process is a GOOD THING that will only increase your odds of being alive for a long time. 

    You've got this! 

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 619 Member
    You're going through a

    You're going through a natural reaction to what, based on your join date, will be your first set of scans and various tests.  The day of my first follow-up CT scan, I was literally shaking when they got me on the table.  Over time, the anxiety lessens, but the reality is that it never goes away.  I'm five years out from my surgery for a very small lesion.  Most days, I never even think about it.  But every once in a while, a stray thought pops in and rattles around my otherwise empty brain and the "what if" thoughts start.  It's human nature.  I can get them to go away when I remember I had/have some of the best docs in the world watching out for me.

  • K93
    K93 Member Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you! I just want to

    Thank you! I just want to know.  I didn't really think much of it until recently when I got closer to the date. At this point, I just want to know if it's simple or more worrisome. 

  • K93
    K93 Member Posts: 33 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Fill in your bio

    That way we can try abd help you.






    How do I do that? 

    How do I do that? 

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 619 Member
    edited May 2021 #7
    K93 said:

    How do I do that? 

    How do I do that? 

    Click About Me up above and

    Click About Me up above and it will take you through it.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    A little puzzled

    Whu aren't they fpllowing the large cydt as well.






  • K93
    K93 Member Posts: 33 Member
    icemantoo said:

    A little puzzled

    Whu aren't they fpllowing the large cydt as well.






    It is simple, but one thing

    It is simple, but one thing About it is that it has grown an inch in less than a couple of months. I recently went to a urologist for frequent utis and there was no mention of my cysts. I'm not familiar with cyst. I get a lot of conflicting information. Apperantly, it's rare for a cyst to be cancer and that they are more common in older people. I'm 28. According to my Neph some people just get them, and that's me. neother My neph or GP were concerned about either of them, not even the maybe slightly complicated one. 

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited May 2021 #10
    K93 said:

    It is simple, but one thing

    It is simple, but one thing About it is that it has grown an inch in less than a couple of months. I recently went to a urologist for frequent utis and there was no mention of my cysts. I'm not familiar with cyst. I get a lot of conflicting information. Apperantly, it's rare for a cyst to be cancer and that they are more common in older people. I'm 28. According to my Neph some people just get them, and that's me. neother My neph or GP were concerned about either of them, not even the maybe slightly complicated one. 

    See an Urologist as well/

    One  that specialises in Kidney Cancer.








  • K93
    K93 Member Posts: 33 Member
    edited May 2021 #11
    icemantoo said:

    See an Urologist as well/

    One  that specialises in Kidney Cancer.








    As of right now nothing is

    As of right now nothing is confirmed. just that I'm prone to kidneg cysts, and they are being monitored. I have one maybe slightly complicated that I am hoping goes simple 

  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 242 Member
    edited May 2021 #12

    Hi k93, I agree with everything Bay Area Guy, eug, and iceman said - the early scans, the waiting, the not knowing, are anxiety producing - especially for someone so young. I also agree with finding a urologist (I am lucky to have urologist, surgeon, kidney cancer specialist all rolled into one.) I also have a cyst on my one kidney and don't think about it too much until scans approach (mine are coming up in  less than three weeks). The doc never seems real concerned about that cyst, so I try to take the same attitude. Fear will come and go, and I hope for you it will lessen with time. Waiting to hear how things go and wishing you best results... Take care ~

  • K93
    K93 Member Posts: 33 Member
    jazzgirl said:


    Hi k93, I agree with everything Bay Area Guy, eug, and iceman said - the early scans, the waiting, the not knowing, are anxiety producing - especially for someone so young. I also agree with finding a urologist (I am lucky to have urologist, surgeon, kidney cancer specialist all rolled into one.) I also have a cyst on my one kidney and don't think about it too much until scans approach (mine are coming up in  less than three weeks). The doc never seems real concerned about that cyst, so I try to take the same attitude. Fear will come and go, and I hope for you it will lessen with time. Waiting to hear how things go and wishing you best results... Take care ~

    Thank you. I was referred to

    Thank you. I was referred to a urologist by my nephrologist due to frequent UTI's. I have an appointment in August, and I sill mention it again then. The urologist didn't mention my cysts at all, which now has me a little worried 

  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 242 Member
    edited May 2021 #14

    Hi again - Another suggestion is to write down your questions for that August appointment. There is so little time in most appointments and it's easy to lose track due to anxiety, feeling rushed, etc. Think about your questions ahead of time, be specific and write down the answers - ask the doc to repeat it in "regular language" if it's not clear. My doc sometimes draws little pictures for me, which is helpful when I look back at my notes. Hope it goes as well as possible. Take care ~

  • AliceB1950
    AliceB1950 Member Posts: 244 Member
    edited June 2021 #15
    I have one doctor who seems

    I have one doctor who seems nice and capable but he's not very good at communicating. But he has a physician's assistant who is WONDERFUL at explaining things and is willing (or able) to spend more time with me. See if your doctor's office has a PA or a nurse practitioner for those explanatory talks.

  • K93
    K93 Member Posts: 33 Member

    Sorry it's taken me so late to reply. 
    had my scan, and all that fun stuff. The cyst turned out to be simple, and another one has grown. So, they are thinking it's PKD. I find out in December. 

    unfortunately, I'll be swinging by the bladder cancer board because I didn't get great news from the urologists office today, I'll need that bladder camera thing because cells may have been detected in my urine. So, may have found out answers for one, but it's gonna be a while I guess. 


    thank you all so much! I appreciate you all! Hang in there!